a nerve cell; basic building block of the nervous system
purpose: to transmit a message
fires electronically —> must have a stimulus
fire in rapid succession
cell body
the part of a neuron that contains the nucleus; the cell’s life support center
a neuron’s often bushy, branching extensions that receive and integrate messages, conducting impulses toward the cell body
the neuron extension that passes messages through its branches to other neurons or to muscles or glands
myelin sheath
fatty tissue layer insulating and speeding up impulses of axons
glial cells (glue cells)
cells in the nervous system that support, nourish, and protect neurons; play a role in learning, thinking, and memory
action potential
a neural impulse —> brief electrical charge traveling down an axon; basically the neuron “firing”
opening the flap in the toilet tank and the water rushing through the pipes
point of excitation on the neuron that must be reached for an action potential to occur
you can push the handle a little bit but a toilet won’t flush until you push the handle past a certain point
refractory period
brief resting pause that occurs after a neuron has fired; subsequent action potentials can’t occur until axon returns to its resting state; “recharging” time
after you flush the toilet, it won’t flush again for a certain period, even if you push the handle
all-or-nothing response
a neuron’s reaction of either firing (with a full-strength response) or not firing
a toilet either flushes completely or not at all
the junction between the axon tip of the sending neuron and the dendrite or cell body of the receiving neuron
excess neurotransmitter reabsorbed by axon terminal of sending neuron
chemical messengers that cross the synaptic gaps between neurons
when released by the sending neuron, they travel across the synapse and bind to receptor sites on the receiving neuron —> influences whether that neuron will generate a neural impulse
electrically charge the next neuron; start a new action potential
a molecule increasing a neurotransmitter’s action
a molecule inhibiting/blocking a neurotransmitter’s action
a neurotransmitter that enables muscle action, learning, and memory
malfunction: Alzheimer’s- ACh-producing neurons deteriorate
a neurotransmitter that influences movement, learning, attention, and emotion
oversupply —> schizophrenia
undersupply —> tremors, decreased mobility with Parkinson’s
a neurotransmitter that affects mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal
undersupply —> depression
drugs that raise levels of it can treat depression
a neurotransmitter that helps control alertness and arousal
undersupply —> depressed mood
a major inhibitory neurotransmitter associated with relaxation
undersupply —> seizures, tremors, insomnia
a neurotransmitter that influences perception of pain or pleasure
oversupply w/ opiates —> suppresses natural supply
a neurotransmitter that affects metabolism, attention, focus, panic, and excitement
malfunction: sleep disorders, anxiety, hypertension, lowered immunity
biological psychologist
a psychologist focusing on how our body and mind are connected/interact —> how the brain works/its structure and chemicals
communication between neurons are chemical interactions that causes an electric reaction in the next neuron; always goes in same direction
toilet water always goes down, not up
nervous system
the body’s speedy, electrochemical communication network, consisting of all the nerve cells of the peripheral and central nervous systems
takes in info from the world/the body’s tissues, makes decisions, sends back info/orders
central nervous system
the brain and spinal cord
the body’s decision maker
info processing (main communication path for info)
neural network
peripheral nervous system
the sensory and motor neurons that connect the central nervous system to the rest of the body
responsible for EVERYTHING
bundled axons that form neural cables connecting the central nervous system with muscles, glands, and sense organs
sensory neurons
neurons that carry incoming info from the body’s tissues and sensory receptors to the brain and spinal cord
motor neurons
neurons that carry outgoing info from the brain and spinal cord to the muscles and glands
neurons within the brain and spinal cord
communicate internally —> process info between the sensory inputs and motor outputs
somatic nervous system
the division of the peripheral nervous system that controls the body’s skeletal muscles
spinal nerves to skeletal muscles
controls voluntary movements
autonomic nervous system
the part of the peripheral nervous system that controls the glands and the muscles of internal organs
nerves to internal organs and glands
automatic functions (breathing, digestion)
sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions
sympathetic nervous system
(part of autonomic nervous system) arousing effects (ex. fight or flight, racing heartbeat)
parasympathetic nervous system
(part of autonomic nervous system) calming effects (ex. slowing heartbeat)
endocrine system
the body’s “slow” chemical communication system; a set of glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream
chemical messengers that are manufactured by the endocrine glands, travel through the bloodstream, and affect other tissues
when they act on the brain, they influence our interest in sex, food, and aggression
ex. melatonin, insulin
adrenal glands
pair of endocrine glands that sit just above the kidneys and secrete hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) that help arouse the body in times of stress
fight-flight-freeze response
pituitary gland
an endocrine gland that, under the influence of hypothalamus, regulates growth and controls other endocrine glands
most influential endocrine gland!!
“master” gland because it regulates release of hormones and controls other glands
releases growth hormones
pineal gland
an endocrine gland that makes the hormone melatonin —> helps the body control day-night sleep patterns and circadian rhythm
resting potential
when a neuron is “charged” and waiting for another impulse
toilet after the water has filled up and can flush again
when the action potential fires, channels along the axon allow NA+ and K+ channels to open, thus propelling the electrochemical process down the axon
receptor cells
info receptive cells that translate different kinds of energy into electric impulses (action potential)
controls pituitary gland, regulates glucose blood levels by stimulating insulin release (by pancreas)
thyroid gland
controls energy levels by regulating metabolism
endocrine organ
behind stomach
releases hormone insulin
regulates blood sugar levels by breaking down glucose (body’s fuel)
endocrine gland; releases male hormones (testosterone) responsible for development of male characteristics
endocrine gland; releases female hormones (estrogen) responsible for development of female characteristics
naturally or experimentally caused tissue destruction
amplified recording of the waves of electrical activity in neurons sweeping across the brain’s surface; measured by electrodes placed on the scalp
used for imaging of function/activity
a brain imaging technique that measures magnetic fields from the brain’s natural electrical activity (ex. soldiers with PTSD have stronger magnetic fields when viewing training-related images)
used for imaging of function/activity
“fancy X-ray”; a series of X-ray photos taken from different angles and combined by the computer into a composite representation of a slice of the brain’s structure —> may indicate brain damage
used for imaging of structure
a brain imaging technique that detects where a radioactive form of glucose goes while the brain performs a given task (ex. monkeys with anxious temperament have brains that use more glucose in regions related to fear, memory, and expectations of reward/punishment)
used for imaging of function/activity
a technique using brain scans and radio waves to produce computer-generated images of soft tissue; show brain anatomy
used for imaging of structure
a technique for revealing blood flow —> brain activity by comparing successive MRI scans
shows brain structure AND function/activity
the oldest part/central core of the brain, beginning where the spinal cord swells as it enters the skull; responsible for automatic survival functions
the base of the brainstem (slight swelling of spinal cord just after it enters skull), controls heartbeat and breathing
damage —> respiratory failure, paralysis, brain death
the brain’s sensory control center, on top of the brainstem; directs messages to the sensory receiving areas in the cortex and transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla
damage —> unconsciousness, sleep disorders, sensory breakdown (all senses but smell)
reticular formation
nerve network that travels through the brainstem into the thalamus and plays an important role in controlling arousal, relays the info to other brain parts
damage —> irreversible coma
the “little brain” at the rear of the brainstem; processes sensory input, coordinates voluntary movement output/balance, enables nonverbal learning/memory
damage —> staggering, tremors, coordination loss
limbic system
neural system located below the cerebral hemispheres; associated with emotions and drives
2 lima-bean-sized neural clusters in the limbic system; linked to emotion, aggression, and fear
removal: reduced arousal to fear
stimulation: aggression
in temporal lobe beneath front of thalamus; helps process for storage explicit (conscious) memories of facts/events
damage —> loss of NEW short-term memories, retrograde or anterograde amnesia
the brain’s ability to change, especially during childhood, by reorganizing after damage or by building new pathways based on experience
the formation of new neurons
split brain
a condition resulting from surgery that isolates the brain’s 2 hemispheres by cutting the fibers (mainly those of the corpus callosum) connecting them
our subjective awareness of ourselves and our environment
comes in many forms
daydreaming, meditating
sleep is a state of consciousness
cognitive neuroscience
the interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception, thinking, memory, and language)
dual processing
information is often simultaneously processed on separate conscious/unconscious tracks
parallel processing
processing many aspects of a problem simultaneously; the brain’s natural mode of info processing for many functions
sequential processing
processing one aspect of a problem at a time; generally used to process new info or to solve difficult problems
above medulla; a structure linking the brain (thalamus) to the spinal cord (medulla); a juncture point in motor and sensory info, coordinates movements, controls autonomic processes like sleep and circadian rhythms
damage —> paralysis, locked-in syndrome
frontal lobes
behind forehead; involved with speech, muscle movement (motor cortex), making plans/judgments/problem solving
damage —> difficulty making decisions/organizing, motor issues
parietal lobes
at top, rear of head; processes info and associations, receives sensory input for touch, body position (somatosensory cortex)
damage —> sensation issues
occipital lobes
back of head; controls visual reception and interpretation
damage —> blindness (or flashes of light, if slightly injured)
temporal lobes
above ears; auditory processing, language composition, memory/info retrieval
damage —> deafness (or phantom ringing; overstimulated in schizophrenic auditory hallucinations)
motor cortex
rear of frontal lobes; controls voluntary movements
damage —> coordination loss; stimulation→body part moved but no perception of it
somatosensory cortex
front of parietal lobes; registers, processes body touch and movement sensations
damage —> numbness, tingling; stimulation→felt like body part moved but it didn’t
association areas
areas in all 4 lobes (cerebral cortex) not involved in primary motor/sensory functions; involved with higher mental functions, such as learning, remembering, speaking, and thinking
damage —> inability to recognize/learn new faces
prefrontal cortex: removed inhibitions
parietal lobe: math and spacial reasoning
cerebral cortex
intricate fabric of interconnected neural cells covering cerebral hemispheres. the ultimate control and info processing center
corpus callosum
the large band of neural (axon) fibers connecting the 2 brain hemispheres; carries messages between them
damage —> split brain
left hemisphere
language center, analytical/mathematical reasoning, home of Broca’s and Wernicke’s area
Broca’s area
left frontal lobe; directs muscle movement involved with expressing language (speech)
damage —> disrupted speaking
Wernicke’s area
left temporal lobe; processes receptive language (ability to understand speech)
damage —> disrupted understanding
right hemisphere
spatial reasoning, inferential skills, processing relationship of words (interpreting meaning)
language impairment due to damage to the LEFT hemisphere (either in Broca’s area or Wernicke’s area)
behavior genetics
the study of the relative power/limits of genetic and environmental influences on behavior
threadlike structures made of DNA molecules that contain the genes
a complex molecule containing the genetic info that makes up chromosomes
the biochemical units of heredity that make up chromosomes; segments of DNA capable of synthesizing proteins
the complete instructions for making an organism, consisting of all the genetic material in that organism’s chromosomes
the proportion of variation among individuals in a group that we can attribute to genes (may vary depending on the range of populations/environments studied)
molecular genetics
a subfield of biology that studies the molecular structure and function of genes
molecular behavior genetics
the study of how the structure and function of genes interact with our environment to influence behavior
the study of environmental influences on gene expression that occur without a DNA change
our genetic code doesn’t get expressed the same way in all situations
environmental conditions (epigenetic molecules, trauma, etc.) affect the expression of our genes
upstairs brain
does the thinking, conscious processing, judgment, planning
downstairs brain
does the feeling, especially anger and fear
circadian rhythm
our biological clock; regular bodily rhythms (ex. temperature, wakefulness) that occur on a 24-hour cycle
brain shuts down “consciousness” during sleep
lack of sleep —> harmful disruption to body’s natural rhythms
REM sleep
a recurring sleep stage when vivid dreams commonly occur; known as “paradoxical sleep” because the muscles are relaxed but other body systems are active
(100 min total) FAST brain waves, 25% of sleep time
alpha waves
the relatively slow brain waves of a relaxed, awake state