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Queen Elizabeth I

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Queen Elizabeth I

  • Daughter of Anne Bolynn and Henry the Eighth

  • Ushered in England's most powerful era

  • Defeated the Spanish armada

  • Rejected King Phillip of Spain; Married to England

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William Shakespeare

  • Very prominent Renaissance author

  • Focused highly on the 'human condition'

  • Most quoted author of all time

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John Locke

  • British Philosopher

  • Believed the government should be derived through the will of the people

  • Inspired the Declaration of Independence

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Queen Isabella I

  • Sponsored Columbus' mission

  • Symbol of the Dark Ages

  • Insistence on strict adherence to religion started the decent of Spain

  • Close with the Pope; starts the Spanish Inquisition

  • Spain was very powerful during her reign, due to muslim influence in the south.

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Christopher Columbus

  • In 1492, he sailed the ocean blue

  • Started off looking for the 'Spice Islands', or Indonesia

  • Although he ended up in the Caribbean, thought he had found Indonesia at the time of his death

  • Kicked off a new period of colonization

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Benjamin Franklin

  • Founding Father, Inventor

  • Diplomat to France

  • Invented the lightning rod, bifocals, the stove

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George Washington

  • General of the US army during the US Revolution

  • First President of the United States

  • Natural leader, apolitical

  • The President's position was made for him

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Thomas Jefferson

  • Favorite philosopher was John Locke

  • Vice president to John Adams

  • Authored the Declaration of Independence

  • Third President

  • Negotiated the Louisiana Purchase

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Abraham Lincoln

  • Emancipates slaves in the US

  • Entire presidency was the Civil Was

  • Manages to keep the Union together

  • Assassinated by John Wilkes Booth

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Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Weelchair-bound due to a bought of polio when he was young

  • Hid his immobility during his Presidency

  • Created the New Deal; President during the Great Depression

  • His 'Fireside Chats' revolutionized the way presidents communicated

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Eleanor Roosevelt

  • Franklin Roosevelt's wife

  • Reporter while First Lady

  • Worked for woman's suffrage, the red cross

  • Incredibly involved in the Roosevelt institution

  • US Representative to the UN; helped create the Universal Declaration of Human Rights

  • "Nobody can make you feel inferior without your permission"

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William the Conqueror

  • From Norman

  • Last successful invader of the British Isles; in 1066

  • Illiterate, but brought huge change to the English language

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Margaret Sanger

  • Founder of Planned Parenthood

  • Feminist Activist during the first wave

  • Started periodical called 'Woman Rebel'; promoted woman's autonomy and birth control

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Queen Victoria I

  • Oversaw the height of the British Empire

  • Mourned her husband., Albert, for nearly 40 years

  • The 'Victorian Morals' came from her

  • Lead the conquest of Ireland, created Irish stereotypes

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Johann Gutenberg

  • Created the printing press

  • Promotion of literacy and reading brought education and the end of the Dark Ages

  • Promoted thought outside of the Bible

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Julius Caesar

  • Ruler of Ancient Rome

  • Great general, incredibly charismatic

  • Famous for conquering and expanding Rome

  • Good speaker, known for a 'flamboyant' lifestyle

  • "Every woman's man and every man's woman"

  • Changed Rome from an Oligarchy to a single leadership

  • Assassinated by the Senate

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Cleopatra VII

  • Ruled the Egyptian empire with her brother, hated each other

  • Wanted to merge the Roman and Egyptian empires

  • Knew how to manipulate men to get what she wanted

  • Becomes close with Julius to merge their empires

  • After Julius was assassinated, she became close to Mark Antony thinking he'll be the next leader

  • Commits suicide after Augustus is elected

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Octavius 'Augustus' Caesar

  • 'Cleans up' Rome after Julius

  • A family man

  • Sets up the 'Pox Romana'; the Peace of Rome

  • Promotes education, arts, and family

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Charles Darwin

  • Created theory of natural selection and evolution

  • Naturalist, curious, and intelligent

  • Goes to the Galapagos Islands; writes the Origins of Species

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  • Prince in Northern India/Nepal

  • Not allowed to leave the palace; sheltered

  • Becomes obsessed with the idea of suffering; not comfortable to chalking up misery to bad Karma after leaving the palace for the first time

  • Meditates for 49 days and comes up with the philosophy of Buddhism

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  • Received the 10 commandments in the Ark of the Covenant

  • Freed the Jews from Egypt through the Red Sea

  • 10 commandments are the foundation of the Torah

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  • Founder of Islam

  • Founder and political ruler of the Islamic Empire, which became the Ottoman Empire

  • Creates the Quaran, influenced by the angel Gabriel

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Umar ibn al-Khattah

  • Most important Caliph of the Islamic empire

  • Expands it greatly, spreads Islam around the whole of the Middle East and Northern Africa

  • Conquers Israel but Jews had already been driven out

  • Builds a mosque beside the Western Wall to ensure the place stayed sacred

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Jesus Christ

  • Founder of Christianity

  • Attractive personality, was a Rabbi

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Martin Luther

  • Christian monk teaching theology during the Renaissance

  • Triggers the Protestant Reformation

  • Had issues with the way the Catholic church let people into heaven

  • 95 theses

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Peter the Great

  • Trained for Czarship starting at 4

  • Travels to Europe, brings ideas back to Russia

  • Ushers forth the Golden Age for Russia

  • Westernizes Russia and expands it

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Karl Marx

  • Philosopher in the 1800s

  • Father of Communism

  • "Workers of the world, unite. There will be revolutions."

  • Kicked out of continental Europe for revolutionary ideas

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  • Well-educated, from a family of revolutionaries

  • Led the Bolshevik revolution in Russia

  • Helped overthrow the Czar in 1917

  • Disliked Stalin

  • Immortalized after his death

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Joseph Stalin

  • Shrewd, manipulated Communism in Russia to benefit him

  • Cold and unempathetic leader, eliminated competition

  • May be responsible for the most deaths caused by one person

  • Starved country to stop protests

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Martin Luther King, Jr.

  • Civil rights activist, renowned speaker

  • Baptist reverend who prioritized peaceful protest

  • Won the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Assassinated in Memphis, Tennesee, in 1968

  • FBI was always investigating him, was labeled an enemy of the state due to socialist views

  • Villified until death

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Simon Bolivar

  • Greatest revolutionary leader in the world

  • Freed Venezuela, Bolivia, Ecuador, Columbia, and Cuba

  • Became the ruler of Venezuela, not great one

  • Always gave first, died in poverty

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Eva Duarte Peron

  • Born in rural Argentina, to a poor, single mother

  • Had to support her family from a young age, dropped out of school at 12

  • Moves to Buenos Aries at 18

  • Rising general in the military, Juan ______, takes interest in her

  • Juan becomes military dictator, she's First Lady

  • Hated by the ruling class

  • Wanted to help the poor, becomes very popular with the working class

  • Dies due to cancer

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Napoleon Bonaparte

  • French Emperor after the Revolution

  • Talented general, overambitious

  • Sold Louisiana Purchase to Thomas Jefferson at a loss

  • Believed he could take on anyone

  • Last defeat at Waterloo

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  • Influential greek philosopher

  • Views controversial now, yet were respected at the time

  • Was regarded on the expert for everything, from medicine to zoology

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Niccolo Machiavelli

  • Writer and Philosopher in the beginning of the Renissance

  • Italian, wrote The Prince

  • "The ends justify the means"

  • It's better to be feared than loved

  • Pessimistic, 'Machiavellian' outlook

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St. Thomas More

  • Was in charge of the Catholic church in England

  • Childhood friend with Henry the Eighth

  • Refuses to let Henry get divorced

  • Beheaded by Henry

  • Writes 'Utopia', focuses on the journey, not the process

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Golda Meir

  • Born in the then Russian Empire, moves to the US

  • Enamored with Zionism

  • Leading fundraiser / advocate for the creation of a Jewish state

  • The first and only female Prime Minister of Israel

  • Refused to negotiate the hostage crisis during the Munich Olympics

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Nicolas Copernicus

  • Polish astronomer, discovered Heliocentrism

  • Led to the Copernican revolution

  • Didn't publish findings until on his deathbed, afraid of the Catholic Church

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Galileo Galilei

  • One of the most influential scientists

  • Invented the telescope

  • Developed the Scientific Method

  • Religious, Italian, believed in experimentation

  • Dropped things off the Tower of Pisa

  • Gets arrested by the Catholic Church, has to recant its statements

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Issac Newton

  • British scientist who took off where Galileo left

  • Links different fields of science together

  • Discovered gravity, Newton's laws, calculus

  • Buried at Westminster Abbey

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Albert Einstein

  • Man of the 20th century

  • Jewish, from Germany

  • Creates the Atomic bomb, theory of relativity

  • Taught at Princeton after moving to the US from Switzerland

  • Most wanted individual by the Nazis

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Steven Hawking

  • Disabled, diagnosed with ALS, given two years to live in 1960

  • One of the smartest people in the world, could only speak with the help of the computer

  • Wrote 'a brief history of time'

  • Continued Einstein's work

  • Born 300 years after Galileo's death, worked in the same university spot as Issac Newton

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Benazir Bhutto

  • Father was military dictator of Pakistan

  • Well educated on world affairs

  • First and only female leader of female leader of a muslim country, takes control after father dies

  • Removed from power after her husband was arrested, exiled from Pakistan and moves to London

  • While in London, she works to create democracy in Pakistan, and becomes the forerunner in the February 2008 election

  • Advised not to visit Pakistan but goes anyway

  • Assassinated by Al Qaeda on December 25th, 2007

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Mohandas Gandhi

  • The Mahatma, 'great soul'

  • Spiritual leader of the Indian Independence movement

  • Led through peaceful protests; civil disobedience

  • Boycotting, fasting

  • Assassinated by Hindu nationalists for pushing against the caste system

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Marie Curie

  • Friend of Albert Einstein

  • Polish scientist who discovered Radium and Polonium

  • Only person to win multiple Nobel prizes

  • Helps to create the periodic table

  • Died of radiation poisoning

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Joan of Arc

  • Lived in medieval France

  • War was ongoing between Britain and France, and Britain was winning

  • Starts having visions when she's 13, telling her to raise an army and reinstate King Charles

  • Musters up an army and defeats the British in the Battle of Orleans

  • Captured, burned at the stake

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Rene Descartes

  • French philosopher and mathematician

  • His philosophy? Doubt everything.

  • 'I think therefore I am'

  • Dies of pneumonia, as the tudor for the Queen of Sweeden

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Louis Pasteur

  • Creates pasteurization, theory for vaccines

  • Spread belief in Germ Theory and preventative inoculation

  • Huge impact on life expectancy

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Mary Wollstonecraft

  • British author, single mother for most of her life

  • Worked as a nanny, self-educated

  • Wrote 'A vindication of the rights of women' and 'An education of daughters'

  • Set founding ideas of feminism

  • Dies in childbirth, giving birth to her daughter, Mary Shelly

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Charles Babbage

  • British inventor

  • Creates the 'analytical engine': basis of modern computers

  • Had an outsized impact on the development of computing

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Mother Teresa

  • Albanian nun, the 'ultimate giver'

  • Felt her purpose in life was to care for those in need

  • Operated in Northern India; Calcutta

  • Cared for leopars

  • Believed no one should die alone

  • Wins the Nobel Peace Prize

  • Canonized on September 4, 2016

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Alexander Graham Bell

  • Invented the telephone

  • Worked with the deaf

  • Felt as though his invention hindered his work

  • Starts Atlantic Telephone and Telegraph (AT&T)

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Ghengis Khan

  • Ruler of the Ancient Mongol empire

  • Conquers much of Asia, some of Europe

  • Makes the Mongol empire the largest land empire on earth

  • His descendants lose the empire; Opium addictions

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Meiji Tenno

  • Young emperor of Japan at the time of the US's breaking of Japanese isolation

  • Modernizes and Westernizes Japan, pushing it into the globalizing world

  • Makes a shift to militarism, drawing inspiration from the British

  • Breaks with the traditions of Japan at the time

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Frank Lloyd Wright

  • The most famous American architect

  • Known for 'human-proportioned' designed

  • Became famous after his buildings withstood the Great Tokyo Quake of 1923

  • Believed that architecture should be built as one with nature

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Adolf Hitler

  • Failed artist

  • Fought for Germany in WWI, was wounded

  • Became radicalized, extremist after Germany's defeat

  • Creates Nazi Germany, institutes the Holocaust and begins WWII

  • Ultimately failed on every task he set to acomplish

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Winston Churchill

  • Militarist, author, historian

  • Prime Minister of Britain during WWII

  • Hitler's foil

  • Had a massive ego, very witty and rude

  • Voted out of power for a period following the end of WWII

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  • Philosopher and politician

  • Emphasizes the importance of ancestral worship, obeying parents, and honoring grandparents.

  • De-emphasizes the importance of god or gods

  • Family is above all else

  • His ideas are still ingrained in China's culture

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Shih Huang Ti

  • Emperor of the Q'in Dynasty, united China

  • Builds the Great Wall to protect from invaders

  • Incredibly ruthless, tortured dissenters, built workers into the Great wall

  • Worried that those he wronged would take revenge on him in the spiritual realm

  • Sent out missions for immortality, they never came back

  • Creates a terracotta army to protect him around his tomb, has a mercury moat, kills everyone at his memorial service

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Ts'ai Lun

  • Chinese Eunech; a man who served the wife and children of the emperor

  • Creates the recipe for paper

  • China guards the secret of paper for hundreds of years.

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Mao Tse-tung

  • Chairman of the Chinese Communist Party

  • Grows up reasonably wealthy, in Beijing

  • Falls in love with Communism; appeals to those in rural areas

  • Wins the Chinese civil war, rules over the largest population at the time

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Leonardo da Vinci

  • Renaissance man, paints the Mona Lisa and Last Supper

  • Only truly made about 20 paintings

  • Inventive genius, but not an inventor

  • Thought of ideas like the tank and helicopter, but never made working prototypes

  • Lived as part of the high society, in Florence, Italy

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  • Best sculptor in history

  • Paints the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

  • Workaholic, had many unfinished projects even after death

  • Looked down upon da Vinci and others in high society

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Rembrandt van Rijn

  • Considered one of the greatest Dutch Baroque artists

  • Famous for his portraits

  • Had an exceptional ability to render people in their various moods and dramatic expressions

  • Most famous artist of the Dutch Golden Age

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Claude Monet

  • French painter, impressionist

  • Painted the Water Lillies

  • Went blind later in life, but continued to paint

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Vincent Van Gogh

  • One of the most famous artists; paintings are most expensive in history

  • Painted the Starry Night and Sunflowers

  • Struggled with mental health, didn't become rich off of his art in his lifetime

  • Used art as an escape when he was institutionalized, mainly supported by his brother

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Pablo Picasso

  • Greatest artist of the 20th century

  • Goes through different 'periods' of art

  • Creates more pieces of art than anyone else, in many different mediums

  • From Spain, lives a high society life

  • Known for abstract style

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Richard Wagner

  • Most famous Opera composer, German

  • Had a castle dedicated to him

  • Fed off stereotypes at the time, many of his antagonists were Jewish

  • Hitler was a big fan of Operas

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Wenher von Braun

  • German rocket scientist

  • Member of the Nazi party

  • Rockets of the Germans in WWII was his design

  • After WWII, the US and Soviets raced to find him for help in the Space Race

  • US captured him but did not imprison him; lead NASA in the Cold War

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Nelson Mandela

  • Leading advocate in the fight to end apartheid

  • Leader of the ANC (African National Congress)

  • Was arrested for speaking on apartheid and put in jail for 26 years

  • Released as apartheid began to fall apart

  • Elected president of South Africa in 1998

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Jean Henri Dunant

  • Swiss

  • Wins the first Nobel Peace Prize

  • Starts the YMCA and Red Cross

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Thomas Edison

  • Inventor of the lightbulb

  • One of the most important American inventors

  • Only received a few months of formal education

  • Secured many patents to enrich himself

  • Invents movie camera and projector

  • 'Genius is 2% inspiration and 98% perspiration’

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Sigmund Freud

  • The father of modern Psychology

  • Developed psychoanalysis

  • Ideas of 'id', ego, and superego

  • Oedipus complex, addicted to cocaine

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  • A Greek poet, author of the Iliad and the Odyssey

  • Through these poems, he affected Western standards and ideas

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  • Founder of western philosophy

  • One of the first moral philosophers, considered ethical questions

  • Mentor to Plato

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  • Writer of the Republic

  • Founded the Academy in Athens

  • Believed conflicting forces in a society could be brought together.

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Alexander the Great

  • One of the most successful conquerers in history

  • Conquers Greece, Egypt, and the Middle East

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Mikhail Gorbachev

  • Final leader of the Soviet Union

  • Moved the country towards social democracy

  • Limited creation and deployment of nuclear weapons

  • Established diplomatic relations with the US

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