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an expression or statement that returns True or False
Selection statement
statements used to determine whether code should be run or skipped
DeMorgans law
Set of rules for converting an expression that contains NOTs into one without any NOTs
If statement
a conditional statement that runs when the condition is true; it helps control the flow of the program
What is ‘==’?
equal to
What is ‘!=’?
not equal to
What is ‘<=’?
less than or equal to
What is ‘<‘?
less than
What is ‘>’?
greater than
What is ‘>=’?
greater than or equal to
Yoda Notation
When the variable is put on the right side of a comparison
When a selection is placed inside a selection
refers to the area where a variable exists and can be used
Conjunction Operators
operators that combine two boolean values and produce a new result
The AND conjunction returns true when?
The AND project produces a true value when both of its operands are True
The OR conjunction returns true when?
The OR conjunction is true when one value in it’s operands is true
What is ‘&&’?
logical AND operator
What is ‘| |’
logical OR operator
What is ‘!”
logical NOT
Comparison Operator
operators that are used to compare two values
What does equals(Object o) do?
returns True if the called object is equal to the received object
What does compareTo(Object o) do?
Returns 0 if the called and received object are the same
Returns a positive number when the received object is smaller than the called object
Returns a negative number when the received object is greater than the called object
short circuiting
The process of not evaluating the right operand in a Boolean expression/statement