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skeletal muscle movement is done by
thick filaments (myosin) and thin filaments which is actin
sarcomeres are surrounded by
beta actin filaments
when the muscle contracts the thick and thin filaments come together making the ____ shorter
thick filament is made of a lot of ___ ___ and are all independent from each other
myosin heads
when there is a contraction of the muscle the _____ (btwn actin and myosin) is smaller
H zone
Describe the myosin cycle
cross-bridge formation
Pi released
power stroke; myosin undergoes a conformational change
ADP is released
ATP binds myosin, causing detaching of myosin from actin; cross brodge dissociates
ATP hydrolysis occurs cocking myosin
regulation of contraction is done by
___ sits on top of actin and blocks where myosin is going to bind
Describe the regulation of contraction of the skeletal muscle
TnT is bound directly to tropomyosin. once there is high amounts of calcium, the calcium will bind to TnC and that will cause a conformational change. the tropomyosin will moved away from binding site and myosin can bind now.
smooth muscle is made of
intermediate filaments
the regulation of smooth muscle does not have
describe the regulation of smooth muscle
calcium ions triggered by nerve impulse or hormonal signal go into the cytosol
calcium bonding activates
calmodulin binds myosin light-chain kinase and activates it
myosin light-chain kinase phosphorylates myosin light chains and myosin is activated
dephosphorylation happens right after it’s phosphorylated
forward cell motility is done by
microfilaments polymerization
backward cell motility is done by
motor protein
epithelial cells attach to a basement membrane of extracellular matrix on base of their
basolateral membrane
T or F connective tissue forms a lot of cell-cell attachments
F. It does not
Most connective tissue cells make extensive contact with their
extracellular matrix
cell-cell junction types
tight, gap, adherens and desmosomes
cell-cell junctions are used for
recognition, communication and attachment
tight junction is done by the transmembrane
___ forms a barrier between cells and defines interior and exterior of the epithelial cells
T or F the tight junctions on the epithelial cells allow for transport between the cells
F. it does not allow it
gap junctions are found in the
cardiac muscle
the intercalated disks in the cardiac muscle is made of a lot of
gap junctions
___ ___ allow for soluble molecules filled with water to pass through
gap junctions
___ are transmembrane proteins interacting with each other
ex: cadherins to cadherins
the interaction between cadherins is ___ dependent
cadherins bind to catenins p120, alpha and beta which binds to
desmosomes are transmembrane proteins in adjacent cells that interact with each other. they are called
desmosomal cadherins
2 types of desmosomal cadherins are
desmocollin and desmoglein
the desmosomal cadherins attach to catenins which bind to
intermediate microfilaments
3 types of catenins are
plakophilin, plakoglobin and desmoplakin
connective tissue is made of
loose, dense, cartilage, bone and blood
fibroblast make
loose and dense connective tissue
chondrocytes make
matrix is made of proteoglycans which have many o-linked polyssaccharides called
most of the amino sugar in glycosmainoglycans have a __ group attached
Because glycosaminoglycans have sulfate attached that attracts a sodium which attracts
collagen provides high-tensile strength and is organized into
fibrils and sheets
fibronectin are produced by alternate splicing of the
fribronectin possesses multiple binding sites for other components of the ECM which help cell
laminin has multiple ___ ___ for other ECM components
binding sites
the cell- ECM junctions are
hemidesmosomes, focal adhesions, and costameres
integrins are transmembrane heterodimers capable of binding ECM proteins such as
fibronectin or laminin
integrins bind directly to ___ ___ in the cytosol
cytoskeletal proteins
different combinations of ___ and ___ subunits provide different binding specificities
alpha, beta
integrins anchor and make the framework more ___
focal adhesions are found in motile cells such as ___ and non-epithelial cells
focal adhesions is a cluster of integrins that bind ___, ___, _____ and bind directly to microfilament bundles
talin, viculin and alpha actin
focal adhesions provide attachment points between ___ ___ the responsible for movement and the surrounding tissue
cytoskeletal proteins
hemidesmosomes are found in ____ cells as they attach to extracellular matix
hemidesmosomes are a cluster of ___ and ____ bind to plakins which bind directly to intermediate filaments
integrins, BPAG2
hemidesmosomes provide strong connections in ___ and ___ ____
skin, mucus membrane
lectins are proteins that bind to
____ mediate attachment between leukocytes and vascular endothelial cells and the leukocytes migrate along the wall of the blood
inflammatory mediators trigger the leukocytes to adhere more strongly using ___ attaching immunoglobulin-like Cell Adhesion Molecules
when the leukocytes are attached to integrins, they are able to
squeeze though and migrate toward the site of inflammation
Costameres are found in
striated muscle cells
costameres are located on the ___ in alignment with Z discs
Costameres connect contractile proteins in the muscle cells directly with _____ ____ and with the surrounding extracellular matrix
plasma membrane
integrins and dystroglycans bind ___, ____, ___ plus ____ which directly bind microfilaments
talin, vinculin and alpha actinin plus dystrophin
dystroglucan also bind laminin
if there is a mutation on dystroglycan it will cause
muscle dystrophy