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What are the behavioural characteristics of OCD ?
Compulsions are repetitive - e.g. hand washing feel compelled to repeat behaviour
Compulsions reduce anxiety - irrational anxiety compulsion attempt to reduce the anxiety e.g. hand washing for germs
Avoidance - keeping away from situations that tigger them/ the anxiety e.g. avoid coming into contact with germs
What are the emotional characteristics of OCD ?
Anxiety and distress - unpleasant emotional experience frightening and overwhelming anxiety urge to repeat behaviour
Accompanying depression - anxiety = low mood lack of enjoyment of activities
Guilt and disgust - e.g. over minor moral issues and disgust over something external or self
What are the cognitive characteristics of OCD ?
Obsessive thoughts - e.g. worrying about being contaminated by germs
Cognitive coping strategies - can manage anxiety but may make them seem abnormal to others
Insight into excessive anxiety - aware their compulsions are irrational- hypervigilant always aware
What are the biological explanations of OCD ?
Genetic - Lewis found that it was more common for an individual to have OCD if someone else in their family did or by the diathesis stress model that they have the gene and something triggers it. OCD seems to be polygenetic. Candidate genes increased vulnerability for OCD
Neural - role of serotonin normal transmission not take place low mood and then OCD for neurons in brain
Strength and limitation to Genetic explanation ?
Research support - Nestadt (2010) twin studies 68% of MZ twins shared OCD but only 31% of DZ twins. suggesting there must be some genetic influence
Environmental risk factor - Not entirely genetic in origin other factors e.g. traumatic life events so genetic is only partial explanation
Strength and limitation to Neural explanations for OCD ?
Research support - antidepressants work on serotonin and effective in reducing OCD symptoms
No unique neural system - serotonin - OCD link not unique to OCD. Many people with clinical depression also have OCD (co-morbidity) could be depression disrupting serotonin so may not be relevant to OCD
Biological approach to treating OCD ?
Drug therapy - decrease level of neurotransmitter in brain
SSRIs - antidepressant drug works on serotonin in brain by preventing reabsorption and breakdown so increase levels compensating for what is wrong with serotonin system in OCD takes 3 -4 mnth to have a effect can combine with CBT. Alternatives could be Tricyclics but more severe side effects SNRIs also increases noradrenaline levels
Strengths of SSRIs and drug therapy on OCD ?
evidence for effectiveness - Soomro et al compared SSRIs to placebos better outcome for SSRIs 70% reduced symptoms and the 30% can use alt drugs or other therapies
Cost-effective and non disruptive - cheaper than psychological therapy good for NHS and they don’t disrupt peoples live don’t need to go to a therapy session. Popular with many drs
What is one limitation to SSRIs and drug therapy for OCD?
serious side effects - e.g indigestion or blurred vision can be distressing for patient but are normally temporary for some can be longterm. Some people have a reduced quality of life as a result of taking them so cease to be effective if have to stop taking them.