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transportation, regulation, protection
role of the cardiovascular system
CO (L/min)= HR (beats/min) x SV (L/beat)
cardiac output equation
medulla oblongata
cardiac control center
CNX- vagus releases acetylcholine to decrease HR
parasympathetic NS control of the heart
cardiac accelerator nerve releases norepinepherine which speeds up the rate of contraction
sympathetic NS control of the heart
stroke volume equation
end diastolic volume (EDV)
how much blood was in the ventricles before contraction- before it got pumped out (full water bottle)
end systolic volume (ESV)
how much blood is left in the ventricles after contraction
stroke volume (SV)
how much blood got pumped out of the ventricles during contraction
factor that affects SV, amount of blood coming back to the heart
factor that affects SV, pressure in the aorta that the Left ventricle has to overcome to open up the AV
how force the heart is contracting
ejection fraction (EF) equation
heart failure
heart cannot adequately pump blood, caused by valve problems, angina, MI caused dead tissue, chronic hypertension (highafterload—heart has to work too hard)
EF and VO2max
heart failure is measured by
left heart failure
right ventricle is normal, left is weak—blood pools one step back (Lungs)—-pulmonary congestion & edema
right heart failure
left ventricle is normal, right is weak— bloodd pools in systemic circuit— congestion and edema in extremeties & abdomen