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Properties of Light
Transverse Waves (move up and down)
Dont require medium to travel through (radiation)
Travel at speed of light in a vaccum (3.00 × 10^8 m/s)
Can be reflected or refracted
Travels in straight lines
What is light
An electromagnetic Wave
Electromagnetic wave
Wave w/ both electric and magnetic parts, doesn’t require medium so energy transferred by radiation
Disturbance that transfers energy from 1 point to another, w/o transferring matter
Any physical substance through which energy can be transferred
Method of energy transfer that doesnt require medium, can travel through a vacuum (empty space)
Distance btwn 2 like-points on a wave
Height of wave compared to undisturbed state
# of waves passing in given amount of time
Amount of time required for 1 wavelength to pass
Types of Electromagnetic Wave (increasing energy order)
Radio - Microwave - Infrared - Visible - Ultraviolet - X Ray - Gamma Ray (shorter wavelengths)
Visible Light
Only part of EM spectrum that can be seen by human eye
Colours distinguished by diif wavelengths of light, they are a spectrum
White light includes: Red, Orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet (in increasing energy order)
Luminous VS Nonluminous light
Luminous - emits own light in all directions
Non luminous - doesnt emit own light but can reflect it
Incandescent Light
Electric Discharge
Light Emitting Diode (LEDs)
Laser Characteristics
Pure in colour, Very Intense, Concentrated in 1 narrow beam
Produces EM waves of same energy level, that travel in same direction and in exact unison