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Classical Conditioning
The type of learning in which a response naturally elicited by one stimulus becomes to be elicited by a different formally neutral stimulus; Pavlov and Watson; UCS, UCR, CS, CR
Operant Conditioning
The type of learning in which behaviors are emitted to earn rewards or avoid punishments; B.F. Skinner; Reinforcement and Punishment
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS)
A stimulus that invariably causes an organism to responds in a specific way
Unconditioned Response (UR)
A response that takes place in an organisms whenever an unconditioned stimulus occurs
Conditioned Stimulus (CS)
An originally neutral stimulus that is paired with an unconditioned stimulus an eventually produces the desired response in an organism when presented alone.
Conditioned Response (CR)
After conditioning, the response an organism produces when only a conditioned stimulus is presented.
If it has a ‘__’ in front of it, it must be a natural stimulus or response
The ____ and CS should be the same (2 letter S)
The _____ and CR should be the same (R’s)
Example of Classical Conditioning
John is 3 years old and always loves playing with balloons. One day John was playing with a red balloon and it popped. The loud noise upset him and he cried. Ever since that day, whenever he sees a red balloon, he starts to cry.
Neutral Stimulus (NS): The red balloon (initially does not cause crying).
Unconditioned Stimulus (UCS): The loud noise from the popping balloon (naturally triggers an upset response).
Unconditioned Response (UCR): Crying in response to the loud noise (a natural reaction).
Conditioned Stimulus (CS): The red balloon (after being associated with the loud noise).
Conditioned Response (CR): Crying in response to seeing the red balloon (learned response after the loud noise incident).
NS: The thin mints (currently unaffected)
UCS: The scary movie (causes the 1st response)
UCR: Feeling scared because of the movie (1st response)
CS: The thin mints (affected- now being associated with the scary movie)
CR: Feeling scared because of the thin mints (affected)
Whenever you see a scary movie, you always eat a box of thin mints. Now you find that just seeing thin mints makes you feel scared.
Identify the NS, UCS, UCR, CS, and CR
adding something to the situation (can be good or bad)
removing something from the situation (can be good or bad)
Increases/strengthens behavior
Decrease behavior
Positive reinforcement
(adds something to the situation that increases/strengthens behavior) Ex: Giving you money for every A you get on Report card, encourages you to get more
Positive Punishment
(adds something to the situation that decreases behavior) Ex: Giving a ticket to stop you from speeding in the future (ADMINISTERING a bad stimulus)
Negative reinforcement
(removes something from the situation to increase behavior) Ex: Fastening seatbelt to turn off beeping noise
Negative punishment
(removing something from the situation that decreases behavior) Ex: Taking away driver’s license to decrease drunk driving (taking away something good)
Positive Reinforcement
Lindsay wasn’t doing well in her 6th grade math class. Her teacher told her parents that Lindsay handed in less than 50% of her assignments. Her parents told Lindsay that any day on which she did not hand in her homework she would be sent to bed right after dinner. As a result of this threat, Lindsay has handed in her assignment 97% of the time.
Negative Punishment
After Cassie flirted with someone else at the party, her boyfriend stopped talking to her. Cassie didn’t flirt at the next party.
Positive Punishment
Embarrassing a student for giving a wrong answer.
Negative Punishment
A patient in a mental hospital is very disruptive at mealtimes. She grabs food from the plates of those sitting near her and tries to cram the food into her mouth. Because this behavior of stealing food is very undesirable and needs to stop immediately, a plan is developed whereby every time the patient steals food from other plates, she is immediately taken to a room without food.
Fixed Ratio
10 coffees get 1 free (fixed number)
Variable Ratio
Reinforcement after an unknown number of behaviors
Fixed Interval
Every Tuesday is discount Day (fixed time/day)
Variable Interval
Reinforcement after a random amount of time
Fixed Interval
Honor roll is announced every 9 weeks and prizes are given out.
Variable Ratio
Slot machines at casinos payoff after a random number of plays.
Fixed Ratio
You get a nickel for every pop can that you return.
Variable Interval
Sometimes the mail is delivered at 1:00, sometimes at 3:00.