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striae gravidarum
Stretch marks
Dermis tears while the epidermis remains intact
linea nigra
line going down center of stomach on skin
brownish patches on face
why do superficial blood vessels become more prominent during pregnancy
increased estrogen
what causes more hair growth and less hair loss in pregnancy
is their hair growth or hair loss postpartum
hair loss
treatment for acne and pigment changes due to pregnancy
gentle cleansers and sunscreen/protect face from sun
treatment for dry skin and itching related to hormonal changes
mild, moisturizing soap
avoid overly hot water
oral hydration
what thyroid disorders are at increased risk during pregnancy
hypo and hyperthyroidism
what semester does insulin need to start increasing
what adrenal hormone promotes lung and neurological development
what adrenal hormone retains sodium and helps with plasma volume expansion
what pituitary hormone helps with milk production
what pituitary hormone promotes uterine contractions
what pituitary hormone promotes milk ejection
respiratory alkalosis in pregnancy is caused by what
CO2 diffusing from fetal circulation to maternal circulation
O2 diffusing from maternal circulation to fetal circulation
why do ribs expand in pregnancy
to allow for an increase in oxygen consumption
what causes mucous membranes to be more vascular
increasing estrogen
how to treat shortness of breath in pregnancy
improve posture and light exercise
how to treat fatigue in pregnancy
encourage rest when possible
how to treat nasal congestion and epistaxis in pregnancy
Saline nasal sprays
Decongestants should be avoided
how much does cardiac output increase by during pregnancy
what can an increase in cardiac output during pregnancy lead to
miner hypertrophy of the heart
how much does total blood volume increase by during pregnancy
does RBC or plasma increase more in pregnancy
plasma - results in pseudoanemia
normal range for pregnancy Hematocrit
normal range for pregnancy Hemoglobin
how much do WBC increase during pregnancy
why do clotting factors increase during pregnancy
to prevent excess bleeding
does BP increase or decrease at the beginning of pregnancy
normal heart murmur sounds during pregnancy
Split S1, systolic murmur, 3rd heart sound, diastolic murmur
what causes vena cava syndrome in pregnancy
uterus compressing the vein
how to treat postural hypotension in pregnancy
avoid sitting or standing abruptly
avoid lying in supine
is edema common during pregnancy
how to treat edema during pregnancy
Avoid standing or sitting for long periods of time
Leg elevations
Side lying for increased venous return
Report sudden increase to provider, or unilateral leg edema
do varicosities increase or decrease later in pregnancy
how to treat varicosities during pregnancy
Avoid constipation
Witch hazel
Compression stockings
how much does blood flow increase through the kidneys during pregnancy
how much does globular filtration increase during pregnancy
is it uncommon for pregnant women to spill small amounts of glucose and protein into urine
urinary frequency/urgency during pregnancy
Hormones, uterine changes, and increased blood flow to kidneys
Do not limit fluid intake
Symptoms of UTI
urinary incontinence during pregnancy
41% have urine leakage when sneezing, coughing, and laughing
Kegel exercises
Crossing legs before stress
does the nipple and areola darken or lighten during pregnancy
from 16 weeks to 36 weeks, uterine centimeters should equal what
weeks gestation
hagar’s sign
softening of uterus
goodell’s sign
softening of vagina and cervix
chadwick’s sign
a bluish-purple discoloration of the cervix, vagina, and vulva
how to treat breast discomfort during pregnancy
Wear supportive well fitting bra
Sleep bra at night
Breast pads
where are braxton hicks’ contractions felt
when is vaginal discharge normal in pregnancy
when it occurs in the absence of bleeding, color change, odor, itching
arch in lower spine - common in pregnancy
what causes in a decreased stability in ligaments and joints
progesterone and relaxin increase
diastasis rectus
a separation of the rectus abdominis muscle
ways to treat lower back pain in pregnancy
Good lifting mechanics
Pelvic rocking/tilts
Physical therapy
ways to treat ligament pain in pregnancy
Stretching exercises
Bending forward when sneezing/laughing
ways to treat leg cramps in pregnancy
Avoid plantar flexion
Stretching-dorsiflexion of foot
expected weight gain in a pre-pregnant underweight women
28-40 lb
expected weight gain in a pre-pregnant normal weight women
25-35 lb
expected weight gain in a pre-pregnant overweight women
15-25 lb
expected weight gain in a pre-pregnant obese women
11 to 20 lb
ways to treat nausea and vomiting in pregnant women
B6 supplements and unisom
Avoid triggers, smaller more frequent meals
Acupressure, ginger
ways to treat tender/bleeding gums in pregnancy
Soft tooth brush twice daily, flossing
Routine dental checks
ways to treat increased salivation in pregnancy
Sucking on hard candies
Astringent mouthwash
ways to treat heartburn in pregnancy
Avoid fatty foods
Avoid laying down after meals (do not eat 3 hours before sleep)
Smaller more frequent meals
ways to treat constipation in pregnancy
Increase fiber in diet
Stool softeners
Good hydration
Avoid caster or mineral oil
ways to treat gall stones in pregnancy
Low fat diets
Medication and possible surgery may be needed
ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome in pregnancy
Wrist splints
Ice, massage
Avoid repetitive tasks
ways to treat headaches in pregnancy
Rest, proper posture, stress reduction
Minimal meds
Notify providers for sudden onset of severe headache with vision change
when is a headache concerning during pregnancy
after 20 weeks
ways to treat vision changes in pregnancy
Eye drops
Glasses instead of contacts
Report sudden changes in vision
overview schedule of prenatal care
(average of 12-16 visits)
1st visit sometime in the first trimester
After that visits are monthly until the 28th week.
Every 2 weeks until 36 weeks
Weekly until end of pregnancy
lay midwife
a person who provides prenatal care and delivers babies without professional medical training or certification
nurse midwife
a registered nurse who has specialized training in midwifery
a woman, typically without formal obstetric training, who is employed to provide guidance and support to a pregnant woman during labor
first trimester physical exam
Height and weight
Uterine size
Heart tones
first trimester physical exam labs and imaging
PAP if due
Ultrasound if dates are unclear or don’t match fundal size
Rh(D) factor screening/antibody screen
Negative or positive part of the blood type
Genetic screening
Rubella and varicella immunity
HIV, Hep B and C, syphilis, STIs
Naegele's rule
Last menstrual period - 3 months + seven days
some foods to avoid during pregnancy
foods with high mercury levels
raw or undercooked foods
foods with listeria risk
foods with high caffeine levels
pregnancy education: bathing
Avoid too hot of water for too long
pregnancy education: travel safety
Seat Belt below abdomen
Avoid flying in 3rd trimester
second trimester monthly appointments
Review internal history, vitals, weight, fetal heart rate, fundal height, fetal activity
second trimester appointment routine labs
Urinalysis: glucose or protein spillage
Diabetes screening
Rh factor screening
glucose challenge test
1 hour glucose screening
Do not need to be fasting
Drink 50 g of sugar
Blood is drawn 1 hour after injections
Above 130 indicates the need for 3 hour
glucose tolerance test
Drink 100g of sugar
Blood is drawn as fasting (<95), 1 hour (<180), 2 hours (<155), and 3 hours (<140)
If 2 are above normal = gestational DM
amniocentesis diagnosis test
Ultrasound guided needle removes amniotic fluids
chorionic villus sampling
Removal of small portion of the chronic villi of the placenta
Looks for genetic conditions
As early as 10 weeks
Risks: bleeding, fetal loss
third trimester visit routine lab tests
Hemoglobin and hematocrit
STI testing
Group B strep screening
when to seek care
Leakage of fluid from vagina
Vaginal bleeding
Reduced fetal activity
Headache that does not improve with acetaminophen
Right upper quadrant pain
Vision changes
Persistent contractions
New onset lower back pain
Sensation of pelvic pressure
Menstrual like cramps
pregnancy education: environmental hazards
Teratogenic medications
Excessive heat
Workplace hazards
Cat litter boxes
Insect borne illnesses
Air pollution