AP English study guide for Frankenstein (The Modern Prometheus) by Mary Shelley
Volume II Chapter I (IX)
Describe Victor’s emotional state.
How does Victor’s narration characterize the setting during his wanderings around the valley of Chamounix? In what way(s) is the setting symbolic?
How does the use of personification in this chapter echo earlier chapters?
Volume II Chapter II (X)
How does this chapter further develop the symbolism of the setting established in the previous chapter?
Which poem is cited in this chapter, and who is the author?
When Victor confronts the creature, how does the creature respond to him - in general, what is his demeanor?
knowledgeable, sensible, anger at mankind
How does the creatures account of himself employ biblical allusion?
he says that he is the fallen angel
How does the creature respond to the charge that he is evil?
he says that he has compassion, and was kind before
How would you describe the tone of the creatures remarks, oh, praise the eternal justice of man!
The creature claims victor bears responsibility as creator. To what extent does this appeal work.
Chapter III (XI)
How does the Creature's narration of his earliest days of existence characterize him as childlike, and how does his narration seem intended to elicit compassion?
discovering light, can't talk, confused, fire, frightened
What were the Creature’s earliest interactions with other humans like (besides Victor)?
violent and terrible
How does the Creature react to seeing the girl and the old man?
lovely sight, felt sensations of peculiar and overpowering nature
Chapter IV (XII)
In what way is the old man disabled? Can you predict the possible significance of this to the story?
cannot see
How does the Creature respond when he discovers that the family is impoverished, and what do his actions reveal about him?
he stops stealing food from them, and gets wood for them, he is kind
How are language and literacy important in this chapter; what decision does the Creature make about revealing himself to the family?
he will learn how to talk and a m aster of their language
How does this chapter create foreshadowing?
he did not even like himself
Chapter V (XIII)
How does the creatures narration characterize Safie, and what do we learn about her?
safie is beautiful, foreign, arab, brings the family a lot of happiness she is learning the language
From what book does Felix instruct Safie, and how does it shape the creatures impressions of humanity?
Volney's ruins of empires, mankind's power, virtuous, magnificent but also their vicious; evil and godlike at the same time, system of human society
What does the creature wonder about himself in this chapter?
was i a monster? what was i?
Chapter 6
What is the origin of the DeLacey family, and how did they fall into poverty?
Chapter 7
Which three books does the creature read, and how does each influence his understanding? Which makes the deepest impression and why?
Paradise Lost (Adam and Satan), Plutarch's Lives (histories of the first founders of republic), and the Sorrows of werter (speculation and astonishment, hero werter death of suicide made him wept, learned gloom)
What does the creature discover in his pockets, and what is his reaction?
papers from victor's lab, sickened, agony
Why does the creature allow himself to be hopeful with regard to the DeLaceys?
their kindness
How does the creature begin to introduce himself to the family?
goes to house only when blind dad is there
How does the rest of the creatures introduction to the family go?
scared violent, agatha faints, safie runs and felix fights
Chapter 8
How does the Creature characterize his emotional state at the beginning of the chapter?
What emotions and desires does the Creature experience for the first time?
How does this chapter allude to Paradise Lost?
How does the Creature attempt kindness again in this chapter, and what is the result?
What is the Creature’s version of events regarding William and Justine?
As the conclusion of this chapter, what demand does the Creature make of Victor?
Chapter 9
How does Victor respond to the Creature’s demand?
What is the Creature’s rebuttal?
How are Victor’s emotions toward the Creature ambivalent in this chapter?
On what conditions does Victor agree to the Creature’s demands?