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Nervous System
Master control and communication of the body and carries messages from brain to rest of the body
A thing or an event that evokes a specific reaction in a organ and tissue
Sensory Input
Monitor changes inside & outside the body
Process & interpret Sensory input & decide if action is needed (the thinking part)
Motor Output
A response to integrated stimuli
Central Nervous System (CNS)
Brain & Spinal Cord
Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)
Outside the brain & spinal cord
Sensory/Afferent Divison
Nerve Fibers that carry information to the Central Nervous System
Motor/Efferent Divison
Nerve Fibers that carry information away from the Central Nervous System
Somatic Nervous System
Also called Voluntary
Automatic Nervous System
Also called Involuntary
Supporting Cells
Cells are Nonconductive and support the nuerons
Nerve Cells
Nerve Glue CNS cells that are grouped together supports, insulates, protect neurons
Shorter branch extension of nerve cell that conduct impulses toward cell body
Long threadlike part of nerve cell that conducts impulsed away from cell body
Axon Terminal
Vesicles with neurotransmitters & end of axon
Association site between neurons have a gap between impulses pass by
Myelin Sheath
Tight coil of wrapped membranes enclose the axon
White Matter
Myelinated fibers (axons) throughout CNS
Gray Matter
Contains unmyelinated fibers & cell bodies
A rapid response to stimulus & involuntary
Paired cerebral Hemisphere collectively, most anterior part of the brain
Ridge or fold between two clefts of the Cerebral Surface in the brain
Groove or furrow especially one and is one the surface of the brain
Deeper grooves seperate one lobe from another
Roundish & flattish part which is typically divides fissure/sulci with two or more parts
Cerebral Cortex
Outer layer of your brain's surface, located on top of the cerebrum
Corpus Callosum
Large fiber tract that connect to Cerebral Hemisphere
Part of the brain at the back of skull in vertebraes and is coordinates and regulate muscular activity
Inter brain that sits atop of brain stem containing Epithalamus, Thalamus, Hpyothalamus, Ventral Thalamus, Third Ventricle
Small part of the brain stem from Mamillary bodies to Pons inferiorly (by nuclei to have)
Brain Stem
Produced programmed automatic behavior necessary to survival
Three connective tissue membrane covering and protecting the CNS structure
Dura Mater
Outermost layer double layered membrane and surrounds the brain
Arachnoid Mater
Middle meningal layer and weblike
Pia Mater
Innermost membrane changes into brain & spinal cord following every fold and thinnest
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)
A Watery broth with componets similar to blood plasma from which it forms
Spinal Cord
Glistining white continuation of brain stem, major reflex center
Cranial Nerves
Nerves that serve Head & Neck 12 pairs
Spinal Nerves
Nerve in Dorsal & Ventral roots fused 31 pairs
Sympathetic Divison
Mobilizes during extreme situations (Such as fear, exercise, or rage)
Parasympathetic Divison
Allows the body to “unwind” & conserve energy