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the most abundant protein in most cells, filaments are composed of globular subunits (G-actin), have polarity
involved in cellular motile processes (eg. movement of vesicles, phagocytosis, cytokinesis), provides structural support (shape of cells), support for cellular projections
barbed end
positive (+) end
pointed end
negative (-) end
actin polarity
barbed and pointed ends, individual G-actin monomers have directionality and are added to the filament in a particular orientation, filament is a double-stranded helix with parallel strands, ends are named based on binding of a fragment of the myosin motor protein (S1)
incorporated into the filament, actin hydrolyzes it to ADP
added to both ends but with faster addition at the barbed (+) end
critical concentrations
minimal concentration of available ATP-actin required to elongate
barbed and pointed ends have different values, barbed (+) end is much lower (0.1 uM), pointed end is (1.5 uM)
actin filament assembly and disassembly
preformed actin filament (seed) in the presence of ATP-actin
at high ATP-actin concentrations, it is added to both ends
concentration reaches the critical concentration of the pointed end, addition stops at the pointed end
loss of subunits occurs at the pointed end because ADP-actin dissociates more readily than ATP-actin but addition continues at the barbed end
relative position of subunits is continually moving (treadmilling)
steady state
when the rate of addition at one end is the same as the rate of loss at the other end (occurs at about 0.3 uM available ATP-actin)
conventional myosin type II
moves towards the + end (barbed end) of actin, involved in muscle contraction
myosin II motor head
binds the actin filament, binds and hydrolyzes ATP, conserved sequences
myosin II neck
or lever arm, moves during the power stroke
myosin II tail
intertwining of two heavy chains, allows the formation of filaments of myosin
unconventional myosin type V
moves processively along actin filaments towards the +/barbed end, moves in a hand-over-hand motion, long necks act as swinging arms, can take very large steps (36 nm - the length of one helical turn of an actin filament)
can associate with vesicles and organelles - eg. bound to a vesicle via adaptors (Rab27a)
some vesicles contain both microtubule motors and actin filament motors
movement over long distances occurs mostly on microtubbules
local movement in the outskirts of the cells - actin filaments
myosin type II filaments
tails allow the protein to form filaments, tails point towards the center and heads point towards the outside
bipolar - motor domains are oriented at opposite filament ends
= thick filaments
muscle fiber
a skeletal muscle cell, skeletal muscles usually anchored to bone, contains multiple nuclei and hundreds of myofibrils
composed of repeating contractile units called sarcomeres
contractile unit with a characteristic banding pattern (Z line, M line, I bands, H zone, A band)
Z line
contains proteins important for sarcomere structure stability
M line
dark staining in the center of the sarcomere, contains anchoring proteins
I band
contains only thin filaments (actin), decreases in length with the muscle contracts
H zone
contains only thick filaments (myosin), decreases in length with the muscle contracts
A band
dark staining (overlap of thick and thin filaments), also includes the H zone
length does not change during muscle contraction
muscle contraction
thin filaments slide towards the centre of the sarcomere
I band and H zone decrease in length, A band stays the same
molecular basis - myosin II heads in a thick filament bind to six surrounding actin filaments, myosin II is non-processive (only in contact with actin for a fraction of the time, myosin heads are not synchronized)
actin-myosin contraction cycle
ATP binds to myosin head and myosin dissociates from actin
ATP hydrolysis, ADP and Pi remain bound to myosin
energized myosin binds actin
release of phosphate triggers conformational change - power stroke - actin moves towards the centre of the sarcomere
ADP is released - actin and myosin remain attached until a new ATP binds
neuromuscular junction
point of contact between motor neuron and muscle fiber, site of transmission of the nerve impulse, stimulated by acetylcholine
muscle fibers within a motor unit are stimulated simultaneously by a single motor neuron
excitation-contraction coupling
transverse tubules propagate impulse to interior of cell, sarcoplasmic reticulum stores Ca2+ in lumen
arrival of action potential at the SR opens Ca2+ channels, release Ca2+ into the cytoplasm
transverse tubules
T tubules, membrane folds that propagate an impulse to the interior of a muscle cell
sarcoplasmic reticulum
special smooth ER in muscle cells, stores Ca2+ in lumen (pumped in from the cytosol)
opens Ca2+ channels in response to action potential, releases Ca2+ into cytoplasm
rod shaped proteins in thin filaments, position is controlled by troponin
globular proteins in thin filaments, controls the position of tropomyosin
absence of Ca2+
thin filaments - tropomyosin blocks myosin-binding sites on actin
presence of Ca2+
thin filaments - Ca2+ binds troponin which moves tropomyosin, exposing the myosin-binding site on actin
cell cortex
actin network on the inner face of the plasma membrane, capable of dynamic remodelling
enable cells to crawl/move, enable phagocytosis, cellular constriction during cell division
actin-binding proteins
regulate the assembly, disassembly, and rearragements of actin networks, more than 100 different proteins (8 main categories)
8 categories of actin-binding proteins
filament nucleating
end-blocking (capping)
monomer polymerizing
cross-linking & bundling
filament nucleating actin proteins
slowest step in the formation of an actin filament, proteins can enhance the rate at which actin filaments are formed, eg. Arp 2/3 complex, formins
Arp2/3 complex
filament nucleating actin-binding proteins, binds to the side of an existing filament (creates branches), remains at the pointed end (-) of the new branch, similar structure to actin monomers
filament nucleating actin-binding proteins, generate unbranched filaments (de novo), stay associated with the barbed (+) end, promote rapid elongation of filaments
monomer-sequestering actin proteins
bind to actin-ATP monomers to prevent them from being added to the elongating filament, able to modulate the available monomer pool in certain regions at certain times, eg. thymosins
end-blocking (capping) actin proteins
regulate the length of actin filaments, bind at either end (+ or -)
monomer polymerizing actin proteins
binds to actin monomers to promote growth of actin filaments, promotes replacement of ADP with ATP on the actin monomers, eg. profilin
depolymerizing actin proteins
bind to actin-ADP at the pointed (-) end to promote depolymerization so cell can relocate monomers quickly, eg. cofilin
cross-linking and bundling actin proteins
multiple actin-binding sites, allowing them to alter the 3d organization of the actin filament network, eg. filamin (cross-linking), villin and fimbrin (bundling)
filament severing actin proteins
break an existing filament in two, eg. gelsolin and cofilin
membrane binding actin proteins
actin filaments linked to the plasma membrane, enabling the plasma membrane to protrude outward (cell locomotion) or inwards (phagocytosis), eg. spectrin in RBCs
a monomer polymerizing actin protein
a depolymerizing actin protein
cell motility
movement is initiated by a protrusion of the cell in the direction of movement (lamellipodium)
a portion of the protrusion anchors to the surface below
the bulk of the cell is pulled towards the front, over the adhesive contacts
adhesive contacts break, causing retraction of the trailing edge (tail)
the leading edge of a moving cell that extends over the surface, broad and flat, a dynamic actin network involved in formation
lamellipodium formation
stimulus is received at cell surface
Arp2/3 complex at the site of stimulation gets activated
Arp2/3 binds the side of an existing filament
ATP-actin monomers bind to the Arp2/3 complex, forming a new actin branch - polymerization promoted by profilin
additional Arp2/3 complexes can bind to the sides of the new filaments, forming additional branches, older filaments are capped at their barbed ends (+)
newer filaments continue to grow at the barbed end (fast growing end), pushing the membrane of the lamellipodium outward - older capped filaments undergo disassembly promoted by cofilin
traction forces
when the cell grips the surface (at adhesion points called focal adhesions)
focal adhesions
structures in the cell membrane where integrin proteins connect to actin
integrin proteins
transmembrane proteins that mediate the interaction between actin and extracellular components
contraction forces
pull the bulk of the cell forward, myosin found near the rear of the lamellipodium