PSY 3511 Exam 1

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What is counseling?

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Instructor: Liza Meredith. Made with Liza's study guides and lecture material.

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What is counseling?

A professional relationship that empowers diverse peoples to accomplish a variety of life goals.

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What are the four major parts that go into the definition of counseling?

  1. A workplace relationship

  2. Helping someone get more control and empower them

  3. Counseling takes on different forms

  4. People come with a lot of different goals

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Who provides counseling services?

Everyone who listens and provides help.

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What is counseling psychology?

Professional psychology that focuses on personal and interpersonal functioning across the life span. It is holistic and pays attention to the entirety of the person.

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What are the three primary roles that counseling psychologists can take?




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What are the central values of counseling psychology?

  1. Preventive

  2. Vocational

  3. Scientist-Practitioner Model

  4. Psychological testing

  5. Lifespan development

  6. Strength based approach

  7. Social justice and diversity

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Who were our oldest counselors?


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What is Hippocrates remembered for?

Emotional stress is not punishment but it is natural like physiological illnesses.

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What is the early history of the mental health profession?

It was bleak; it was either something with the devil or it said you had bad moral character.

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What are the forces that have shaped counseling psychology?

  1. Social reform

  2. Social and economic world events

  3. Vocational guidance movement

  4. Mental hygiene movement

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How was the Industrial Revolution relevant to the development of the counseling profession?

There were many new jobs and vocational training was created to train them.

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What is Dorthea Dix remembered for?

1848: She was a teacher for mentally ill inmates. She saw that the inmates were not bad people, just a reflection of their surroundings. Started social reform, and state-sponsored asylums (good thing).

Dorthea is a woman and a woman is typically a teacher.

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What is Clifford Beers remembered for?

1908: He was in an institution, and wrote a book about how bad it is. The book was a best-seller and informed the public that the system was broken. “A Mind that Found Itself.”

Clifford Beers has the same name as Clifford the big red dog which is a book. Clifford wrote a book.

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What is Frank Parsons remembered for?

He came up with the first I/O theories with

  • A book called “Choosing a Vocation”

  • Parson’s Model of Career Counseling

Frank is the name of a business and psych business people are I/O.

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How did the World Wars and the Great Depression impact the development of the counseling profession?

A bunch of job I/O related things.

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What are the 3 key dates in counseling psychology?

  • 1946: Formation of the APA

  • 1949: Scientist-Practitioner model was established

  • 1964: The Counseling Psychologist journal was founded

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What are the five phases of the counseling process?

  1. Intake & Assessment & Relationship Building

  2. Conceptualization

  3. Treatment Planning

  4. Intervention

  5. Termination/Refer

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What is the first phase of the counseling process?

Intake, Assessments, and Relationship Building

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What are the 3 goals of the intake assessment process?

  • Make clear the parameters (consent, confidentiality, payment)

  • Build the relationship

  • Gather information (Is this the right fit)

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What kinds of information are collected at intake?

  • Mental health histories

  • Alcohol

  • Social support

  • Trauma history

  • Strengths

  • Etc. of like 7 other things

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What is the second phase of the counseling process?


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What is conceptualization?

A hypothesis about why a client is behaving, feeling, and thinking the way they do.

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What are the pros of a diagnosis?

  • Can be helpful to clients

  • Improves informed professional communication through uniformity

  • Provides the basis for a comprehensive educational and research tool

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What are the cons to a diagnosis?

  • Can lead to social stigma

  • Can be too black and white to accurately describe the situation

  • Does not describe intervention strategies

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What is the third phase of the counseling process?

Treatment planning

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What are the four parts to treatment planning?

  • Presenting problem: a brief description of the main issue

  • Goals of therapy: goalz

  • Methods: A list of the techniques that will be used

  • Time estimate: best guess time estimate of how long it will take to get to the goal

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What is the purpose of treatment planning?

To tell everyone involved in treatment what is happening, to make sure nothing is forgotten, and to provide a measure for progress.

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What is phase four of the counseling process?


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What happens during the fourth phase of the counseling process?

The counselor and the client work on the goals made in the treatment plans

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What is the fifth phase of the counseling process?


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What are the three basic counseling skills? Ana…

  • Attending behavior

  • Non-verbal

  • Active listening

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What acronym is used for attending behaviors?


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Name each letter of the acronym used to remember attending behaviors?

  • Squarely: facing each other squarely

  • Head nods

  • Open posture

  • Verbal following

  • spEech (insert voice crack here)

  • Lean in

  • Eye contact

  • Relaxed vibes

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What are the main 5 active listening responses?

  • Open-ended questions

  • Closed ended questions

  • Paraphrasing

  • Reflection of feeling

  • Summarizing

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What are the advanced counseling skills?

  • Confrontation

  • Interpretation

  • Self disclosure

  • Immediacy

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When might one use open ended questions?

  • To start

  • To encourage talking

  • To get specific examples

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When might one use closed ended questions?

  • To get specific information

  • To make a quiet client talk

  • To make a client shut up

  • To better define the topic of discussion

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When might one use paraphrasing?

  • To check perceptions

  • To convey understanding

  • Encourage them to elaborate

  • When you don’t know what to say next

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When might one use reflection of feeling?

  • To validate

  • To make clients express more feelings

  • To help client manage feelings

  • To help discriminate among various feelings

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When might one use summarizing?

  • To identify a common theme or pattern

  • To interrupt

  • To end a session

  • To start a session

  • To transition

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What makes up improvements in psychotherapy? (pie chart)

  • 40% Extratherapeutic factors

  • 30% Common factors

  • 15% Expectancy factors

  • 15% Techniques

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What is the alliance?

The relationship between the counselor and the client that allows them to achieve goals

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What are the three parts of an alliance?

  • Bond

  • Goals

  • Tasks

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What are the three reasons why goal consensus and collaboration is important?

  • Counselors should not push their own agenda

  • Educate clients about why collaboration is important

  • Obtain the client’s consent about the goals and treatment plan

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What is positive regard and why is it important?

It is having no judgement, conditions, and viewing them plainly

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What is genuineness?

The art of being oneself

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What is cultural competence?

A set of skills and knowledge that allows you to deal with people of different cultures

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What is the ASK model?

  • Awareness of one’s values and biases

  • Skills: development of intervention strategies like naming experience and providing vocabulary

  • Knowledge: having a worldwide view

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What is scientific mindfulness?

Creating and testing hypotheses

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What does the ADDRESSING framework stand for?

  1. Age

  2. Developmental disabilities

  3. Disabilities acquired later in life

  4. Religious background

  5. Ethnicity and race

  6. Sexual orientation

  7. Socioeconomic status

  8. Indigenous backgrounds

  9. National origins

  10. Gender

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What are the five parts of aspirational ethics?

  • Beneficence and nonmaleficence

  • Fidelity and responsibility

  • Justice

  • Integrity

  • Dignity

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What are the limits to competence?

  • Lack of knowledge or experience

  • Impaired objectivity, like biases or overidentification

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What are the 3 APA ethical standards of focus in this course?

Competence, human relations, privacy and confidentiality

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What is human relations?

It mostly deals with how not to treat people badly, like in situations of harassment, discrimination, and multiple relationships

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What five things should be included in informed consent?

  • Procedures and goals

  • Risks, benefits, and alternatives to treatment

  • The right to withdraw from treatment

  • Costs

  • Limits of confidentiality

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When do multiple role relationship occur?

Literally if you know them in any other capacity other than oh I see you at the same coffee shop sometimes.

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What are the limits to confidentiality?

  • Client poses a danger to self or others

  • Child abuse

  • Court ordered things

  • Illicit substance use while pregnant

  • Knowledge of abuse or exploitation by another health professional

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What is a crisis?

A time limited event that overwhelms a client’s resources,


It can last for a longer period of time but the intensity changes.

The client can often no longer think clearly.

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What are the stages of crisis counseling?

  1. Plan

  2. Establish relationship

  3. Identify problems(s) (including the “last straw” or crisis precipitants

  4. Explore feelings of emotions (including active listening and validation)

  5. Generate and exploration alternatives (untapped resources and coping skills)

  6. Develop and formulate an action plan

  7. Follow-up plan and agreement

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What are some strategies for helping a client through a crisis?

  • Take control of the situation

  • Calm the client down

  • Discuss Resources

  • Be optimistic, but do not invalidate

  • Explore social support

  • Create a plan

  • Intervene

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What is a warning sign?

Indicators of immediate risk.

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What is a risk factor?

Indicates heightened risk, but with no timeline.

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What are the first three warning signs?

  • Threatening to harm yourself or others

  • Looking for means of with to harm

  • Talking about death, dying, or suicide

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What does the acronym SAD PERSONS scale tell you?

  • Sex

  • Age

  • Depression

  • Previous attempts

  • Ethanol

  • Rational thinking loss

  • Social support lacking

  • Organized plan to harm

  • No significant other

  • Sickness

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