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Bowling History
Game traced to Stone Age; origins in Egypt and Germany.
Players roll balls to knock down pins; highest score wins.
Bowling Lane
Narrow alley, 42in wide, 60ft long; area for players to approach.
Scoring System
10 pins/frame; Strike (X) for all pins with 1st ball; Spare (/) for all pins with 2nd ball.
Final Frame
10th frame allows 2 extra deliveries for strike, 1 for spare.
Lane Material
Made of pine/maple wood or laminated plastic; oiled for ball spin.
Alongside lane to catch off-course balls; returns balls via pinspotter.
Bowling Ball
Made of hard rubber/plastic; 27in circumference; has finger/thumb holes.
Bowling Pins
Made of maple strips coated in plastic; placed in equilateral triangle.
Glossary: Gutter ball
Ball in gutter; returned to player.
Glossary: Lofting
Dropping ball instead of rolling; poor technique.
Glossary: Open frame
Frame without spare or strike.
Glossary: Return
Machine returning ball after delivery.
Glossary: Split
Pins left with more than a ball's width between.
Glossary: Strike out
Finish game with multiple strikes in a row.
Glossary: Triple/Turkey
Three strikes in a row.
A sport with formalized rules played on a 20' x 44' court with a net approximately 36' on the sides and 34' in the center.
Pickleball Paddle
The official equipment used by each player in Pickleball.
Wiffle Ball
An official ball used in Pickleball, approximately the size of a baseball.
In Pickleball, a player must serve diagonally across the net, clearing the non-volley area, with only one service attempt allowed.
In Pickleball, a fault can include hitting the ball out of bounds, not clearing the net, stepping into the non-volley area, or volleying before the double bounce rule.
Double Bounce Rule
In Pickleball, each team must play their first shot off the bounce before being able to volley the ball.
To hit the ball in the air without letting it bounce in Pickleball, with feet behind the non-volley zone line.
In Pickleball, a team can only score a point when serving, with the game played to 11 points and requiring a two-point win margin.
A game played on a rectangular field with two teams of 11 players each, aiming to score goals by advancing the ball over the goal line.
In soccer, the player who protects the goal and is the only one allowed to use hands within the penalty area.
Players in soccer who are the primary attackers on offense, aiming to score goals.
Players in soccer who play both offense and defense, controlling the flow and speed of the game.
Players in soccer who help guard the goal area and prevent opponents from scoring.
A soccer skill involving a series of short taps on the ball to advance it by a single player.
A soccer skill involving a kick or heading to get the ball to an open teammate.
A soccer skill used to stop and control the ball using the feet.
Kicking or heading the ball toward the goal for a score in soccer.
A method of restarting play in soccer after the ball goes out of bounds.
Using the forehead to pass, score, or bring the ball to ground level in soccer.
A soccer skill used to get the ball from an opponent or steal the ball.
A soccer skill used to keep control by evading an opponent.
In soccer, fouls are called for various actions like charging, pushing, kicking, or holding players from the opposing team.