count how many "John"s there are
Bill Gates
Founder of Microsoft
Charles Babbage
Invented Difference Engine & Analytical Engine mechanical calculation devices
Dennis Ritchie
Developer of Unix OS
JCR Licklider
Inventor of ARPANET (Internet's predecessor)
John Kemeny
Developer of BASIC
John McCarthy
Developer of timesharing
Jony Ive
Designer of Apple iMac, iPod and iPhone
Ken Thompson
Developer of Unix OS
Linus Torvalds
Creator of Linux
Mark Zuckerberg
Creator of Facebook
Norm Abramson
Inventor of ALOHAnet (first wireless computer network)
Steve Jobs
Founder of Apple and NeXT, Mac architect
Thomas E Kurtz
Developer of BASIC
Tim Berners-Lee Inventor of World Wide Web
Amazon Web Service (2002), early cloud computing service
Made smartphone OS, bought by Google to become smartphone manufacturer
Mass-market PCs and OS which popularized personal computing
Social media site by Mark Zuckerberg
Web browser giant, known for SaaS products like G Suite
AKA International Business Machines, early computer developer of OS
Social media site relying on smartphone cameras, bought by Facebook
Founded by Bill Gates, developed Microsoft BASIC and OS, known for SaaS products like Office suite
Software as a service
Android manufacturer
Crowdsourced free encyclopedia invented by Ward Cunningham
First wireless computer network
First long distance computer network
First commercial computer
First graphical user interface based word processor
First timesharing system
First practical stored program computer
First "killer app"
First commercial computer company
First electronic programmable general purpose computer
First popular high level programming language
Manchester Baby
First stored program computer
First popular graphical browser
First successful minicomputer
First website
First digital spreadsheet
Clifford Berry and John Atanasoff
Creators of the ABC
Atanasoff-Berry Computer
Frederic Williams and Max Newman
Inventor of the Manchester Baby
Howard Aiken
Designer of IBM's Mark I computer
J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly
Inventors of the ENIAC
John von Neumann
Main EDVAC developer
Kenneth Olsen
Founder of Digital Equipment Corporation
Konrad Zuse
German computer inventor
Maurice Wilkes
EDSAC inventor
Steve Wozniak
Developer of Apple II
Herman Hollerith
Creator of 1890 tabulating census machine
Alan Turing
Developer of basic computer theory models
Grace Hopper
Programmer and inventor of first compiler and researcher of computer languages
John Backus
Developer of FORTRAN
Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby
Inventor of integrated circuit
Jay Forrester
Leader of Project Whirlwind
Fernando Corbato
Developed CTSS timesharing
Robert Taylor
Manager of Xerox PARC research
Douglas Englebart
Inventor of mouse
Robert Metcalfe
Inventor of Ethernet
Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore
Founders of Intel
Paul Allen
Microsoft employee, co-developer of BASIC
Computing-Tabulation Recording Company
Founder: Thomas J Watson Sr. Later named IBM in 1924
Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation
Creator of UNIVAC and BINAC
Remington Rand
Bought EMCC (Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation)
Sperry Gyroscope
Bought Remington Rand, renamed it Sperry Rand
Failed at electric computers, bought Electrodata
Began in accounting, bought Computer Research Corporation
50s and 60s computer company currently makes non-computer products
Discontinued 50s and 60s computer comapny
Digital Equipment Corporation
Founder: Kenneth Olson. Created PDP series
Dell Computer Corporation
Began upgrading PCs and selling PCs by mail
Andrew Tanenbaum
Creator of Minix OS
Eric Bina and Marc Andreesen
Developers of Mosaic
James Gosling
Creator of Java
Gordon Moore
Creator of Moore's law
Tim Paterson
Creator of QDOS/MS-DOS
Richard Stallman
Founder of GNU and open source movement
David Hilbert
German mathematician who proposed Entscheidungsproblem
Vannevar Bush
Inventor of Differential Analyzer
IBM's business programming language
UNIVAC's business programming language
Honeywell's business programming language
US Government's business programming language
AI programming language
Runnable on all PCs, adds features to HTML
Contemporary language influenced by C
Snake-named contemporary language influenced by C
Programming language for high-school and uni
Objective C
Yet another contemporary language influenced by C
Leonard Kleinrock, Donald Davies, and Paul Baran
Devleopers of store and forward packet switching
Vint Cert and Bob Kahn
Creators of TCP/IP, Internet protocol
Alan Kay
Creator of Smalltalk language and object oriented programming
Barbara Kiskov Creator of CLU language
Ted Hoff
Inventor of Intel 4004 microprocessor
Gary Kildall
Creator of CP/M OS and founder of Digital Research
Ted Nelson
Inventor of term "hypertext"
Satoshi Nakamoto
Inventor of bitcoin and blockchain
Ada Lovelace
Mathmetician and algorithm writer
Nationaln Cash Register Company
Fired Thomas J Watson Sr who later created IBM