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The study of Earth's physical features, human societies, and the interactions between them.
Map Scale
The relationship between the distance on a map and the corresponding distance on the ground.
Geographic Information System; a tool that stores, analyzes, and visualizes spatial data.
Global Positioning System; a satellite-based navigation system.
Formal Region
An area defined by one or more shared traits, such as language or climate.
Functional Region
An area organized around a central hub or focal point, like a metropolitan area.
Vernacular Region
A region perceived and defined by people, such as the 'South'.
Spatial Analysis
Examining geographic patterns to identify relationships.
Distance Decay
The diminishing importance of a phenomenon as distance increases from its origin.
Time-Space Compression
The reduction in time it takes for information or goods to travel due to technological advances.
Cultural Landscape
The visible imprint of human activity on the landscape.
Absolute Location
The exact coordinates of a place using latitude and longitude.
Relative Location
A place's position about other locations.
The physical characteristics of a place.
Describes a place's location relative to others.
Scale in Geography
The level of detail or extent of a geographic study.
The process of increased interconnectedness among countries.
Environmental Determinism
The idea that physical environment shapes human culture and actions.
The concept that humans have the ability to adjust and adapt to their environment.
Choropleth Map
A thematic map that uses shading to represent data.
A map where size is distorted to represent data values.
Demographic Transition Model (DTM)
A model showing population change over time through five stages.
Arithmetic Density
The total population divided by the total land area.
Physiological Density
The population divided by the arable land area.
Agricultural Density
The number of farmers per unit of arable land.
Carrying Capacity
The maximum population that an environment can sustain.
The movement of people from one place to another.
Leaving a country.
Entering a country.
Push Factor
A condition that drives people to leave a location.
Pull Factor
A condition that attracts people to a new location.
Forced Migration
Migration due to factors like conflict, natural disasters, or persecution.
Voluntary Migration
Migration by choice for better opportunities.
Brain Drain
The emigration of skilled professionals from one country to another.
Chain Migration
Migration due to family or community connections in the destination area.
Step Migration
Migration that occurs in stages, such as moving from a village to a town to a city.
A person forced to flee their country due to fear of persecution.
Natural Increase Rate (NIR)
The percentage by which a population grows annually, excluding migration.
Total Fertility Rate (TFR)
The average number of children a woman is expected to have in her lifetime.
Dependency Ratio
The ratio of dependents (young and old) to the working-age population.
Zero Population Growth (ZPG)
When the birth rate equals the death rate, leading to no population growth.
Population Pyramid
A graphical representation of a population's age and gender distribution.
The shared practices, technologies, attitudes, and behaviors of a group.
Cultural Hearth
The origin point of a cultural trait or innovation.
Cultural Diffusion
The spread of cultural traits from one area to another.
Relocation Diffusion
The spread of culture through the physical movement of people.
Hierarchical Diffusion
The spread of culture from a higher authority or power to others.
Contagious Diffusion
The rapid, widespread diffusion of a cultural trait.
Stimulus Diffusion
The spread of an underlying idea, even if the specific trait does not diffuse.
The process by which a minority group adopts the dominant culture.
The blending of cultures while retaining distinct cultural features.
The blending of elements from two or more cultures.
Popular Culture
Cultural traits that are widespread, fast-changing, and transmitted via mass media.
Folk Culture
Traditional practices of small, homogenous groups in rural areas.
Language Family
A group of related languages with a common ancestral origin.
Lingua Franca
A common language used for communication between speakers of different native languages.
Universalizing Religion
A religion that seeks to appeal to all people and spread globally.
Ethnic Religion
A religion that is closely tied to a specific ethnic group or location.
The principle of separating religion from political or public life.
The process by which communities create a sense of place.
A cultural prohibition against certain behaviors or practices.
The authority of a state to govern itself without external interference.
A group of people with shared cultural traits and a sense of identity.
A political unit with defined boundaries, a permanent population, and sovereignty.
A state occupied by a single nation.
Multinational State
A state with multiple nations within its borders.
Stateless Nation
A nation without a state of its own.
The right of a nation to govern itself.
A line that marks the extent of a state's territory.
Geometric Boundary
A boundary formed by straight lines or arcs.
Physical Boundary
A boundary based on physical features like mountains or rivers.
Cultural Boundary
A boundary based on cultural traits, such as language or religion.
The transfer of power from a central government to regional governments.
The manipulation of electoral district boundaries for political gain.
Unitary State
A state governed as a single, centralized entity.
Federal State
A state where power is shared between a central government and regional governments.
Cooperation among multiple countries for mutual benefit.
United Nations (UN)
An international organization aimed at fostering global cooperation.
European Union (EU)
A political and economic union of European countries.
A region caught between powerful external forces and fragmented politically.
Centripetal Force
A force that unites people and strengthens a state.