Sharps: half step up from the last sharp in the key signature (that sharp is ti)
Flats: last flat is a major fourth UP from the key signature
the second to last flat is the scale, and if not, its F
A cycle of escalating flats and sharps for keys
Major: C on top: clockwise is sharps and fifths, counterclockwise is flats and fourths
Minor: A on top, all else same.
How to draw:
Just do a circle of fifth intervals (there’s 12 so space accordingly) starting by going right
Label escalating #’s and b’s going up from C (sharps to the right, flats to the left),
5b/7#, 6b/6#, 7b/5# in the bottom three.
The relative minor of a major key starts on the SIXTH of the major key
Ex. relative of C major is A minor
1 = Do = Tonic
2 = Re = Supertonic
Super means above the tonic
3 = Mi = Mediant
Mi = mediant
4 = Fa = Subdominant
Below the dominant
5 = So = Dominant
Next in importance to tonic
6 = La = Submediant
Six = submediant (S)
7 = Ti = Leading Tone
Tone leads back to the tonic (halfstep below)
Minor scale differences
7th is the subtonic (wholestep below the tonic)
Note that it is once again called the leading tone in harmonic minor or on the way up in melodic
6th is called the raised submediant
From most stable to most active:
1, 3, 5, 2, 6, 4, 7
7 resolves up to 1
4 resolves to 3
6 resolves to 5
Chromatic notes resolve to the nearest scale degree, up or down
I Don’t Play Loud Music At Lunch
Ionian, Dorian, Phrygian, Lydian, Mixolydian, Aeolian, Locrian
Natural minor + #6
OR major with a flat 3 and flat 7
If someone asks for x dorian, just take the MINOR second down from x and start it on x
Major with flat 2, 3, 6, 7
If someone asks for x phrygian, just take the major third down from x and start it on x
Major + #4
If someone asks for x lydian, just take the major fourth down from x and start it on x
Major + b7
If someone asks for x mixolydian, just take the major fifth down from x and start it on x
Natural minor + b2 and b5\
If someone asks for x locrian, just take the minor second down from x and play the minor scale starting on x.