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Human Resource Management
management fuction of deploying and developing people within an org. to meet business objectives:
training, development of employees
recruitment, selection, induction
performance management
Human Resource Planning
management process of anticipating and meeting organisation’s current and future staffing needs:
short term - existing demands (employing)
long term - forseeable future (historical data, demographic changes)
Poor HRP causes
expensive market analysis, low productivity, poor corporate image
Internal factors influencing HRP
strategy, finance, labour reaction, growth
External Factors influencing HRP
Demographic Change (working & dependent population, consumption & employment patterns)
Labour Mobility - extent to move, flexibility (geographical and occupational)
Net Immigration - economic growth (challenge, location, advancement, money, pride, security)
Gig Economy
Demographic Change
birth, death rate, life expectancy, retirement, working women,
working & dependent population effect consumption & employment patterns
Labour Mobility
extent to which people can move abroad (geographical), flexibility to change (occupational)
costs, culture, expertise, family ties
Net Immigration
contributes to economic growth through tax, GDP, production
Change, Location, Advancement, Money, Pride, Security
employees work for core period and choose when to work during their remaining time:
improves image, wellbeing, low travel, time, stress costs
-ve - social isolation, distractions, reliance on ICT
spurred in Covid (UK & USA) for parents, against industrialziation
Part time
labour flexibility, less working hours - entitled to lower renumeration, easy adjustments in working hours
-ve - low motivation, loyalty → poor productivity and high labour turnover (epxensive)
Gig economy
labour where workers are on short term and felxible contracts-
on call/demand, independent, flexible (no hiring) - low cost
-ve - poor job security & fringe benefits (sick pay, health care)
managers entrusting and empowering workers with authority to pass on control & decision-making authority (save time, but poor productivity if poor experiences)
Span of Control
number of people directly accountable to line manager
the closer to the higher person in hierarchy, the wider the span of control
Wide span of control
democratic leadership with often share of control (low cost, few manager positions)
effective communication, short chain of command
Narrow Span of Control
autocratic leadership with many hierarchies and centralized decsion-making (quick)
long chain of command (slow commu), more costly as more levels
Organziational Structure
the formal interrelationships & hierarchal arrangements of HR in organization
demonstrates authority and responsibility
Levels of Hierarchy
org. structure based on ranking and degree of authority and responsiblity
Line Manager
person directly above an employee on next level responsible for daily management of subordinates
Chain of Command
formal li e of authority where communication is passed
long in narrow, short in flat
execution of tasks governed by official & formal rules: highlights authority but limits innovation
policies, standardised procedures, hierarchal structure
who is responsible for decisions - extent to which authority is concentrated
trust, culture, size, attitudes
centralized - small group, no consultation of others: rapid, high control by qualified people
authority and responsiblity for decision-making is shared allowing trust, motivation from employee and employers expertise
loss of control, slow decision-making
process of removing1+ levles in hierarchy to flatten structureL widens SoC, improves commu., empowerment
change can cause stress, slow-decison-making in big teams
Matrix Structure
flexible method of organizing employees to temporarily work together on project allowing highly skilled & experience members to work together, break down tradiitonal commu. barriers
-ve - 2 line managers, difficult coordinations, time consuming
Organisational Charts
diagrammatic representation of organziation strucuture highlighting type of structure (hierarchy, SoC, chain of command)
Flat Organziational Strucutre
few levels, wide span of control
democratic leadership, few managers (cost effective)
eliminate them vs us culture
empower workers, opportunities
Tall Organisational Structure
many levels, narrow span of control
bureaucratic and authocratic
great opportunity for promotion (motivate)
for specialized labour - high efficiency
small teams - high control , teamwork
Organizational Structure arranged by
product - types of products, various subsidiaries
region - location, cutlure differences
function - operational orles (finance, HR)
project-based organization
a change in Organizational Structures where HR is orgnazied around particular projects
high flexibility, adjust to market, strive to meet deadlines (productive), variety (motivate, experience)
discontinuity - fewer opportunities to develop, close bond (isolation)
Shamrock Organisation
change in organziational structure where core of essential executives & workers supported by outside contractors and part-time help
core workers - full-time, multi-skilled proff. handle daily operations for survival and growth (high job security)
Peripheral Workers Workforce - part-time, temporarily, employed when needed: flexible, hire and fire: cost efficient
Contract Workers: not employed by org. but paid to ocmplete task, hired for expertise on CONTRACT (mama)
Leadership Management
decisons made using scientific (data, quantifiable, logical, clear, low risk) & intuitive (quick, low cost, beliefs) thinking management during decision-making
practice of achieving objectives by using (non)human resources effectively, persuade to follow rules and finish task, short-term
process of influencing and inspiring others to achieve task, foster motivation and hope, trust strategically for long term: challenge norms
Autocratic leadership
leader who makes all decisions, no delegation of responsibility (orders, clear chain of command, centralized)
quick - crisis, unskilled workers
ignore, little opportunity, resent leader, demotivate, poor image
Paternalistic leadership
leader treats employees liek family with father-like figure to act in bes interest of subordinates (loyal, obediant workers, but dictative in some cultures)
+ve - perceive subordinates as highly capable (support)
_ve - perceive poorly capable (control)
Democratic leadership
involves workers in decison-making process, consult staff first allow job satisfaction, motivation, decentralization
delayed decisions, not for big workforce
leaders have minimal direct input in employees’ work, receive objective but make their own decisions to show trust, value but lack of supervision (slow decison-making)
Situational Leadership
choosing right leadership style for each situation, no single style
depends on situation: CLOTS
- culture, leader, organizational structure, task, subordinates