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What is ROP?
Rites of Passage is a spiritual, mental, and social transformation from one standpoint to the next.
Who are the founders of SISTUHS, Inc?
Akiba Jackson and Germaine Smith-Baugh
When was SISTUHS, Inc. founded?
December 3, 1992
When was the UF chapter of SISTUHS, INC. Re-charted?
When was the UF chapter of SISTUHS, Inc. founded?
Spring of 1998
What is the name of the brother organization of SISTUHS, Inc.?
Progressive Black Men, Incorporated
What does HOTEP mean?
Who wrote the SISTUHS song?
Vanessa Harrington
Who is allowed to say HOTEP?
ONLY the President, Parliamentarian or Presiding Officers
Elected Officers of the UF Chapter of SISTUHS
President - Brittany Barnes
Vice President - Janae Green
Secretary - Anne Eugene
Treasurer - Keyara Barnes
Parliamentarian - Asia Smith
What is the second acronym of SISTUHS?
Initiative. The action of taking the first step
What is the significance of the number 1? Give three examples.
One represents undivided unity and primacy
The first, the best, the only
It has no divisors, no factors, no components, and it is universal, whole, and complete
One is independent of all other numbers
There is one president
Representative of the Circle of Affirmation
When is the National Leadership Retreat held?
The national leadership retreat for chapter officers is held annually during May.
What objectives are associated with Spirituality?
What color is associated with Tenacity?
What does the color indigo represent? Give three examples.
The process of extracting indigo dye is quite complicated and involves a lot of labor
The plants are soaked in a vat or a sloping tank
Two or three people actually get into the tank and paddle the water continuously for two or three days
What color do you wear to the banquet?
Uninterrupted Black
What color is associated with Unity?
Recite the Creed
SISTUHS, Incorporated is an organization for women that was established to
foster the personal growth and development of African-American women. We
aim to encourage Strength, Initiative, Spirituality, Tenacity, Unity, Health, and
Substance through community service, education, political activism, and the
association of people. We aim to promote an environment amongst ourselves
that is conducive to learning our history and the role that we have played in it.
Thereby, providing a higher standard of dignity and pride amongst our Nubian
Queens, Kings, and our entire community.
Written by: Elizabeth Moore
When was Progressive Black Men, Incorporated founded?
November 27th, 1989
What is Progressive Black Men, Incorporated motto?
Collective knowledge, collective effort, collective strength (CKES)
What are the colors of Progressive Black Men, Incorporated?
Emerald Green and Black
Where was SISTUHS founded?
Florida State University
Name two of the Four Points of Perfection
1. Promoting Moral & Educational Guidance
2. Promoting Spiritual Growth
3. Presenting a positive image of African-American women and anything that positively enhances the survival and well-being of African-American Women
4. Develop local leadership to respond to community needs, particularly those of the African-American community.
What is the Circle of Affirmation?
Possible choices (pick one of these three options, you don't have to list all three)
1. The Circle, which has neither beginning nor end, is the figure symbolic of the number one.
2. The circle and its center, which is a point that can represent the center of the world, is the place of focus that unifies all the parts.
3. The sphere, the seed, and the nest symbolize the unit and eternity. As a circle is never-ending our love for our SISTUHS is never ending.
What is the first Acronym of SISTUHS?
Strength. Enduring a series of trials and tests
What is the significance of the number 12? Give three examples
Twelve(12) is the number of divine government
The Children of Israel were divided into 12 tribes and elected tribal leaders
In the New Testament Jesus chose himself 12 apostles
There are 12 stars on the SISTUHS emblem
Twelve is the number of choice and election
What color is associated with Strength?
What does the color green represent? Give three examples
Green is directly related to growth, fertility, and nature,which harnesses the power of life
Stability and Endurance
Growth and Hope
Wadj, the word for green, means to florish or be healthy
It is the most restful color for the human eye
What number is associated with Strength?
Who was Araminta Ross? What message does the life she led convey?
Harriet Tubman
Araminta Ross was born into slavery in 1819 (or1820), in Dorchester County, Maryland.
After freeing herself from slavery, Harriet returned to Maryland to rescue other members of her family.
Despite over $50,000 in bounty posted for hercapture, Harriet Tubman made 11 trips fromMaryland to Canada from 1852-1857.
In ten years Harriet rescued over 300 people and made 19 trips overall, never to lose a passenger.
In 1850 Harriet became an official "conductor" of the Underground railroad.
What objectives are associated with Strength?
2 & 5
What color is associated with Initiative?
What number is associated with Initiative?
What does the color purple represent? Give three examples.
Combines the stability of blue and the energy of red
Conveys wealth and extravagance
Purple is associated with dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic
Who was Madam CJ Walker? What message does the life she led convey?
Sarah Breedlove
Sarah Breedlove was born on December 23, 1867, in Delta, Louisiana as the first member of her family to be born free.
Sarah worked as a laundress for as little as $1.50 a day in order to educate her daughter.
When Sarah began to lose her hair, she had the idea for a line of hair care products.
She named her hair care products company Madam C.J. Walker Manufacturing Company
She would become one of the first African American women of any race or rank to become a millionaire through her own efforts.
What objectives are associated with Initiative?
6 & 9
Who is the Phenomenal Woman of the year?
Vice President Kamala Harris
National Board of Directors
National Directress - Jessica Kelly Silverio Tomlinson
Assistant Directress of Administration - Breanna Evans Taylor
Directress of Policy - Charmoin Thrasher
Director of Correspondence - Heather Rollinson
Director of Finance and Budget - Melkeya Horne
Director of Legislation - Ashanta Williamson
Director of Membership and Expansion - Kheyanna Suarez
Director of Programs - Dr. Latasia C. Jones
When is the National Conference held?
The national conference is held bi-annually in June at the discretion of the National Board of Directors and is open to all active members.
What is the third acronym of SISTUHS?
Spirituality. Focusing on the spirit, or the soul.
What number is associated with Spirituality?
What color is associated with Spirituality?
What is the significance of the number 7? Give three examples.
7 acronyms in SISTUHS
7 letters in the word Advisor
7 rays on the sun
Seven represents perfect completeness and rest. It is the number of rest and the cycle of rest in jubilee.
What does the color gold represent? Give three examples.
Gold is the color of the sun
Represents stability
Maintenance of the culture and the organization
The color stands for wisdom and intellect throughout the ages and represents a need to be responsible
What message does the life Deborah she led convey?
We meet Deborah during a dark time in Israel's history in the Book of Judges in chapters 4 and 5
As a prophetess she spoke on God's behalf
Deborah is the only woman who is both prophet and judge alongside two other men - Moses and Samuel
The only woman among the twelve judges in the Old Testament
Pronounced "most blessed of women" in Judges 5:24
In this male dominated culture, Deborah exercised authority collaboratively and as God guided her rather than through her own devices
The Hebrew word "Deborah" is often translated as 'bee'
What is the fourth acronym of SISTUHS?
Tenacity. Holding firmly
What number is associated with Tenacity?
What is the significance of the number 3? Give three examples.
In the number three, we have
- the first geometric figure
- a triangle
Three therefore represents that which is
- solid
- real
- substantial
- complete
- entire
Who was Mary Mcleod Bethune? What message does the life she led convey?
Mary Jane Mcleod
Mary Mcleod Bethune was born Mary Jane Mcleod on July 19, 1875, in Mayesville, South Carolina to freed slaves
From an early age, Mary Jane took an active interest in academics earning a scholarship to Scotia Seminary in Concord, North Carolina;
She would learn Greek, Latin, the Bible, and American Democracy.
Mary Jane would move to Florida to teach matters of the Head, Hands, and Heart.
She ran off a group of Ku Klux Klan members from her all-black-girls school after trying to intimidate her and her students.
She would later merge her school to co-found Bethune Cookman College, later named Bethune-Cookman University.
What objectives are associated with Tenacity?
4 & 7
What color attire do you wear to the induction ceremony?
Uninterrupted White
Name 5 committee chairs in SISTUHS, Inc.
Public Relations
Event Management
Community Service
Political Action
Princess of Substance
What is the fifth acronym of SISTUHS?
Unity; The state or quality of being in accord
What number is associated with Unity?
What is the significance of the number 2? Give three examples.
Two is unity - or one, plus another. It represents duality in its most basic form. Two is the first number by which we can divide another
2 Divisions
2 Founders
2 Primary Symbols
2 Primary Colors of SISTUHS, Inc
What does the color black represent? Give three examples.
Black absorbs all colors and is warm, although neutralized
Who was Sojourner Truth? What message does the life she led convey?
Isabella Baumfree
Sojourner Truth was born Isabella Baumfree (also spelled Bomefree) in 1797 onthe Colonel Johannes Hardenbergh estate in Swartekill, in Ulster County a Dutchsettlement in upstate New York.
Truth was one of the first most passionate female abolitionists for herself hadonce been a slave.
While a traveling preacher, Truth became famous for the speech "Ain't I A Woman?"
Truth was self-educated and would later be appointed to the National Freedman's Relief Association by Abraham Lincoln in 1864
Where she worked diligently to better conditions for African Americans.
Sojourner Truth was a powerful orator and worked her whole life for women's rights and anti-slavery movements.
What objectives are associated with Unity?
8 and 10
What is the sixth acronym of SISTUHS?
Health; physical, spiritual, and mental well-being
What number is associated with Health?
What color is associated with Health?
What is the significance of the number 5? Give three examples.
Five is associated to biological phenomena
5 toes
5 fingers
5 senses
5 appendages
Five is the number of freedom
Five Elected Officers:
-President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian
Five Pointed Star
What does the color red represent? Give three examples.
Red is the color of fire and blood
Desire and Love
Who was Hadiyah-Nicole Green? What message does the life she led convey?
One of the African American women to earn a Ph.D in Physics
She is currently an assistant professor at Morehouse School of Medicine in the Department of Surgery
Recipient of a $1.1 million grant from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Dr. Hadiyah Nicole Green developed a cancer treatment that uses lasers and nanotechnology to kill cancer in mice in just 15 days after single 10-minute treatment
She founded a non-profit organization; The Ora Lee Smith Cancer Research Foundation
She developed a 4-in-1 platform for early detection, imaging, targeting, and selective treatment
What objectives are associated with Health?