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Electronic Commerce
Conducting business activities electronically over computer networks
Paper Based
Inconvenient for Customers
Business activities that are strong candidates for conversion to e-commerce are:
Available just about everywhere all the time
Global Reach
Permits cross-cultural and national boundaries conveniently and cost-effectively
Universal Standards
The technical standards for conducting e-commerce are shared worldwide and enables linking of computers regardless of their technology platform
Video, audio, and text messages are possible; delivered to large numbers of people
The technology works through interaction with the user
Information Density
The technology reduces information costs and raises quality
The technology allows personalized messages to be delivered to individuals as well as to groups
Social Technology
The technology supports content generation and social networking
Types of E-commerce:
Involves retailing products and services to individual shoppers
Involves sales of goods and services among businesses
Involves selling directly to consumers
Mobile Commerce
Relies on the use of wireless devices
Required storage capacity and computing power
Must have the ability to perform fundamental services
How much sales does m-commerce account for in the fourth quarter of 2015
Electronic Payment Systems
A key component of the e-commerce infrastructure
Authentication technologies
Used by many organizations to confirm the identity of a user requesting access to information or assets
Digital Certificate
An attachment to an e-mail message or data embedded in a web site that verifies the identity of a sender or web site
Certificate authority
A trusted third-party organization or company that issues digital certificates
Address Verification System
A check built into authorization request
Address Verification System
Compares the address on the file with the address provided by the cardholder
Card Verification Number
A check of the additional digits typically printed on the back of the card
Transport Layer Security
A communications protocol used to secure sensitive data during e-commerce
Electronic Cash
An amount of money that is computerized, stored, and used as cash for e-commerce transactions
Transaction Processing Systems
Capture and process detailed data necessary to update the organization’s records about fundamental business operations
Batch Processing System
Business transactions are accumulated over a period of time and prepared for processing as a single unit or batch
Online Transaction Processing
Data processing in which each transaction is processed immediately
Ordering Processing Systems
Accounting Systems
Purchasing Systems
A TPS includes:
Ordering Processing Systems
Flow beings with receipt of the customer order, then finished product inventory is checked to see if sufficient inventory is on hand to fill the order
Accounting Systems
Must track the flow of data related to all the cash follows that affect the organization
Purchasing Systems
Systems that support the purchasing business function
Data collection
Data editing
Data correction
Data manipulation
Data storage
Document production
Transaction Processing Activities:
Data collection
Capturing and gathering all data necessary to complete the processing of transactions
Data Editing
Checking data for validity and completeness to detect any problems
Data Correction
Involves reentering data that was not typed or scanned properly
Data Manipulation
Classifying, sorting, calculating, summarizing
Data Storage
Involves updating one or more databases with new transactions
Document Production
Involves generating output records, documents, and reports
Enterprise Systems
Ensures that information can be shared across all business functions and all levels of management to support the running and managing of a business
Enterprise Resource Planning
A set of integrated programs that manage a company’s vital business operations for an entire organization
Business process
A set of coordinated and related activities that takes one or more kinds of input and creates an output of value to the customer of that process
Customer Relationship Management
Helps a company manage all aspects of customer encounters
Customer Relationship Management
To understand and anticipate the needs of current and potential customers