Environmental Science
AP Environmental Science
Unit 7: Atmospheric Pollution
Atmospheric Pollution
Air Pollution
Atmospheric CO2 and Particulates
Nitrogen Oxides
Carbon Monoxide
Peroxyacyl Nitrates
Sulfur Dioxides
Suspended Particulate Matter
Volcanic Organic Compounds
Thermal Inversion
Photochemical Smog
Air Pollutants
Acid Rain
Noise Pollution
Primary Pollutants
Emitted directly into the air
Secondary Pollutants
Result from primary air pollutants reacting together and forming new pollutants
Point source air pollution
It occurs when the contaminant comes from an obvious source
Non-point source air pollution
It occurs when the contaminant comes from a source that is not easily identifiable or from a number of sources spread over a large, widespread area
Criteria air pollutants
These are a set of eight air pollutants that cause smog, acid rain, and other health hazards and are typically emitted from many sources in the industry, mining, transportation, power generation, and agriculture
Industrial smog
Trends to be sulfur-based and is also called gray smog
Carbon monoxide (CO2)
It is a colorless, odorless, and tasteless gas that is slightly less dense than air, common from most combustion (esp vehicle exhaust), dangerous to human health
Lead (Pb)
Greyish material that accumulates in tissue, extremely dangerous to human health, found in older buildings
Nitrogen Oxide (NOx)
Comes from fossil fuel combustion and motor vehicles, respiratory irritant, forms photochemical smog and precursor to ozone
Ozone (O3)
When tropospheric (ground-level) it is a secondary air pollutant, formed from NOx and VOCs
Sulfuric Dioxide (SO2)
Comes from burning high sulfur coal, oil, power plants, respiratory irritant
Suspended particulate matter
Microscopic solid or liquid matter suspended in Earths atmosphere, causes respiratory distress and reduced visibility, #1 source is fires
Volcanic Organic Compounds (VOCs)
Organic chemicals that evaporate at atmospheric temperatures, forms ozone, comes from vehicles, improper combustion, and fossil fuel evaporation
Photochemical smog
LA smog, formed by photochemical oxidents (sunlight acting on compounds like NOx) and PM
Thermal inversions
These occur when air temperature rises with height instead of falling
Catalytic converter
It is an exhaust emission control device that converts toxic chemicals in the exhaust of an internal-combustion engine into less harmful substances
Acid deposition
It occurs when atmospheric chemical processes transform sulfur and nitrogen compounds and other substances into wet or dry deposits on Earth
Urban heat islands
It occur in metropolitan areas that are significantly warmer than their surroundings
Noise pollution
It is an unwanted human-created sound that disrupts the environment