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Frustration-aggression hypothesis
the principle that frustration- the blocking of an attempt to achieve some goal- creates anger which can generate aggression
Proactive aggression
aggression that is planned and purposeful
Reactive aggression
aggression that occurs spontaneously in response to a negative affective state
Common knowledge effect
the tendency for group discussions to focus on information that all members share
Group polarization
the tendency of groups to make decisions that are more extreme than any member would have made alone
the tendency of groups to reach consensus in order to facilitate interpersonal harmony
a phenomenon in which immersion in a group cause people to become less concerned with their personal values
Diffusion of responsibility
the tendency of individuals to feel diminished responsibility for their actions when surrounded by others who feel the same way
Social loafing
the tendency of people to expend less effort when in a group than when alone
Bystander effect
the tendency for people to be less likely to help a stranger in an emergency situation when other bystanders are present
Intentional behavior that benefits another at a potential cost to oneself
K in selection
the process by which evolution selects for individuals who cooperate with their relatives
Reciprocal altruism
behavior that benefits another with the expectation that those benefits will be returned in the future
when we receive expressions of liking or loving, we tend to reciprocate
Comparison level for alternatives
the cost-benefit ratio that a person believes they could attain in another relationship
Social cognition
the processes by which people come to understand others
Category-based inferences
inferences based on information about the categories to which a person belongs
Target-based inferences
inferences based on information that an individual's behavior
Behavior confirmation
the tendency of targets to behave as observers expect them to behave
a negative evaluation of another person based on their category membership
Stereotype threat
the anxiety associated with the possibility of confirming other people's stereotypes about one's group
Perceptual confirmation
the tendency of observers to see what they expect to see
the tendency of observers to think of targets who disconfirm stereotypes as "exceptions to the rule"
an inference about the cause of a person's behavior
Situational attributions
explanations of people's behavior that refer to external events, such as the weather, luck, accidents, or other people's actions
Dispositional attribution
caused by relatively enduring tendency to think, feel or act in a particular way
Is the behavior consistent?
Is the behavior consensual?
Is the behavior distinctive?
Fundamental attribution error
the tendency to make a dispositional attribution when we should instead make a situational attribution
the tendency to make situational attributions for our own behaviors while making dispositional attributions for the identical behaviors of others
The hedonic motive
people are motivated to experience pleasure and to avoid experiencing pain
Overjustification effect
when a reward decreases a person's intrinsic behavior to perform a behavior
an unpleasant feeling that arises when people feel they are being coerced
The approval motive
people are motivated to be accepted and to avoid being rejected
norms of reciprocity
the unwritten rule that people should benefit those who have benefited them
Normative influence
another person's behavior provides information about what is appropriate
Door-in-the-face technique
an influence strategy that involves getting someone to accept a small request by first getting them to refuse a large request
Central-route persuasion
the process by which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to reason
Peripheral-route persuasion
the process by which attitudes or beliefs are changed by appeals to habit or emotion
Foot-in-the-door technique
making a small request and then following it with a larger request
Cognitive dissonance
an unpleasant state that arises when a person recognizes the inconsistency of their actions, attitude, or beliefs