Simple squamous epithelium
single layer of thin and flattened cells; found in air sacs in lungs, lining of blood vessels
simple cuboidal epithelium
Single layer of cube shaped cells. Found in kidney tubules, ovaries, and ducts of certain glands.
simple columnar epithelium
single layer of elongated, rectangular shaped cells; found in surface lining of stomach and intestines.
pseudostratified columnar
odd shaped elongated, rectangular cells that each come into contact with the basement membrane; may contain cilia. Found in the cells of the respiratory system.
stratified squamous epithelium
layers of thin and flattened cells; found in surface of skin and upper digestive tract lining (mouth, esophagus)
transitional epithelium
Multiple layers of cells which appear cuboidal when not stretched, but squamous when stretched; found in the urinary organs
simple squamous (diagram)
stratified squamous (diagram)
simple cuboidal (diagram)
simple columnar
pseudostratified ciliated columnar
transitional epithelium
epithelial tissue
Sheets of cells that covers the surfaces of the body, line internal cavities, and form certain glands.
avascular tissue
characteristic of epithelial tissue; no blood vessels connected to it
basement membrane
the basal lamina connected to underlying connective tissue; located below layers of epithelial cells
endocrine glands
release hormones; have no ducts or contact to the exterior of the body. ex: pituitary, thyroid, and adrenals.
exocrine glands
produce secretions; open to exterior of body through ducts. ex: sweat and oil
serous glands
produce watery secretions
mucous glands
secrete mucins