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Man and woman join. Baby seed starts.
Fertilized egg. Egg travel down fallopian tube. Find cozy spot in uterus.
Inner Cell Mass (ICm)
Group of cells inside blastocyst. Become baby inside mommy.
Cells no longer needed. Cells say bye-bye.
Germinal Period
First time from joining to two weeks. Little blob grow big.
Embyronic Period
From three to eight weeks. Baby make shape.
Fetal Period
From nine weeks to when baby come out. Baby called fetus.
Cephalocaudal Development
Baby grow from head to toes. Head first.
Proximodistal Development
Baby grow from inside out. Start close, go far.
Bad stuff from outside harm baby inside.
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
Baby hurt if mother drink. Baby face look funny, brain not work right.
Baby hear noise. At first, pay attention. Later, stop caring.
Apgar Score
Quick test for baby. Check how baby do one and five minutes after born.
Fetal Cognition
Baby think in mommy. Start to know things.
Fetal Movement
Baby start moving at five, six weeks. Movements all jerky and weird.
Critical Periods
Times when baby parts need protection from bad stuff.
Down Syndrome
Extra copy of chromosome 21. Baby grow different, need help.
Sickness that hurt baby if mother get it early in pregnancy.