Pathology MICROSCOPIC - 2nd Semester Lab Exam

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Fibrinous Pericarditis: deposits of Fibrin on surface of pericardium

<p>HEART:</p><p>Fibrinous Pericarditis: deposits of Fibrin on surface of pericardium</p>
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Rheumatic Myocarditis: Aschoff Nodules under vessel perivascular and Aschoff cells

<p>HEART:</p><p>Rheumatic Myocarditis: Aschoff Nodules under vessel perivascular and Aschoff cells</p>
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Acute myocardial infarction: granulation tissue and PMNs, well delimitated, neformation vessels; about to organize phase

<p>HEART:</p><p>Acute myocardial infarction: granulation tissue and PMNs, well delimitated, neformation vessels; about to organize phase</p>
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Acute Myocardial Infarction: structured & unsctructured necrosis (structured coagulation necrosis)

<p>HEART:</p><p>Acute Myocardial Infarction: structured &amp; unsctructured necrosis (structured coagulation necrosis)</p>
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Sclerosis and Fibrosis: Old infarction/chronic

<p>HEART: </p><p>Sclerosis and Fibrosis: Old infarction/chronic </p>
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Atherosclerosis: cholesterol crystals and complicated by thrombosis

<p>ARTERY:</p><p>Atherosclerosis: cholesterol crystals and complicated by thrombosis</p>
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Lung Infarction: Pulmonary hemorrhagic infarction with structured necrosis; reddish area = red infarction,

<p>LUNG:</p><p>Lung Infarction: Pulmonary hemorrhagic infarction with structured necrosis; reddish area = red infarction, </p>
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Pulmonary Edema & Emphysema: liquid inside alveolar space; association with emphysema because interalveolar septa is disrupted

<p>LUNG:</p><p>Pulmonary Edema &amp; Emphysema: liquid inside alveolar space; association with emphysema because interalveolar septa is disrupted </p>
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Chronic emphysema and Atelectasis with disrupted and detached alveolar septa

<p>LUNG:</p><p>Chronic emphysema and Atelectasis with disrupted and detached alveolar septa</p>
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Lobar pneumonia: monomorphic aspect of alveoli and gray hepatisation with PMNs, fibrin network

<p>LUNG:</p><p>Lobar pneumonia: monomorphic aspect of alveoli and gray hepatisation with PMNs, fibrin network </p>
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Bronchopneumonia with polymorphic aspect of alveoli, filled with pus

<p>BRONCHIA:</p><p>Bronchopneumonia with polymorphic aspect of alveoli, filled with pus</p>
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Intersititial pneumonia - thick septum, lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltrate inside interalveolar septa, smooth alveoli

<p>LUNG:</p><p>Intersititial pneumonia - thick septum, lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltrate inside interalveolar septa, smooth alveoli</p>
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Pulmonary tuberculosis: Edema, tuberculous epitheioid granuloma with caseous necrosis and surrounded by lymphocytes; Langhans cells and epithelioid cells

<p>LUNG:</p><p>Pulmonary tuberculosis: Edema, tuberculous epitheioid granuloma with caseous necrosis and surrounded by lymphocytes; Langhans cells and epithelioid cells </p>
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Pulmonary Tuberculosis + Bronchopneumonia: necrosis, inflammation and Langhans cells

<p>LUNG: </p><p>Pulmonary Tuberculosis + Bronchopneumonia: necrosis, inflammation and Langhans cells</p>
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Pulmonary carcinoma: with well differentiated squamous cells and keratin pearls

<p>LUNG: </p><p>Pulmonary carcinoma: with well differentiated squamous cells and keratin pearls</p>
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Non-specific chronic parotiditis with atrophic parotid glands; gland disrupted by bands of fibrous tissue and lymphocyte/plasmocyte infiltrates

<p>Non-specific chronic parotiditis with atrophic parotid glands; gland disrupted by bands of fibrous tissue and lymphocyte/plasmocyte infiltrates </p>
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Chronic gastric ulcer: lack of substance that will go under muscularis mucosa

Layers of Ulcer:

  • 1st layer - Fibrinoid necrosis

  • 2nd layer - inflammatory cells

  • Granulomatous tissue layer between

<p>Chronic gastric ulcer: lack of substance that will go under muscularis mucosa</p><p>Layers of Ulcer:</p><ul><li><p>1st layer - Fibrinoid necrosis</p></li><li><p>2nd layer - inflammatory cells</p></li><li><p>Granulomatous tissue layer between </p></li></ul>
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Diffused Gastric Cancer: Signet cell carcinoma (mucinous carcinoma)

<p>STOMACH:</p><p>Diffused Gastric Cancer: Signet cell carcinoma (mucinous carcinoma)</p>
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Enteritis: ulcerative and necrotic type with inflammation

<p>INTESTINE:</p><p>Enteritis: ulcerative and necrotic type with inflammation</p>
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Colon adenomatous polyps - simple epithelial benign tumor

<p>INTESTINE:</p><p>Colon adenomatous polyps - simple epithelial benign tumor</p>
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Adenocarcinoma: Malignant epithelial tumor, moderately differentiated, crowded cells with small glands

<p>COLON:</p><p>Adenocarcinoma: Malignant epithelial tumor, moderately differentiated, crowded cells with small glands </p>
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Liver cirrhosis: lots of fibrosis with regenerative nodules surrounded by sclerotic tissue and hyperplasia of biliary canaliculi; steatosis

<p>LIVER:</p><p>Liver cirrhosis: lots of fibrosis with regenerative nodules surrounded by sclerotic tissue and hyperplasia of biliary canaliculi; steatosis </p>
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Hepatic abscess; well circumscribed area of liquefaction necrosis + PMNs; pyogenic capsule

<p>LIVER:</p><p>Hepatic abscess; well circumscribed area of liquefaction necrosis + PMNs; pyogenic capsule</p>
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Cytosteatonecrosis: acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis, ulcero-necrotic pancreatitis; necrosis of pancreatic tissue, fatty tissue and acini

<p>PANCREAS:</p><p>Cytosteatonecrosis: acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis, ulcero-necrotic pancreatitis; necrosis of pancreatic tissue, fatty tissue and acini</p>
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Acute diffused glomerulonephritis: Streptococcus infection, hypercellularity of glomeruli

<p>KIDNEY:</p><p>Acute diffused glomerulonephritis: Streptococcus infection, hypercellularity of glomeruli</p>
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Pyelonephritis = Microabscess, similar to abscess in liver

<p>KIDNEY:</p><p>Pyelonephritis = Microabscess, similar to abscess in liver </p>
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Chronic Pyelonephritis: Tubules are dilated → contain hyaline cylinders; glomeruli hyalinized due to scelrosis - centripetal type of sclerosis from periphery to center of glomeruli. Pseudothyroidization of aspect of renal parenchyma

<p>KIDNEY:</p><p>Chronic Pyelonephritis: Tubules are dilated → contain hyaline cylinders; glomeruli hyalinized due to scelrosis - centripetal type of sclerosis from periphery to center of glomeruli. Pseudothyroidization of aspect of renal parenchyma </p>
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Grawitz tumor (renal cell carcinoma):

  • at periphery - atrophy of parenchyma due to compression of growing tumor

  • Grawitz tumor = Clear cell carcinoma = Hypernephroma

  • we can see aspect of clear cells because cells contain lipids and glycogen

<p>KIDNEY:</p><p>Grawitz tumor (renal cell carcinoma): </p><ul><li><p>at periphery - atrophy of parenchyma due to compression of growing tumor </p></li><li><p>Grawitz tumor = Clear cell carcinoma = Hypernephroma</p></li><li><p>we can see aspect of clear cells because cells contain lipids and glycogen </p></li></ul>
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BREAST(Mammary glands):

Mammary carcinoma: has invasive ductal carcinoma with fibrous stroma and trabecular and insular aspect

<p>BREAST(Mammary glands):</p><p>Mammary carcinoma: has invasive ductal carcinoma with fibrous stroma and trabecular and insular aspect</p><p></p>
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BREAST (Mammary gland):

  • Fibrocystic mastosis

  • Dilated ducts

  • Glandular and mesenchymal hyperplasia

  • Apocrine metaplasia = ducts lined by follicular epithelium

  • Inflammatory cells

<p>BREAST (Mammary gland):</p><ul><li><p>Fibrocystic mastosis</p></li><li><p>Dilated ducts </p></li><li><p>Glandular and mesenchymal hyperplasia</p></li><li><p>Apocrine metaplasia  = ducts lined by follicular epithelium </p></li><li><p>Inflammatory cells </p></li></ul>
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Leiomyoma of endometrium = acute mesenchymal tumor, rising up from smooth muscle.

  • Pseudocapsule of tumoral growth due to compression

  • Styrofoam aspect of smooth muscle with nuclei which are elongated with rounded ends

  • Hyaline tissue

<p>UTERUS:</p><p>Leiomyoma of endometrium = acute mesenchymal tumor, rising up from smooth muscle.</p><ul><li><p>Pseudocapsule of tumoral growth due to compression</p></li><li><p>Styrofoam aspect of smooth muscle with nuclei which are elongated with rounded ends</p></li><li><p>Hyaline tissue</p></li></ul>
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Prostatic adenocarcinoma: Grade 3/4, epithelial malignant tumor

<p>PROSTATE:</p><p>Prostatic adenocarcinoma: Grade 3/4, epithelial malignant tumor</p>
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Benign Nodular Hyperplasia: fibrosis, muscular hyperplasia - dilated ducts with fern leaf aspect and some with sympexions

<p>PROSTATE:</p><p>Benign Nodular Hyperplasia: fibrosis, muscular hyperplasia - dilated ducts with fern leaf aspect and some with sympexions </p>
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Seminoma = Malignant tumor of testicle rising from germ cells, clear cytoplasm + monomorphic, island of tubular cells separated by fibrostroma infiltrated with lymphocytes.

<p>TESTIS:</p><p>Seminoma = Malignant tumor of testicle rising from germ cells, clear cytoplasm + monomorphic, island of tubular cells separated by fibrostroma infiltrated with lymphocytes.</p>
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Basedow-Graves: TOXIC goiters

  • follicles lined by columnar epithelium contain small amounts of colloid

<p>THYROID:</p><p>Basedow-Graves: TOXIC goiters</p><ul><li><p>follicles lined by columnar epithelium contain small amounts of colloid</p></li></ul>
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Non-toxic goiter, diffused = anisophilicular type of gout; thyroid follicle dilated and full of colloid, lined up by cubic epithelium

<p>THYROID:</p><p>Non-toxic goiter, diffused = anisophilicular type of gout; thyroid follicle dilated and full of colloid, lined up by cubic epithelium </p>
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Thyroid papillary carcinoma: epithelial malignant tumor; macrocalcification of thyroid = psammoma bodies, lethal Annie’s orphan eye nuclei - large and clear nuclei and intranuclear inclusions

<p>THYROID:</p><p>Thyroid papillary carcinoma: epithelial malignant tumor; macrocalcification of thyroid = psammoma bodies, lethal Annie’s orphan eye nuclei - large and clear nuclei and intranuclear inclusions</p>
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