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Plains, flat and wide areas of land.
Swamp, a wetland that is dominated by herbaceous plants.
Island, a piece of land surrounded by water.
Mountain, a large landform that rises prominently above its surroundings.
Wet, soaked or saturated with liquid.
La Araña
Spider, an arachnid with eight legs.
El Tiburón (de Cabeza martillo)
(Hammerhead) Shark, a type of shark known for its distinctive head shape.
El Perro
Dog, a domesticated carnivorous mammal.
El Delfín
Dolphin, a highly intelligent marine mammal.
La Estrella de Mar
Starfish, a marine echinoderm with five or more arms.
La Gaviota
Seagull, a bird commonly found near coastlines.
La Oruga
Caterpillar, the larval stage of a butterfly or moth.
La Crisálida
Chrysalis, the pupal stage of an insect.
La Mariposa
Butterfly, an insect with colorful wings.
La Polilla
Moth, an insect related to butterflies, typically active at night.
La Medusa
Jellyfish, a marine creature with a gelatinous body.
Fragata Portuguesa
Man o’War, a colonial organism similar to a jellyfish.
En Pingüino
Penguin, a flightless bird that is adapted to life in the water.
El Loro
Parrot, a brightly colored bird known for its ability to mimic sounds.
El Perezoso
Sloth, a slow-moving mammal that hangs from trees.
La Jirafa
Giraffe, a tall mammal with a long neck.
El Gato
Cat, a small domesticated carnivorous mammal.
La Nutria
Otter, a playful aquatic mammal.
El Pájaro Kiwi
Kiwi, a flightless bird native to New Zealand.
El Elefante
Elephant, the largest land animal with a trunk.
El Flamenco
Flamingo, a wading bird known for its pink feathers.
El Guepardo
Cheetah, a large cat known for its speed.
La Águila Calva
Bald Eagle, a bird of prey found in North America.
El Pavo
Turkey, a large bird native to North America.
La Gallina
Rooster, an adult male chicken.
El Pollo
Chicken, a domesticated bird raised for its eggs and meat.
La Cacatúa
Cockatoo, a bird with a distinctive crested head.
El Lémur
Lemur, a primate native to Madagascar.
El Halcón
Falcon, a bird of prey known for its speed.
El Caballo
Horse, a large domesticated mammal used for riding.
El Venado
Deer, a hoofed grazing animal.
El Pato
Duck, a waterfowl with a broad bill.
El Ganso
Goose, a waterfowl known for its honking.