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Coup d'etat
A sudden overthrow of the government by a small group
the process of creating a government elected by the people
A process of transition as a country attempts to move from an authoritarian form of government to a democratic one.
the spread of representative government to more countries and the process of making governments more representative
Dual Mandate
the twin responsibilities of the Federal Reserve, to use monetary policy to ensure price stability and maintain full employment
In Nigeria and elsewhere, the notion that colonial powers had to rule on their own and through local leaders at the same time.
a central bank mandate that features two co-equal objectives: price stability and maximum employment
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
The West African regional organization, including 15 member countries from Cape Verde in the west to Nigeria and Niger in the east.
Established in 1975,its goals are to strengthen and broaden the economies in the region through the removal of trade barriers among its members, freedom of movement for citizens, and monetary cooperation
The organization established in 1975 among the 16 governments in West Africa. Its goals are to strengthen and broaden the economies in the region through the removal of trade barriers among its members (such as import quotas and domestic content laws), freedom of movement for citizens, and monetary cooperation.
Federal Executive Council (FEC)
Leadership of the first Nigerian republic.
Leading civilian civil servants that governed the country during the first military rule
federal character
A principle that recognizes people of all ethnicities, religions, and regions. Takes their needs into account. Senators represent diverse states. President must receive 25% of vote in 2/3 of regions. Negative effect of bloating bureaucracy with corruption. Based on "national question" going unanswered.
enshrined in Nigeria's Constitution since 1979, seeks to ensure that appointments to public service institutions fairly reflect the linguistic, ethnic, religious, and geographic diversity of the country
goal of NOM (national orientation movement under Banangida)= to build federal character
federalism (in Nigeria)
- First introduced with three regions, and has now evolved into thirty-six states
- For most of Nigerian history, federalism hasn't really been a true division of power because of repressive military rule or concentration of wealth
- Creates another level of officials to be corrupt, and puts power locally into ethnocentric majority groups that can trample on the rights of minorities
- For example, Shari'ah law and the resulting violence
-have constitutional division of authority, uniformity of powers, regionally elected officials and the upper house of the central legislature bring based on representation.
-have a struggle for preferment from the central government
-coexists with serious ethnic tensions in a country which is poor and has an uncertain democratic process
-in an attempt to mollofy ethnci tensions yet still remain one nigerian leaders set up a federalist state
-theoretically power is shared bu military president idid not allow the sub govts to fucntion with any separate soveringty
the largest ethnic group that lives in northern Muslim Nigeria.
The leading Muslim group in northern Nigeria.
Nigeria's largest ethnic group
People whose lands were east of the Niger River in what is now southern Nigeria in West Africa; they built a complex society that rejected kingship and centralized statehood and relied on other institutions to provide social coherence.
Nigeria's third largest group who are mostly Christian. They are located in the southeast part of Nigeria. This group has many conflicts with the Yoruba and at one point they tried to become a independent nation.\
a member of the largest ethnic group in southeastern Nigeria
Import substitution
a government policy that uses trade restrictions and subsidies to encourage domestic production of manufactured goods
manufacturing goods locally to replace imports
A mercantilist strategy for economic growth in which a country restricts imports in order to spur demand for locally produced goods
independent National Electoral Commission (INEC)
Governmental organization created in 1998 and tasked with overseeing elections, notoriously ineffective until recently.
an independent election-regulation agency in Nigeria, in place since the advent of the Fourth Republic, that has been accused by critics of weighing its decisions in favor of the government in many elections
As part of its democratic transition, Nigeria created this independent election commission. Goal = to reduce voter fraud and manipulation and enhance electoral competition. (Mexico also has an independent election commission)
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
an international organization that acts as a lender of last resort, providing loans to troubled nations, and also works to promote trade through financial cooperation
International institution set up to maintain order in the international monetary system
an institution established in 1944 that provides loans and facilitates international monetary exchange
middle belt
Ethnically mixed region of central Nigeria where the capital, Abuja, was built.
A region in the center of the country where no single ethnic group or religion dominates
area contains smaller ethnic groups, characterized by a mix of Muslims and Christians
military rule
Rule by one or more military officials, often brought to power through a coup d'Ă©tat.
when the military directly intervenes in the politics of an unstable government to solve the current problems; usually involves a coup d'etat; often restricts civil rights and liberties, keep political parties from forming and elections from taking place; can go in many different directions: democracy, authoritarian, or another coup
A nondemocratic rule in which the military intervenes directly in politics as the organization that can solve the problems.
Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC)
The state-run oil company in Nigeria
oil corporation through which the federal government of Nigeria regulates and participates in the country's petroleum industry
Petroleum production and exploration occurs under a joint venture between multi-national corporations and the Nigerian federal government.
industry partially owned by the state
a government-owned corporation to compensate for the lack of private economic development or to ensure complete and equitable service to the whole country (can be anything from a national airline or a railroad to a postal system or manufacturing and marketing operations)
Companies owned or controlled by the state in the third world.
patron-client politics
An informal aspect of policy-making in which a powerful patron offers resources such as land, contracts, protection, or jobs in return for the support and services of lower-status and less powerful clients; corruption, preferential treatment, and inequality are characteristic of clientelist politics.
political support in return for favors (Mexico)
a mutual arrangement between a person that has authority, social status, wealth, or some other personal resource (patron) and another who benefits from their support or influence (client).
People's democratic party (PDP)
Political party that has dominated Nigerian politics since its formation in 1998; its base was originally the Hausa Muslim ethnic group of northern Nigeria
the party in power in Nigeria from the beginning of the Fourth Republic (1999-2015); now the main opposition party to the government
The current ruling party in Nigeria.
Supreme Military Council (SMC)
A title used during the two most important periods of military rule in Nigeria.
World Bank
A specialized agency of the United Nations that makes loans to countries for economic development, trade promotion, and debt consolidation. Its formal name is the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.
an international bank that offers low-interest loans, advice, and information to developing nations
a United Nations agency created to assist developing nations by loans guaranteed by member governments
A West African people who formed several kingdoms in what is now Benin and Southern Nigeria.
The leading ethnic group in southwestern Nigeria.
Ethnic group largely confined to southwest Nigeria whose members are divided among Christian, Muslim, and local animist faiths.
"Rule by theft," where those in power seek only to drain the state of assets and resources
a state where corruption is so institutionalized that politicians and bureaucrats siphon off a huge percentage of a country's wealth
rule by thieves