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Verbal Communication
Communication with words from a particular Language
Oral Communication
Communication wtih the use of spoken words
High level of transparency and feedback
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Advantages of Oral Communication
Speak in a clear, confident and strong voice
one should speak in a confident, clear and strong voice so that it is audible to everyone in the audience. Keep the pace of your speaking average, not very slow not very fast. While speaking, face the audience.
Be Coherent
One should speak coherently with concentration on your subject only. Try not to be distracted from your subject, try to prevent other thoughts at that time.
Avoid using filler words
It is better to pause for a second rather than using filler words, such “Yeah”, “So”, “Um”, “Like” frequent use of filler words disturb coherence and distract audience.
Be an active listener
Verbal communication is a two-way process; you should therefore, be an active listener too. Try to understand a question/query quickly, because it looks odd to ask to repeat the question.
Clear Pronunciation
The message should be pronounced clearly, otherwise the receiver may not understand the words of the sender
A brief message is considered the most effective factor since receiver’s retention capacity is limited in oral communication. The sender should be as brief as possible.
The sender should ensure exactness of the message. Only relevant issue should be included in the message and that too with accuracy.
The sender should believe in the facts that are being communicated to others. The oral presentation should evince confidence of the sender.
Logical Sequence
The sender should present the message logically. The points to be spoken first and what should follow to convey the meaning and motives of the sender effectively to the receiver need to be looked into.
Appropriate word Choice
Words are symbols. They have no fixed or universal meanings. The meanings of words at that moment are in the mind of the sender. Therefore, the sender should select the words which are suitable and understandable to the other party and those which convey exactly the same meanings as the sender wanted.
Use Natural Voice
Natural voice conveys integrity and conviction. It is advised to use natural voice in oral communication.
Communicate with the right person
It is essential to know whom to communicate. If you communicate a right message to a wrong person, it may lead to lot of problems. Be sure in recognizing the right person to communicate with
Do not get guided by assumptions
Never assume that your listener has knowledge already on the subject matter. You may be wrong many times in such assumptions. You can be good only when you are confident in your message without any omission.
Look for feedback
When communicating, if you are smart enough in collecting feedback verbally or non-verbally, you can quickly alter the message, if necessary
Allow to ask questions
It is important to give freedom to the receiver to rise questions whenever he feels ambiguity or confusion. In a way, the communicator should encourage the receiver to ask questions. Such questions are opportunities to clarify doubts.
Written Communication
In this method, communication is written in words or symbols and is transmitted via e-mail, letter, memo, etc
Written communication requires clarity of thought and clarity of expression like using simple words, active construction, avoiding ambiguity and Jargon, using simple sentences, etc.
The writer needs to check the completeness of the message. He should verify whether all questions are answered in the message or not.
Brevity is very important for effective writing. The writer should include only relevant facts and avoid repetitions.
This principle advocates that the writer should convey respect to the reader in his writing. It is always better to emphasize positive and pleasant facts. The writings should reflect the integrity of the writer.
According to this principle, courtesy will be observed through promptness in writing and giving replies, avoidance of imitating expressions, sincere apology for an omission and generous thanks for a favour.
According to this principle, the writer should give correct facts in the message. The message should be sent to the reader at the right time and in the correct style
Visual and Audio Visual Communication
It has been pointed out above that written or oral communication alone has certain limitations which may create poor impression on the recipient and the desired result is not achieved. In order to overcome this difficulty, many business organization now use various visual aids, such as pictures, progress charts, maps, graphs, etc
Although it may look odd, __________ is also a mode of communication. It is defined as a way of communication without words, sign of signals
Non-Verbal Communication
The communication without using words, such as gesture, body language, facial expression
the study of the body movements, gestures, facial expressions, etc. as a means of communication
Kinesics Communication
other word for body language
Founder of Kinesics
Facial Expressions
Face is the most expressive part of the body
e is the way a person stands or sits. It can indicate the persons mental state (relaxed, confident, attentive or impatient
bodily parts of the body particularly hands and face, move to communicate message, either in place of, or in conjunction with speech
Other word for touch
it is the notion of interaction through touch. The non-verbal form of communication, touch, carries ethical and moral implications in educational practice
It refers to the study of human space and distance in communication
Public Space
12 feet or more
This is the least personal of the four zones, and is typically used when a person is delivering a formal speech. A powerful or highprofile person, such as CEO of a company maintains this distance.
Social Space
4-12 Feet
It extends from 4 feet to 12 feet away from the body. This distance is optimum for professional or social conversation, but not for the personal or intimate communication. Normally while conducting Board’s meetings, this space is maintained, because it reduces the possibility of any impropriety. In fact, in the classrooms, this space is maintained which provides better chances of the interaction of students with the teacher. After the class, students interact with the teacher standing four to five feet away, keeping them in the other part of the social zone, typical for professional interactions. However for discussing some personal problem, student may come in the inner part of the social zone of the teacher
Personal Space
1.5-4 feet
This is also known as “Personal Space Bubble”. It starts from the body and extends to four feet. This is the zone for communicating with friends and close acquaintances. Although two persons talking to each other are quite close, still they talk friendly but not intimately. This is the reason why even friends feel uncomfortable if they spend too much time in this zone. In fact, this zone is divided into two subzones. The outer personal zone extending from 2.5 to 4 feet is useful for private conversations. With the people who are not interpersonal close. Professional private conversations usually take place in this zone. The inner-personal zone extends from 1.5 to 2.5 feet and is reserved for the people who are interpersonally close or are trying to be close. In this subzone, people can touch other while talking displaying their closeness.
Intimate Space
Less than
If people come closer than 1.5 feet, they enter intimate zone. This zone is reserved for closest friends, family and intimate partners. A breach of this space can be comforting in same context, but may be annoying and frightening in others.
Appearance and Artifacts
lso plays an important role, because the first impression on the other person created by how one looks
Physical Characteristics
2 components of Appearance
Any non-verbal action that supports word