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balance of trade
difference between how much a country imports and exports
What was the trade situation prior to imperialism?
China sold more than it bought, while the West bought more than it sold.
What two things suddenly gave the West the upper hand against China?
1. China entered a period of decline
2. Industrial Revolution created a need for expanded markets- superior military power
What product gave the British huge profits? why?
opium- the Chinese became addicted and soon China's economy was compromised
What did the Chinese government do in response to the opium problem?
outlawed opium,executed drug dealers, called on Britain to stop the trade
What caused the opium war?
British refused to stop the opium trade and China sent out warships that clashed with British merchants
What was the outcome of the war?
China lost because of Britain's superior war technology
What treaty did Britain make China accept? What did it state?
Treaty of Nanjing made China pay a large sum to Britain, give Hong Kong to Britain, open 5 ports for trade, and allow British citizens to live under their own laws in China.
What two things did China do because of pressure from the west?
1.opened more ports 2. let christian missionaries preach in China
Describe the situation of the Qing Dynasty decline
.poor irrigation systems (flooding of Huang He)
.population explosion
.tax evasion by rich
What was the great peasant revolt called?
Taiping Rebellion
Who led the rebellion?
Hong Xiuguan- schoolteacher inspired by religious visions and wanted to set up a peaceful kingdom
What radical ideas did Hong Xiuguan support?
.land reform
.equality of women and men
.community ownership of property
.end to Qing Dynasty
What was the result of the rebellion?
.rebels won control over parts of China but were crushed by the government and loyal governors
.almost defeated Qing Dynasty
.many people died
.Russia got Chinese lands
.Qing had to share power with landowners
Why did scholar officials see no reason for new industries?
Because China's wealth and taxes came from the land.
Why did scholar officials not like western missionaries and technology?
Because they both challenged ancient Confucian order
Ci Xi
Empress who was strong willed and surrounded herself with advisors who supported Confucian traditions.
Self-Strengthening Movement
tried to modernize by using Western technology, building factories, railroads, and mining industries, but failed because the government didn’t support it.
What country began to put pressure on China and begin modernizing?
Sino-Japanese War
War between Japan and China ending in Chinese defeat. Japan got Taiwan
At the peace table after the war, what was the visual difference between Japanese and Chinese officials?
Japanese wearing western clothes, Chinese wearing traditional robes
How did Western powers react to China's humiliating defeat?
They saw that China was weak and they swooped in to carve our spheres of influence on the coast- Britain, France, Germany, Russia
What country did not take part in the carving up of China? Why?
United States. They were a long time trader with the Chinese and feared that European powers might shut out American merchants.
Open Door Policy
The policy that the United States called for to keep Chinese trade open to everyone on an equal basis
Did the imperial powers accept the Open Door Policy? What country was not consulted about it?
Yes they accepted. China was left out.
Who did reformers blame for not modernizing China? What did they want them to do?
Blamed conservative officials. They wanted leaders to stop living in the past.
Guang Xu
young emperor who launched the Hundred Days of Reform- he was eventually imprisoned because of conservatives
Hundred Days of Reform-- and what did it affect?
-modernize civil service exam
-new industries
-streamline government
---affected schools, military, bureaucracy
Why did foreigners ignore Chinese laws and live in their own communities?
They were protected by extraterritoriality
Righteous Harmonious Fists (Boxers)
a secret society that trained in the martial arts. They wanted to drive out the foreigners who were corrupting the Chinese ways of life.
Boxer Uprising
the Boxers attacked foreigners and western powers created a force to crush them and rescue the foreigners.
Did Empress Ci Xi support the Boxers?
She did at first but then reversed her policy as they retreated
What was the results of the Boxer Rebellion?
Chinese conservatives began to support westernization.
-women could go to school
-more science and math taught in place of Confucianism
-mining, shipping, railroads, cash crops
-business class and urban working class emerged
what kind of government was introduced after the Boxer Rebellion?
constitutional monarchy
Sun Yixian
spokesman for a chinese republic who organized the Revolutionary Alliance and came up with the Three Principles of the People
Three Principles of the People
1. nationalism
3.livelihood (economic security for all)
What happened when Ci Xi died?
China slipped into chaos...uprising spread and the Qing Dynasty was toppled
Upon hearing about the chaos China was in, Sun Yixian hurried home and was named _____.
president of the new Chinese republic