“Ignorance is _”
past… future… present… past
“Who controls the _ controls the _. Who controls the _ controls the _.”
five… believe… demanded
“Two and two made _ , and you would have to _ it. Their position _ it.”
stop… true… mean
“You just said it to make them // and didn't really mean it. But that isn't //. At the time when it happens you do // it.”
language… speaks
“We're getting the // into the final shape it’s going to have when nobody // anything else.”
Newspeak… narrow… thought
“Don't you see that the whole aim of // is to // the range of //?”
Comrades… glorious… battle for production
“//! We have // news for you. We have won the // for //!”
conscious… rebel… rebelled… conscious
“Until they become // they will never //, and until after they have // they cannot become //.”
chestnut tree… sold… sold
“Under the spreading //, I // you and you // me.”
freedom… those days
“Do you feel that you have more // now than you had in //?”
wife… varicose… false
“I've got a // that I can't get rid of. I've got // veins. I've got five // teeth.
leader… Spies… Anti-Sex
“I was a troop // in the //. I do voluntary work for the Junior // League.”
“I'm // to the bone.”
rob… pleasures… avoid… caught
“They should want to // you of your //, as that you should want to // being //.”
sleep… skeleton… alive
“Which would you sooner // with, me or a //? Don't you enjoy being //?”
“Syme had //”
rebel… waist
“You're only a // from the // downwards.”
matters… betray… slightest
“The one thing that // is that we shouldn't // one another, although even that can't make the // difference.”
“It's called //.”
people… High… Middle… Low
“Throughout recorded time there have been three kinds of // in the world, the //, the //, and the //.”
Doublethink… contradictory… simultaneously… accepting
“// means the power of holding two // beliefs in one's mind //, and // both of them.”
“You are the //.”
lights… darkness
“The // would never be turned out. It was the place with no //.”
got… time
“They // me a long // ago.”
save… perfect
“I shall // you. I shall make you //.”
“How can you // memory?”
reintegration… learning… understanding… acceptance
“There are three stages in your //. There is //, there is //, and there is //.”
world… accept.. welcome… part
“You are beginning to realise what the // will be like. You will // it, // it, become // of it.”
“You are the // man.”
“He // big brother”
girl… following
“D'you know what that little // of mine did last Saturday… spent the whole afternoon // a strange man.”
loyalties… control… pleasure… sexual
“The aim was not merely to prevent // which it is unable to //. Its real, undeclared purpose was to remove all // from the // act.”
characteristic… cruelty… insecurity… bareness
“The truly // thing about modern life was not its // and //, but simply its //”
past… external world... mind… mind… controllable
“If both the // and the // exist only in the //, and if the // itself is // what then?”
guv’nor… ‘ead
“Look out, //! Bang over '//!”
“It's the // Country--almost”
purity… goodness… virtue
“I hate //, I hate //. I don't want any // to exist anywhere.”
knew… last long
“Both of them // that what was now happening could not //.”
suicide… order
“You are prepared to commit //, if and when we // you to do so?”