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Instance variables
Set elementData to an array of default capacity
Set elementData to an array of param
int getRear()
If size equals 0 then there is no rear
Front index + the number of elements gives the rear—we subtract 1 because frontIndex is already an element
boolean Offer(E item)
ensure capacity can hold 1 more element
Get the rear index
Edge—If the list is empty we put item at front index
Normal case—we put item 1 after rear
E poll()
Store the element at front index
Set it to null
Increment front index—if next index is equal to capacity, out of bounds by 1
Edge case—if we removed the last element, fix front index
E peek()
Store the element at front index
Return that element without removal
boolean contains(Object o)
Linear time operation—start at front index
Iterate for each element in array—not null
Increment index each iteration—if it equals capacity, wrap around
boolean add(E e)
Send over to offer method
boolean remove(Object o)
Not supported—we don’t arbitrarily remove elements from a queue stack
boolean addAll(Collection<E> c)
Create iterator with collection
While iterator has next—send over next to offer
Object[] toArray()
Make a new object array
Linear time operation—start at front index
Iterate for each element in elementData—not null
Put that element index in new array
Increment index
void clear()
Linear time operation—start at front
Set each index to null—only necessary indices
Increment index
void ensureCapacity(int minCap)
Check if capacity is less than param capacity
Create a new capacity
Double check if it’s big enough
Make a new arrray of old array
Store front index—and set variable to 0
create new array with new capacity
Linear time operation—start at front of old array
QueueIterator class
Instance variable of number returned elements
Checks if size is greater than number of elements returned
Checks if there is a next element
Stores element at the index of—frontIndex plus number of elements returned
Increments and returns