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Adult stem cell
A stem cell harvested from tissues such as bone marrow, that are not part of an embryo.
The third division stage of mitosis, where the chromatids seperate at the centromere and are pulled to opposite poles of the cell.
A programmed series of events that lead to cell death.
Binary fission
The division of a cell into two without mitosis: the process by which prokaryotic cells divide.
A hollow ball of cells formed during early embryonic development.
A balloon like outgrowth of the plasma membrane.
A disease that arises when the signals that control apoptosis and cell division are disrupted, so cells survive and divide uncontrollably.
A cancer inducing agent.
Cell cycle
The sequence of events from one cell division to the next.
Cell plate
The structure provided by dividing plant cells where the new cell wall is to be formed.
The waist-like constriction in a chromosome that links the daughter chromatids: required for the movement of chromosomes during cell division.
Chemical mutagen
A compound that increasse the rate of mutations.
One of the two identical halves of a chromosome.
The tangeld network of DNA in the nucleus of a cell that is not dividing.
A type fo molecule that regulates the cell cycle.
Cycline-dependant kinase
A type of molecule that regulates the cell cycle.
The division of cytoplasm at the end of mitosis.
Daughter cell
A cell resulting from the mitotic division of a parent cell.
The process by which unspecialized cells develop special characteristics to suit particular functions.
The early stage of development of an organism; in humans, from fertilization to the eigth week of pregnancy.
Embryonic stem cells
A stem cell that is cultured from an embryo.
The developing individual after the second month of pregnancy.
G0 phase
The non-proliferating state where cells undergo extended G1 phase.
G1 phase
An intermediate phase in the cell cycle from the end of cytokinesis to the beggining of DNA synthesis.
G2 phase
An intermediate phase in the cell cyle from the end of DNA synthesis to the beggining of mitosis; involves a tiem of cell growth.
Genetic predisposition
An increased likelihood of developing a certain disease due to a persons genetic make up.
The stage of the cell cycle between nuclear divisions.
Division of cytoplasm in an animal cell.
M phase
The phase of the cell cycle when the nucleus undergoes a series of steps to divide, leading to two daughter cells.
A phagocytic white blood cell.
The stage in mitosis where all the chromosomes are fully condensed and attached by a spindle fibre at their centromere.
A type of nuclear division that maintains the parental number of chromosomes for the daughter cells; it is the basis of bodily growth and asexual reproduction in many eukaryotic species.
Multipotent stem cell
A stem cell that is able to give rise to a limited number of cell types; for example, blood stem cells will give rise to red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets.
An agent that can induce or increase the frequency of mutation in DNA.
Unprogrammed cell or tissue death.
A gene that can promote cancer.
P53 gene
A gene that monitors DNA and is activated when DNA damage is detected or there is cell injury.
Parent cell
A cell before it divides by mitosis to produce two daughter cells.
A scavenging cell that engulfs and absorbs cell particles and bacteria.
The organ that supplies nutrients to, and remomves waste from, the foetus.
Pluripotent stem cell
A stem cell that is able to give rise to many, but not all, of the cell types necessary for foetal development.
One end of a cell
The first phase of mitosis where the DNA condenses to form the chromosomes.
A gene that can promote cancer.
Quiescent cell
An inactive cell.
S phase
The phase of the cell cycle where DNA is replicated.
The framework of microtubules that radiates out from the pole sof the cell during cell division.
Stem cell
A cell that has the ability to produce a different type of body cell.
The final stage of mitosis where the nuclear material has evenly and equally seperated to opposite ends of th eparent cell and te two daughter cells begin to take shape.
An agent that causes developmental abonrmalities in a developing foetus.
Terminally differentiated cell
A cell that has lost the ability to replicate.
Totipotent stem cell
A stem cell able to create any of the types of cells necessary for embryonic development.
A lump in any part of the body caused by the abnormals growth of a cell or tissue.
Tumour supressor gene
A gene that inhibits cell division.