gray matter
type of tissue that affects functionality in the whole body
white matter
nerve fibers in the brain that allows communication in the whole body
emotional awareness
bringing one's attenton to the present-moment experience in evaluation
Mindfulness techniques
help reduce stress & anxiety
previous study was cross sectional (compared different groups' brain matter and found that it could have been caused by pre-existing conditions)
to investigate long term effect of MBSR program on grey matter density
MBSR will increase grey matter density
Write a non-directional hypothesis
There is a relationship between participation in a MBSR program and gray matter density in the brain.
18 Ps in the original experimental group 2 Ps left bc they felt discomfort in the 1st MRI
Each Ps who completed the study got a discounted MBSR course fee
self-reported physically & mentally healthy with no medications
No contraindications for MRI scanning
Commit to attending all 8 of the MBSR lessons AND the mandatory daily hw
mainly white people & educated *NO generalizability & representativeness
Research Methods & Design
IV- 8-week MBSR course DV- change in grey matter density
Longitudinal DESIGN: 8 Week MBSR course
Independent Measures DESIGN=
Self-Report: Questionnaire (FFMQ) & mentally and physically healthy Brain Scan (MRI): Whole brain
Describing: mentally labeling those observations with words
Questionnaire FFMQ before and after the MBSR
Likert-scale: Standard: high scores indicate low levels of mindfulness Reversed: high scores indicate high levels of mindfulness
PROGRAM 8-weekly group meetings/2:30 hrs
Body Scan: attention throughout body
Mindful Yoga: gentle stretching, awareness, slow-moving
Sitting Meditation: awareness of sensations, 5 senses, meditation
Acting with awareness, observing, and non-judging of inner experience increases in the MBSR group scores compared to the control group.
MBSR group identified a small cluster in the left hippocampus with increased gray matter concentration.