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race definition
traits that are shared genetically
ethnicity definition
a learned cultural tradition from a particular homeland or hearth
racism definition
belief that different races produce a different level of superiority
racist definition
subscriber to racism
Is hispanic considered a race?
the two largest hispanic groups in the u.s. trace their ancestry to what two places?
mexico and puerto rico
are african americans and hispanics more or less likely to live in urban areas than other ethnicities?
more likely
emancipation proclamation
was in 1863 and did NOT free the slaves
13th amendment
in 1865 and freed the slaves
14th amendment
explained that no state can deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws
Whereas african americans migrated to the u.s. due to migration; hispanics and asians migrated to the u.s. due to _ migration
forced; great
push pull factors of african americans migration to northern cities
push: jim crow laws, pull: possible jobs
from 1910-1950 did african american urban population increase or decrease?
greatly increased
white flight examples
race based discrimination
was blockbusting legal or illegal?
plessy vs ferguson importance
established jim crow laws and the separate but equal doctrine
brown vs board of education importance
ended the segregation of different raced school in the u.s.
physical separation of races in south africa
when were apartheid laws repealed?
nelson mandela importance
leader and first president of south africa
in what 4 countries are the majority of Kurds found?
southeastern turkey, northwestern iran, northern iraq, northern syria
nationality definition
people who share a legal attachment to a particular country
genocide definition
a large killing of people to eliminate a tribe or group
nationalism definition
the degree of loyalty that one has for a nationality
nation-state definition
state whose territory corresponds to that occupied by a particular ethnicity that has been transformed into a nationality
ethnic cleansing
removal of an ethnic group from a specific territory
self-determination definition
ethnicities that have the right to govern themselves
the process by which a state breaks down through conflicts among its ethnicities
ethnoburb definition
suburban areas with a cluster of a particular ethnic population
sharecropper definition
crop lein system
ethnic enclave definition
neighborhoods that have clustered distributions of ethnic populations
what caused the break-up of yugoslavia?
the death of their previous leader tito
explain the conflict in rwanda
tutsis were given power over the hutus because they had more white european traits
¨jim crow laws¨ is to the u.s. as __ is to south africa
de jure
split of india… why? migration patterns? basis for creation of pakistan?
happened after british ended their colonial rule; people from them opposing side would migrate to opposing side; ethnicity
line of control in Kashmir
seperated pakistan and india
explain the conflict in darfur
the black christian minority rebelled
explain ethnic change of Detroit
the black population continued to increase
berlin conference of 1885
tried to divide africa (scramble for africa)
explain the issues faced by the rohingya people of myanmar
more than 1 million were ethnic cleansed and they were stripped of citizenship
explain the conflict in kosovo
serbia claimed kosovo after the breakup of yugoslavia
which state of great britain has the greatest amount of autonomy?
where in the US do we see clustering in african americans?
where in the US do we see clustering in asians?
where in the US do we see clustering in hispanics?
where in the US do we see clustering in native americans?