Criminal behavior
any act that goes against the law of the land.
Social construct
society determines what is considered criminal behaviour, so it can change over time and place.
Deviation from norms
crime is when an act or behaviour goes against what is expected in society.
Role of culture
collective set of norms that determines a way of life for a group of people.
is measured using self-report methods, which may not be reliable.
Role models/modelling
people we look up to and respect who model behaviour for us.
we decide we want to be like these people.
we pay attention to their behaviours and retain them in our memory.
we recall these behaviours and copy them. Self-efficacy (belief in ourselves).
observe someone being rewarded or punished for a behaviour
get rewarded or punished ourselves for a behaviour
the behaviour becomes part of us and no longer needs to be reinforced for it to continue.
Criminal personality
personality traits associated with people who commit crimes. Something that is inherited through genetic inheritance and innate (born with it).
how outgoing an individual is (Criminals are often extroverts as they need a lot of stimulation from the environment and are often thrill-seekers.)
how anxious/emotional an individual is (Criminals are often neurotic as they don’t easily learn from mistakes).
how impulsive/aggressive an individual is (Criminals are often psychotic as they are aggressive and impulsive).
Cerebral cortex
becomes hungry for stimulation which is then gained from criminal behaviour.
Dopamine reward system
neural network that is responsible for people experiencing pleasure.
Dopaminergic neurons
too many neurons cause overproduction of dopamine which leads to less inhibition of impulses during synaptic transmission (process where neurotransmitters are released by presynaptic neuron and bind to and activate the receptors of postsynaptic neurons).
negative consequences to certain behaviours that aim to reduce the chance of these behaviours happening again. E.g. prisons, fines and community sentences
something that reduces the likelihood of a crime being committed.
promoting pro-social behaviour and teaching social skills.
Restorative justice
rehabilitating offenders by giving them the choice to be aware of the consequences of their actions, e.g. being introduced to their victims and seeing the effect their crime has had).