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What is the sagittal plane?
What is the transverse plane?
What is the coronal plane?
What does proximal mean?
Closer to the trunk
What nerve/vessel run through the internal acoustic meatus?
CNVII (Facial), CNVIII (Vestibulocochlear)
What nerve/vessel passes through the carotid canal?
Internal carotid artery
What nerve/vessel pass through the jugular foramen?
CNIX (glossopharyngeal), CNX (vagus), CNXI (accessory)
What nerve/vessel passes through the styloidmastoid foramen?
CNVII (Facial)
What nerve/vessel passes through the foramen magnum
CNXI (Accessory)
What nerve/vessel passes through the hypoglossal canal?
CNXII (Hypoglossal)
What nerve/vessel passes through the optic canal/foramen?
CNII (Optic)
What nerve/vessel passes through the foramen rotundum?
CNV2 (Trigeminal: Maxillary)
What nerve/vessel passes through the foramen ovale?
CNV3 (Trigeminal: Mandibular)
What nerve/vessel passes through the foramen spinosum?
Middle meningeal vessels
What nerve/vessel passes through the the foramen lacerum?
Fills with cartilage of the greater petrosal nerve
What nerve/vessel passes through the superior orbital fissure?
CNIII (Oculomotor), CNIV (Trochlear), CNV1 (Trigeminal: Opthalmic), CNVI (Abducens)
What nerve/vessel passes through the cribriform/ olfactory foramina?
CNI (Olfactory)
What nerve/vessel passes through the inferior orbital fissure?
CNV2 (Trigeminal: Maxillary)
What nerve/vessel passes through the mental foramen
Inferior alveoli nerve
What nerve/vessel passes through the transverse foramen?
Vertebral AV (artery and vein)
What is CNI, its type, exit, and function?
Olfactory, sensory, cribiform/olfactory canal, smell
What is CNII, its type, exit, and function?
Optic, sensory, optic canal/foramen, vision
What is CNIII, its type, exit, and function?
Oculomotor, motor, superior orbital fissure, eye movement
What is CNIV, its type, exit, and function?
Trochlear, motor, superior orbital fissure, eye movement
Which nerve are dermatomes derived from?
Dermatones of head and neck are derived form the the trigeminal nerves.
What is CNV, its type, exit, and function?
Trigeminal, Both, muscle of mastication, tear glands, sensory of mouth and skin of face.
V1: Ophthalmic, superior orbital fissure
V2: Maxillary, foramen rotundum
V3: Mandibular: foramen ovale
What is CNVI, its type, exit, and function?
Abducens, motor, superior orbital fissure, eye movement
What is CNVII, its type, exit, and function?
Facial, both, stylomastoid foramen, sensation for anterior tongue, muscles for facial expression
What is CNVIII, its type, exit, and function?
Vestibulocochlear, sensory, internal acoustic meatus, hearing & balance
What is CNIX, its type, exit, and function?
Glossopharyngeal, both, jugular foramen, sensation for posterior tongue, muscles for swallowing
What is CNX, its type, exit, and function?
Vagus, both, jugular foramen, speed & swallowing, GI tract innervation, autonomic motor fibers conduct impulses to heart, smooth muscles, and glands. (Only nerve innervation outside the head)
What is CNXI, its type, exit, and function?
Accessory, motor, jugular foramen, muscles of neck, back, pharynx, larynx
What is CNXII, its type, exit, and function?
Hypoglossal, motor, hypoglossal canal, muscles to move tongue
How many cervical spinal nerves are there and how are they distributed?
8 total cervical spinal nerves: Upper ones are distributed to head & neck and lower ones descent into upper limbs and thorax
What main arteries supply the head and neck?
Common carotid artery, vertebral artery, internal carotid artery
What are the 4 layers of fascia that divides the neck?
Investing fascia, prevertebral fascia, pretracheal fascia, carotid sheaths
What is the investing fascia and what structures does it enclose?
Deep to the skin and superficial tissues, it surrounds the whole neck.
Splits to enclose trapezius and SCM, encloses parotid gland
What is the prevertebral fascia and what structures does it enclose?
Encloses vertebral column, pre- & postvetebral muscle
Origin of cervical and brachial plexus
Prevertebral fascia extends laterally to become axillary sheath (contains brachial plexus and subclavian artery)
What is pretracheal fascia and what structures does it enclose?
Covers anterior and lateral trachea & larynx and encloses the thyroid gland
What is the carotid sheath and what structures does it enclose?
Common carotid artery
Internal carotid artery
External carotid artery
Internal jugular vein
Vagus nerve
What is the OIA of splenius capitus?
O: Spinous process of inferior cervical & superior thoracic vertebra
I: Mastoid process, occipital bone, superior cervical vertebra
A: B/l- Extend neck, 1- Laterally flexes & rotates neck to same side
What is the OIA of semispinalis capitus?
O: Transverse process of T1-T6 & Articular process of C4-C7
I: Occipital bone between nuchal lines
A: B/l- Extend neck, 1- Extends neck, laterally flexes & rotates neck to opposite side
What is the OIA of platysma?
O: Fascia covering pectorals major and deltoid
I: Mandible and skin of cheek
A: Tenses skin of neck and depresses mandible
What is the OIA of sternocleidomastoid?
O: Sternal end of clavicle and manubrium of sternum
I: Mastoid process and superior nuchal line
A: B/l- Flex the neck, 1- Tilts head to the same side and rotates face to the opposite side
What is the OIA of sternohyoid?
O: Manubrium and clavicle
I: Hyoid
A: Depresses hyoid and larynx
What is the OIA of omohyoid?
O: Superior border of scapula
I: Hyoid
A: Depresses hyoid and larynx
What is the OIA of sternothryoid?
O: Manubrium and 1st costal cartilage
I: Thyroid cartilage of larynx
A: Depresses hyoid and larynx
What is the OIA of thyrohyoid?
O: Thyroid cartilage of larynx
I: Hyoid
A: Elevates larynx, depresses hyoid
What is the OIA of digastric?
O: Anterior belly- digastric fossa of mandible, Posterior belly- mastoid notch
I: Intermediate tendon to hyoid
A: Depresses mandible, raises hyoid bone, steadies hyoid during speech and swallowing
What is the OIA of orbicularis oculi?
O: Medial margin of orbit
I: Skin around eyelids
A: Closes eye
What is the OIA of zygomaticus major?
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Muscles at angle of mouth
A: Elevates corner of mouth & draws it laterally
What is the OIA of zygomaticus minor?
O: Zygomatic bone
I: Upper lip
A: Elevates upper lip
What is the OIA of orbicularis oris?
O: Maxilla and mandible
I: Lips
A: Compresses & purses lips
What is the OIA of buccinator?
O: Maxilla and mandible
I: Orbicularis oris, angle of mouth
A: Draws in cheeks
What is the OIA of masseter?
O: Zygomatic arch
I: Mandibular angle and ramus
A: Elevates, protracts, retracts mandible and moves mandible side to side
What is the OIA of temporalis?
O: Temporal lines of skull
I: Coronoid process and ramus of mandible
A: Elevates, retracts mandible and moves mandible side to side
What is the OIA of frontalis?
O: Galea aponeurotica
I: Skin of forehead
A: Elevates eyebrows & forehead
What is the OIA of risorius?
O: Deep fascia of the face and parotid gland
I: Modiolus & skin at angle of mouth
A: Retract the angle of mouth (smiling muscle)
What is the OIA of lateral pterygoid?
O: Lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate
I: Superior head attaches to joint capsule of TMJ, while inferior head attaches to mandibular condyle
A: Depress, protract, and side to side
What is the OIA of medial pterygoid?
O: Medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate
I: Medial surface to ramus of mandible, inferior to mandibular foramen
A: Elevate, protract, and side to side
Which triangle of neck does the omohyoid inferior belly belong to?
Posterior triangle; it divides occipital triangle from supraclavicular triangle
Which triangle of neck does the digastric anterior belly belong to?
Anterior triangle; Divides submandibular from submental triangle
Which triangle of neck does the omohyoid superior belly belong to?
Anterior triangle; Divides carotid triangle from muscular triangle
What is the roof of the posterior triangle of neck formed from?
Investing fascia
What is the floor of the posterior triangle of neck formed from and what does it cover?
Formed by prevertebral fascia and covers the: splenius capitis, levator scapulae, and anterior, medius, anterior scalene
What nerves are located in posterior triangle of neck?
CNXI (accessory) and cervical plexus
What is the roof of the anterior triangle of neck formed by?
Investing fascia
What is the floor of anterior triangle of neck formed by?
Pretracheal fascia
What muscles are located within the anterior triangle of neck?
Infrahyoid (strap) muscles: Sternohyoid, sternothyroid, thryohyoid, omohyoid
What is the cervical plexus?
Emerges from posterior triangle of neck to provide nerve supply to neck, upper back and arms.
What kind of innervation does the superficial branches of the cervical plexus provide?
What kind of innervation does the deep branches of the cervical plexus provide and what are the nerves?
Motor; Phrenic nerve & ansa cervicalis nerve
What is the brachial plexus and how is it subdivided?
Main nerve supple to upper limbs and is subdivided into roots, trunks, divisions, cords, and branches
All three layers of the cervical viscera are wrapped by:
Pretracheal fascia
What does the thyroid gland do?
Control basal metabolic rate
What arteries and veins supply and drain blood for the thyroid gland and what is the main vessel they branch off of?
Superior thyroid artery -branch of External carotid artery
Inferior thyroid artery – branch of thyrocervical trunk
Superior thyroid vein – Internal Jugular vein
What nerve innervates the thyroid gland in the parasympathetic system?
Vagus nerve (CNX)
What is the function of parathyroid gland?
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) works in opposition to calcitonin. It increases blood Ca levels by stimulating osteoclasts to break down bone
What arteries provide blood supply for the parathyroid gland?
Superior & Inferior thyroid arteries
What nerve innervates the parathyroid gland?
Vagus nerve (CNX)
What forms the vocal folds/ true vocal cords?
Vocal ligaments + mucous membrane covering
What forms the vestibular folds/ false vocal cords?
Vestibular ligaments + mucous membrane covering
What is the glottis made of?
Rima glottis (opening b/w vocal folds) + vocal folds
What vein is within the carotid sheath?
Internal juglar vein
Common carotid A
Internal carotid A
External carotid A
Glossopharyngeal N (CNIX)
Vagus N (CNX)
Accessory N (CNXI)
Hypoglossal N (CNXII)
Ansa cervicalis
Where does the common carotid artery originate, terminate, and what does it contain?
Origin: Right branches from brachiocephalic trunk and left branches from aortic arch
Terminates: Superior border of thyroid cartilage and internal & external carotid
Contains: Carotid bodies, innervated by CNIX (glossopharyngeal)
Where does the internal carotid artery originate, terminate, and what does it contain?
Origin: Arises from common carotid
Terminates: Carotid canal in temporal bone (petrous part)
Contains: Carotid sinus, innervated by CNIX (glossopharyngeal)
What are all the branches of the external carotid artery
Superior thyroid A
Ascending pharyngeal A
Lingual A
Facial A
Occipital A
Posterior Auricular A
Maxillary A (terminal branch)
Superficial temporal A (terminal)
Mnemonic: Sparse And Little Find Orgy Parties Most Successful
What structures does the facial nerve (CNVIII) enters through?
Internal acoustic meatus & parotid gland
What are the 5 terminal branches of the facial nerve?
Temporal branch
Zygomatic branch
Buccal branch
Marginal mandibular branch
Cervical branch
Mnemonic: The Zoo Brought Many Children
What three branches does facial nerve (CNVII) give off within the facial canal (from IAM ago stylomastoid foramen)?
Greater petrosal nerve
Nerve to stapedius
Chorda tympani
What major structures pass through the parotid gland?
Facial nerve (CNVII)
External carotid artery
Retromandibular vein
What are the 4 parasympathetic ganglia in the head/neck?
Ciliary ganglion (CNIII, Oculomotor): Papillary sphincter muscle
Pterygopalatine ganglion (CNVII, Facial): Tear glands
Submandibular ganglion (CNVII, Facial): Submandibular & sublingual glands
Otic ganglion (CNIX, Glossopharyngeal): Parotid glands
What major structures pass through the pterygopalatine fossa?
Maxillary nerve (CNV2)
Maxillary artery & vein
Pterygopalatine ganglion: Contains parasympathetic fibers from facial nerve (CNVII)
What major muscles, nerves, and arteries/veins run through infratemporal fossa?
Medial & lateral pterygoid muscle
Temporalis and masseter muscle
Trigeminal: Mandibular nerve (CNV3)
Otic ganglion: Glossopharyngeal nerve (CNIX)
Maxillary artery & vein
What type of joint is the TMJ and what are its articular surfaces covered by?
Synovial joint, fibrocartilage
What muscle directly inserts into the TMJ joint capsule?
Lateral pterygoid muscle
What are the three extracapsular ligaments of the TMJ?
Lateral temporomandiular ligament
Sphenomandibular ligament
Stylomandibular ligament
What arteries supply blood to the TMJ?
Superficial temporal artery & maxillary artery
What nerves innervate the TMJ?
Auricolotemporal N & Masseteric N (both branches of CNV3 )
What muscle provides depression movement to the TMJ?
Lateral pterygoid, but mostly gravity