origin: frontal and parietal bone
Insertion: coronoid process of the mandible
Function: elevates mandible
orbicularis oris
origin: maxilla and mandible
insertion: skin of lips
function: closes lips
orbicularis oculi
origin: medial bones for orbit and frontal bone
insertion: circumference of the eye
function: closes eye
zygomaticus major
origin: zygomatic bone
insertion: skin and muscles
function smiling
origin: maxilla
insertion: blended with orbicularis oris
function: cheek compression when you whistle
origin: sternum and clavicle
insertion: temporal bone
function: rotates and flexes neck
rectus abdominis
origin: pubis
insertion: sternum
function: compress abdomen
transversus abdominis
origin: costal margins- iliac crest
insertion: linea alba and pubic symphysis
function: supports your torso
deepest muscle in your abdomen
external oblique
origin: starts at ribs 5-12
insertion: iliac crest
function: rotates your hips
Internal Oblique
origin: iliac crest
insertion: 10-12 ribs
function: bends your back
serratus anterior
origin: muscle slips from certain ribs
insertion: coracoid process of scapula
function: rotates shoulder anteriorly, assists with inhalation
pectoralis major
origin: clavicle, sternum, cartilage of upper ribs, aponeurosis of external oblique
insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
functions: brings elbows together and helps with adduction of shoulder
origin: vertebrae c1-c7
insertion: scalene insertions of the ribs
function: elevates ribs
levator scapulae
origin: vertebrae c1-c4
insertion: medial border
function: elevates scapula
origin: vertebrae t1-t4
insertion: lateral third of the clavicle
function: moves shoulder girdle back
internal intercostal
origin: costal grooves of ribs
insertion: superior border of immediate rib below
function: helps with exhaling, supports the thoracic cage
origin: internal surfaces of ribs 7-12, vertebrae L1- L3
function: muscle used for breathing in
Latissimus dorsi
origin: vertebral part: T7-T12, costal part: ribs 9-12, posterior part of iliac crest
insertion: intertubecular part of humerus between pectoralis major and teres major
function: adduction and extension of shoulder joint and arm
origin: clavicle, trapezius, acromion
insertion: deltoid tuberosity of the humerus
function: lifts arms at shoulders
teres major
origin: posterior surface of the scapula
insertion: intertubercular of the humerus
function: helps with medial rotation of the shoulder
teres minor
origin: lateral border of dorsal scapular surface
insertion: greater tubercle of humerus
biceps brachii
origin: coracoid process, tubercle above glenoid cavity
insertion: radial tuberosity
function: bicep curl/flexing forearm
triceps brachii
origin: infra glenoid tubercle of scapula, posterior shaft of humerus
insertion: olecranon process of ulna
origin: lateral supracondular ridge at distal end of humerus
insertion: base of styloid process of radius
function stabilizes elbow during bicep curl motion
origin: superior iliac spine
insertion: medial tibia shaft
function: moves back of lower legs back when kneeling
origin: ischial ramus, body of pubis
insertion: medial surface of the tibia
function: moves back of lower legs towards buttocks
rectus femoris
origin: anterior inferior iliac spine
insertion: patella tibial tuberosity
function: helps your lower leg kick and rises knee
vastus lateralis
origin greater trochanter, interochanteric, linea aspera on the femur
insertion: patella, tibial tuberosity
function: rises knee and helps lower leg kick
vastus medialis
origin: linea aspera
insertion: patella, tibial tuberosity
function: helps your lower leg and rises knee
vastus intermedius