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Old definition
according to this definition, science is an organized body of knowledge, wisdom, & experiences about the natural & physical world.
Pawilen, 2006
in this definition, science evolves to include attitudes, processes, and skills through w/c
science as a body of knowledge is formed.
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (2004)
Science is the observation, identification, description, experimental investigation, &
theoretical explanation of natural phenomena.
Snir et al. (2003),
According to _____ science is characterized as An ongoing theoretical dialogue w/ nature, in w/c
scientists have developed successively more powerful models to account for a wider range of
reasoning skills
This shows that the focus of science is to develop ____ to understand nature
Cobern (1993)
For _____, science in a broader cultural sense is also a way of understanding the world & human interactions with it.
Waters and Diezmann (2003)
For _____, science is a human endeavor within which people try to make sense of the environment and a worldview that is built around practices that purport to guide the individual
towards a personal understanding.
Gribbin (2003)
For ____, from a historical perspective, also defines science as: An intellectual as well as a social activity carried out by humans in their pursuit to have a better understanding of the natural world.
Cajete (1999)
____, science as a cultural as well as individual process of thoughts
Bybee (1997), Thier and Daviss (2002)
________, science in relation to scientific literacy that includes: processes, skills, concepts, and the ability to communicate ideas based on reason
Lind (1997)
____, it is a process of finding out a system for organizing and reporting discoveries
Scott et al. (2007)
___, science is a form of social language developed by the scientific community.
Bakhtin (1993)
Social language-adapted from _____- Science is a form of conversation curious to a certain stratum of society within a system at a given time.
It is an ____. It comprises ideas, beliefs, theories, and all systematic reasons and observations on the natural & physical world.
Personal and Social Activity
It is a ______. It includes activities of human
beings to acquire better understanding of the world.
Intellectual Activity
It is an _____ It incorporates a methodical & applied study of the natural & physical world that involves observation & experimentation.
Course or Field of Study.
It is a ______. It is a subject in basic education, a discipline or a field of study in higher education that deals with the process of teaching & learning about the natural and physical world. This is what we call as school science.
16th-18th century
Scientific Revolution commenced in early ______ in Europe.
Scientific Revolution is the period of ___
Curiosity, Critical Thinking, and Creativity
describe the Scientists in three C’s
Scientific Revolution
Is a golden age for the people committed to principles of science.
a scientists passion to know scientific knowledge
a scientists passion to discover scientific discoveries and theories
Critical Thinking
A scientists eagerness to share technology
Nicolas Copernicus
He proposed the heliocentric model of the universe, placing the Sun at the center.
Nicolas Copernicus
His book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres is often cited as the beginning of the Scientific Revolution.
Charles Darwin
He developed the theory of evolution by natural selection.
The Origin of Species
Charles Darwin’s famous book, ____, provided evidence for the process of evolution.
Sigmund Freud
He introduced psychoanalysis as a method to understand human behavior.
Charles Darwin
His ideas challenged the religious belief that humans were specially created by God.
Sigmund Freud
His work influenced various fields, including philosophy, literature, and psychotherapy.
Sigmund Freud
He suggested that human development is influenced by unconscious desires and childhood experiences.
Nicolas Copernicus
His model of the solar system was initially rejected by the Catholic Church.
Charles Darwin
His theory explained how species adapt and change over time through natural selection.
Mayan Civilization
This Mesoamerican civilization developed a number system based on 20 and introduced the concept of zero.
Incan Civilization
This ancient civilization in the Americas created an advanced road system and suspension bridges.
The Incas developed this system of knotted ropes to record information, such as taxes and census data.
Aztec Civilization
This Mesoamerican civilization invented the chinampa, a form of agriculture using floating gardens.
This civilization developed Ayurveda, one of the world's oldest systems of traditional medicine..
This ancient Indian mathematician introduced trigonometric functions and algebra in his book Aryabhatiya.
This ancient civilization is credited with inventing paper, gunpowder, the compass, and printing.
Ibn al-Haytham
This Muslim scientist, known as the "Father of Optics," provided empirical proof for the intromission theory of light.
This Middle Eastern mathematician’s name led to the term "algorithm" and contributed to the development of algebra.
Ancient Egypt
This African civilization was known for its early use of geometry, which helped in building pyramids and measuring land.