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what is fiscal policy
the use of government spending and taxation to control the level of aggregate demand in the economy
purpose of fiscal policy 4
lower inflation- less spending more tax
economic growth. lower tax inc spending
stabilize economic growth
redistribution of income
three impacts of a increase in income tax
increase unemployment as tax increases, less spending- less derived demand for labour
increase in tax would reduce the take home pay and disincentivise workers form increasing hours
income redistribution
what curve
the laffer curve- illistrates the impact of tax rates on tax revenues, if tax goes above t* then they are disincentivised to work
impacts of government spending 5
crowding out
G is component of AD so economic growth
unemployment decreases
decrease inequality
what is an automatic stabilizer
fiscal policy instruments which act in a counter cyclical way to reduce effect of economic cycle
what are two types of automatic stabilisers
welfare benefits
income tax
how do automatic stabilisers work
in a boom there is more income tax, as people earn more. there are aslo less benefits paied out.
this reduces consumption and can ease inflation pressures of a boom. often a budget surplus.
during a ressesion. government spending rises as unemployment rises, rax revenue falls as people earn less.
this encourages consumption
4 evaluations on fiscal policy
time lag with governmnet spending especially capital investment
tax rates may have adverse incentives for firms and consumers
multiplier with g spending is unknown
ratchet effect. spending wont reduce back to levels in boom as people get acustomed to new spending levels
evaluation: crowding out
crowding out is when government spending fails to increase AD because it results in a proportional fall in private-sector spending
multiplier will be limited (no one will open owm hospital)
because i and g are in the AD formula they conflict.
kensien view on crowding out
during ressesion, private sector saves and government borrowing increases, crowding out will be limmited