[PT13] Thoracoabdominoinguinal, Spine & Back, Hip & Thigh

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Which of the following muscles DOES NOT originate from the ischial tuberosity?

a. Semitendinosus

b. Semimembranosus

c. Biceps femoris short head

d. Adductor magnus

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Which of the following muscles DOES NOT originate from the ischial tuberosity?

a. Semitendinosus

b. Semimembranosus

c. Biceps femoris short head

d. Adductor magnus

Biceps femoris short head. It attaches to the Linea Aspera.

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The following structures are contained within the femoral sheath, EXCEPT: a. Branch of genitofemoral nerve b. Femoral nerve c. Femoral artery and vein d. Lymphatics

Femoral nerve

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Which of the following positions of the hip and knee stretches the hamstrings? a. Hip flexion with knee extension b. Hip extension with knee flexion c. Hip flexion with knee flexion d. Hip extension with knee extension

Hip flexion with knee extension

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The following muscles laterally rotates the thigh at the hip joint, EXCEPT: a. Gluteus maximus b. Tensor fasciae latae c. Sartorius d. Quadratus femoris

Tensor fasciae latae = FAbIR

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The following are categorized as muscles of the pelvic walls and floor, EXCEPT: a. Piriformis b. Coccygeus c. Levator ani d. Obturator externus

Obturator externus

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The lateral wall of the subsartorial canal is formed by the: a. Vastus medialis b. Adductor longus and magnus c. Sartorius d. Adductor brevis

Vastus medialis

<p>Vastus medialis</p>
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The Y-ligament of Bigelow is otherwise known as: a. Inguinal ligament b. Pubofemoral c. Iliofemoral d. Ischiofemoral


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Which of the following muscles is innervated by both femoral and obturator nerve? a. Piriformis b. Pectineus c. Biceps femoris d. Adductor magnus


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The safest area for gluteal intramuscular injections is the: a. Upper outer quadrant b. Upper inner quadrant c. Lower outer quadrant d. Lower inner quadrant

Upper outer quadrant

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The following muscles insert on the pes anserine tendon, EXCEPT: a. Semitendinosus b. Semimembranosus c. Gracilis d. Sartorius


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The piriformis muscle exits the pelvic cavity via: a. Obturator foramen b. Greater sciatic foramen c. Lesser sciatic foramen d. Femoral ring

Greater sciatic foramen

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An increase in the neck – shaft angle of the femur is otherwise known as: a. Coxa valga b. Coxa vara c. Genu valga d. Genu vara

Coxa valga

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The following muscles are supplied by the obturator nerve, EXCEPT: a. Gracilis b. Adductor brevis c. Pectineus d. Obturator internus

Obturator internus. It is instead supplied by the nerve to obturator internus in the sacral plexus.

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The femoral triangle is bounded by the following structures, EXCEPT: a. Inguinal ligament b. Sartorius c. Adductor longus d. Gracilis


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The ligament that divides the sciatic notch into greater and lesser foramen is the: a. Sacroiliac ligament b. Sacrospinous ligament c. Sacrococcygeal ligament d. Iliolumbar ligament

Sacrospinous ligament

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Trendelenburg sign is an indication of weakness of this muscle: a. Gluteus medius b. Piriformis c. Adductor magnus d. Sartorius

Gluteus Medius

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The anterior superior iliac spine is the proximal attachment of this muscle: a. Sartorius b. Rectus femoris c. Vastus intermedius d. Iliopsoas


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The skin dimpling just above the intergluteal cleft is the surface landmark of: a. Iliac crest b. Posterior superior iliac spine c. Coccyx d. Posterior inferior iliac spine

Posterior superior iliac spine

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Which of the following muscles DO NOT have attachment on the greater trochanter? a. Gluteus medius b. Iliopsoas c. Obturator externus d. Piriformis

Iliopsoas. It attaches distally to the lesser trochanter.

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The following muscle abducts the thigh at the hip joint, EXCEPT: a. Sartorius b. Tensor fasciae latae c. Gluteus medius d. Quadratus femoris

Quadratus femoris

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The anterior inferior iliac spine is the proximal attachment of this muscle: a. Sartorius b. Rectus femoris c. Vastus intermedius d. Iliopsoas

Rectus femoris

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The posterior pelvic wall is formed by the following structures, EXCEPT: a. Sacrum b. Coccyx c. Piriformis d. Pubis


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The obturator internus muscle exits the pelvic cavity via: a. Obturator foramen b. Lesser sciatic foramen c. Greater sciatic foramen d. Femoral ring

Lesser sciatic foramen

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The adductor hiatus is formed by the attachment of this muscle in the femur: a. Sartorius b. Adductor magnus c. Gracilis d. Adductor longus

Adductor magnus

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The common action of the muscles inserted on the pes anserine tendon is: a. Hip flexion b. Hip extension c. Knee flexion d. Knee extension

Knee flexion

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The following muscles are dually innervated, EXCEPT: a. Pectineus b. Adductor magnus c. Biceps femoris d. Piriformis


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Which of the following muscles is innervated by both obturator and sciatic nerve? a. Adductor magnus b. Pectineus c. Biceps femoris d. Quadratus femoris

Adductor magnus

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The muscle that can flex, abduct and internally rotate the hip is: a. Sartorius b. Tensor fasciae latae c. Gluteus medius d. Iliopsoas

Tensor fasciae latae

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Which part of the quadriceps muscle keeps track the position of the patella in the anterior surface of the knee joint?

a. Rectus femoris

b. Vastus lateralis

c. Vastus intermedius

d. Vastus medialis

Vastus medialis

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The common peroneal nerve come from this spinal roots: a. L2 – L4 b. L4 – S1 c. L4 – S2 d. L4 – S3

L4 - S2

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Which adductor muscle of the thigh is capable of flexing the knee joint? a. Gracilis b. Adductor magnus c. Adductor longus d. Adductor brevis


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The femoral artery is best palpated midway between ASIS and symphysis pubis especially when pressed against which muscle of the anterior compartment?

a. Psoas

b. Pectineus

c. Sartorius

d. Rectus femoris


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The following structures are easily palpable in the gluteal region, EXCEPT: a. Iliac crests b. ASIS c. PIIS d. Ischial tuberosity


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The following structures belong to the anterior pillar of the spine, EXCEPT: a. IV discs b. Vertebral body c. Anterior longitudinal ligament d. Supraspinous ligament

Supraspinous ligament

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Rotation of the vertebral bodies lead to this condition: a. Kyphosis b. Lordosis c. Scoliosis d. Swayback


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The ligament of the spine that connects adjacent laminae is the: a. Ligamentum flavum b. Intertransverse ligament c. Interspinous ligament d. Supraspinous ligament

Ligamentum flavum

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Abdominal flexion with rotation towards the left is accomplished by: a. Left internal oblique, right external oblique and right transversus abdominis b. Right internal oblique, left external oblique and left transversus abdominis c. Left external and internal obliques, right transversus abdominis d. Right external and internal obliques, left transversus abdominis

Left internal oblique, right external oblique and right transversus abdominis.

Ipsilateral Rotation - Internal Oblique

Contralateral Rotation - External Oblique & Transversus Abdominis

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The following muscles of the anterior thoracic wall elevate the ribs, EXCEPT: a. External intercostal b. Levator costarum c. Subcostal d. Transversus thoracis

Transversus thoracis

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The roof of the vertebral arch is formed by the: a. Vertebral body b. Pedicle c. Lamina d. Transverse process


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Which of the following vertebra has a heart-shaped body? a. Cervical b. Thoracic c. Lumbar d. Sacral


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The ligament of the spine that limits hyperextension: a. Anterior longitudinal ligament b. Posterior longitudinal ligament c. Supraspinous ligament d. Ligamentum flavum

Anterior longitudinal ligament

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The following are intrinsic muscles of the back, EXCEPT: a. Spinalis b. Semispinales c. Splenius cervicis d. Serratus posterior inferior

Serratus posterior inferior

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Flexion of the thoracic spine is accomplished by the following muscles, EXCEPT: a. Rectus abdominis b. External abdominal oblique c. Internal abdominal oblique d. Transversus abdominis

Transversus abdominis

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The median and transumbilical planes divide the abdomen into four quadrants. Which quadrant is the appendix located?

a. Right upper quadrant

b. Right lower quadrant

c. Left upper quadrant

d. Left lower quadrant

Right lower quadrant

<p>Right lower quadrant</p>
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Which of the following DOES NOT belong as a major muscle group of the erector spinae? a. Spinalis b. Semispinalis c. Iliocostalis d. Longissimus


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What important artery passes through the transverse foramina of C1-C6? a. Spinal artery b. Vertebral artery c. Jugular artery d. Subclavian artery

Vertebral artery

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Herniated intervertebral discs often occur in this area: a. Cervical b. Thoracic c. Lumbar d. Sacral


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Which dermatome overlies the umbilicus? a. T4 b. T7 c. T10 d. T12


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Which of the following vertebras has a bifid spine? a. Cervical b. Thoracic c. Lumbar d. Sacral


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Which suboccipital muscle extends the head and rotates it to the same side?

a. Rectus capitis posterior major

b. Rectus capitis posterior minor

c. Obliquus capitis superior

d. Obliquus capitis inferior

Rectus capitis posterior major

<p>Rectus capitis posterior major</p>
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The muscles that primarily adduct the thigh at the hip joint is located in: a. Anterior fascial compartment b. Posterior fascial compartment c. Medial fascial compartment d. Lateral thigh

Medial fascial compartment

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Which spinal nerve root does the superior gluteal nerve come from? a. L3 – L4 b. L2 – S3 c. L4 – S1 d. L5 – S2

L4 -S1

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Which structure separates the true and false pelvis? a. Inguinal ligament b. Pelvic brim c. Sacrospinous ligament d. Ischial tuberosity

Pelvic brim

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The following are categorized as muscles of the pelvic walls and floor, EXCEPT: a. Piriformis b. Coccygeus c. Levator ani d. Obturator externus

Obturator externus

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The muscle capable of hip flexion, abduction and external rotation is the: a. Sartorius b. Tensor fasciae latae c. Iliopsoas d. Pectineus


FAbER - Sartorius

FAbIR - Tensor Fasciae Latae

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The saphenous nerve is a branch of: a. Femoral nerve b. Obturator nerve c. Tibial nerve d. Common peroneal nerve

Femoral nerve

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The following branches of the lumbosacral plexus comes from the ventral division, EXCEPT: a. Internal pudendal nerve b. Tibial nerve c. Femoral nerve d. Obturator nerve

Femoral nerve

<p>Femoral nerve</p>
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The nerve to obturator internus also supply this muscle: a. Obturator externus b. Superior gemellus c. Inferior gemellus d. Piriformis

Superior gemellus

<p>Superior gemellus</p>
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The following muscles medially rotate the knee against the femur, EXCEPT: a. Semitendinosus b. Semimembranosus c. Sartorius d. Biceps femoris

Biceps femoris.

Long head - flexes & laterally rotates leg at knee joint

Short head - extends thigh at hip joint

Internal Rotators of KNEE are the 3S = Semitendinosus, Semimembranosus, & Sartorius

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The superior gluteal nerve supply the following muscles, EXCEPT: a. Gluteus maximus b. Gluteus medius c. Gluteus minimus d. Tensor fasciae latae

Gluteus maximus

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The iliac crest corresponds to this level: a. L2 vertebra b. L3 vertebra c. L4 vertebra d. L5 vertebra

L4 vertebra

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Which of the following adductor muscles is innervated by the femoral nerve? a. Gracilis b. Adductor magnus c. Adductor brevis d. Pectineus

Pectineus. It is dually innervated by the femoral and obturator nerve.

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The nerve to quadratus femoris also supply this muscle: a. Inferior gemellus b. Superior gemellus c. Piriformis d. Obturator externus

Inferior gemellus

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The cutaneous nerve that supplies the skin of the lateral thigh comes from which root? a. L1 b. L2-L3 c. L3-L4 d. L5


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The following structures attach on the outer surface of the ilium, EXCEPT: a. Gluteus maximus b. Gluteus medius c. Gluteus minimus d. Iliacus

Iliacus. It attaches to the iliac fossa.

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The ilioinguinal and iliohypogastric nerves come from which spinal root? a. L1 b. L2 c. L3 d. T12


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Dimples above intergluteal cleft also known as ‘Dimples of Venus’ are at what level?

a. L5

b. S1

c. L4

d. S2


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The ligament of the spine that connects adjacent transverse processes is the: Select one or more:

a. Supraspinous ligament

b. Ligamentum flavum

c. Intertransverse ligament

d. Interspinous ligament

Intertransverse ligament

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Which of the following muscles DOES NOT form part of the pelvic floor and walls? Select one or more:

a. Obturator externus

b. Piriformis

c. Levator ani

d. Coccygeus

Obturator externus

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Which of the following muscles DOES NOT externally rotate the thigh at the hip joint? Select one or more:

a. Sartorius

b. Gluteus medius

c. Gluteus maximus

d. Quadratus femoris

Gluteus Medius

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The tibial nerve comes from the spinal roots: Select one or more:

a. L2-L4

b. L4-S1

c. L4-S2

d. L4-S3


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Which of the following muscles is NOT supplied by the obturator nerve? Select one or more:

a. Obturator externus

b. Superior gemellus

c. Pectineus

d. Adductor magnus

Superior gemellus

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Which of the following positions of the hip and knee stretches the rectus femoris? Select one or more:

a. Hip flexion with knee flexion

b. Hip extension with knee flexion

c. Hip flexion with knee extension

d. Hip extension with knee extension

Hip extension with knee flexion

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The piriformis muscle exits the pelvic cavity via: Select one or more:

a. Femoral ring

b. Greater sciatic foramen

c. Obturator foramen

d. Lesser sciatic foramen

Greater sciatic foramen

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A decrease in the neck-shaft angle of the femur is otherwise known as: Select one or more:

a. Coxa valga

b. Talipes equinovara

c. Coxa vara

d. Genu vara

Coxa vara

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Trendelenburg sign is pathognomonic for lesion of the: Select one or more:

a. Superior gluteal nerve

b. Femoral nerve

c. Inferior gluteal nerve

d. Obturator nerve

Superior gluteal nerve

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Which of the following nerves is being avoided for damage during gluteal intramuscular injection at the upper outer quadrant? Select one or more:

a. Obturator nerve

b. Inferior gluteal nerve

c. Sciatic nerve

d. Superior gluteal nerve

Sciatic nerve

<p>Sciatic nerve</p>
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Which of the following structure forms the anteromedial wall of the Hunter's canal? Select one or more:

a. Adductor longus and magnus

b. Adductor brevis

c. Sartorius

d. Vastus medialis


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Which of the following muscles distally attach to the lesser trochanter? Select one or more:

a. Piriformis

b. Iliopsoas

c. Obturator externus

d. Gluteus medius


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Which of the quadriceps muscles is the workhorse of knee extension? Select one or more:

a. Vastus medialis

b. Vastus lateralis

c. Vastus intermedius

d. Rectus femoris

Rectus femoris

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Which of the following ligaments is located posterior to the hip joint and contributes to its stability posteriorly? Select one or more:

a. Iliofemoral ligament

b. Inguinal ligament

c. Pubofemoral ligament

d. Ischiofemoral ligament

Ischiofemoral ligament

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