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Drainage basin
  - An open system draining water from Earth's surface.
  - Unique in shape, size, rock type, relief, and land use.
List five features of a drainage basin.
Watershed, source, confluence, tributary, mouth.
What are the four processes of river erosion?
Hydraulic action - The force of the water, which removes material from the bed and banks of the river
abrasion - When the materials carried by the river scrape away the banks and bed
attrition - When the material being carried by the river hits each other, the pieces become rounder and smaller
corrosion (solution) - When rocks are dissolved in slightly acidic water
Vertical and lateral erosion
Vertical erosion: Increases depth (upper course).
Lateral erosion: Increases width (middle/lower course).
What are the four processes of transportation?
- Traction: Rolling large materials.
  - Saltation: Bouncing smaller materials.
  - Suspension: Carrying lighter materials in flow.
  - Solution: Dissolving materials in water.
What causes deposition in rivers?
  - Reduced discharge (low rainfall or upstream abstraction).
  - Decreased gradient, slower flow, river entering sea/ocean.