Train up a child in the way he should go
Even when he is old he will not depart from it
The two will
Become one flesh
Be fruitful
And multiply
Till death do
Us part
Honour your
Father and mother
What God has joined together
Let no one separate
Children obey your parents
In the lord for this is right
He who spares
The rods hate his son
Anyone who marries a divorced woman
Has committed adultery
Flee from
Sexual immorality
Your body is a
Temple of the holy spirit
Women must remain
Silent in the churches
In the image of god he created
Them. Male and female he created them
He who fails to provide for his household
Has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever
You shall not lie with a male as
With a woman; it is an abomination
Marriage should be honoured by all
And the marriage bed kept pure
Love covers over a
Multitude of sins
It is good for a man not to
Have sexual relations with a woman
Blessed are the pure
In heart for they will see god
It is not good for the man
To be alone. I will make a suitable helper for him
There is neither Jew nor gentile neither slave nor free nor is there male
And female for you are all one in Christ jesus
Wives submit yourselves to your hsubands
As you do to the lord
With the lord a day is like a thousand
Years and the thousand years are like a day
He is before all things and in him
All things hold together
All scripture is
God breathed
In the sight of
God wears all equal