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Actus Reus
The physical act of committing a crime.
Defenses to Actus Reus
Legal arguments such as duress or necessity that justify the act or negate liability.
Amicus Curiae
A 'friend of the court' who assists the court by providing information or expertise.
Requests made to a higher court to review a lower court's decision.
Appellate Jurisdiction
The authority of a higher court to review and potentially change the decisions of a lower court.
A court procedure where a defendant is formally charged with a crime and enters a plea.
The criminal act of intentionally setting fire to property.
Money or property given to secure a defendant's release from jail.
Brady v. Maryland
A Supreme Court case mandating prosecutors to disclose exonerating evidence.
The unlawful entry into a building with intent to commit a crime.
A data-driven police management system for tracking crime data.
The requirement that both the criminal act and intent occur at the same time.
Statements by a defendant admitting to committing a crime.
The fundamental law establishing government structure and citizen rights.
Corpus Delicti
The body of the crime; evidence that a crime has occurred.
Different judicial bodies handling various types of cases.
Crime Statistics
Data collected about crime rates and types used for analysis.
Criminology Theories
Various explanations for the causes of crime from different perspectives.
The process of reducing the prison population through alternatives.
Double Jeopardy
Protection against being tried twice for the same crime.
Eighth Amendment
Part of the Constitution that prohibits excessive bail and punishment.
Ex Parte
A legal proceeding where one party is absent.
The process of officially clearing someone of criminal charges.
Federal Crimes
Crimes that violate federal law.
A government system dividing power between central and regional governments.
Felony vs. Misdemeanor
Felonies are serious crimes, while misdemeanors are less severe offenses.
Fifth Amendment
Constitutional protection against self-incrimination and guarantees due process.
Fourth Amendment
Protects citizens from unreasonable searches and seizures.
Furman v. Georgia
A Supreme Court case that halted the death penalty due to arbitrary application.
Gideon v. Wainwright
A Supreme Court case ruling that defendants have the right to an attorney.
Habeas Corpus
A legal order requiring a prisoner to be brought before a judge.
In re Gault
A case granting juveniles the right to due process.
Local facilities for individuals awaiting trial or serving short sentences.
Court officials overseeing legal proceedings.
The authority of a court to hear and decide cases.
A group of citizens determining a defendant's guilt or innocence.
Juvenile Court
A specialized court for minors accused of crimes.
Juvenile Justice System
Focuses on rehabilitation rather than punishment for minors.
Latin Terms in Law
Key legal terms from Latin used in legal traditions.
Mens Rea
The defendant's mental state or intent when committing a crime.
Miranda v. Arizona
Case requiring police to inform suspects of their rights.
A trial invalidated by a major error.
The unlawful killing of another with intent.
National Crime Victimization Survey
A survey gathering data on crime rates and victim experiences.
National Incident-Based Reporting System for detailed crime data collection.
Nolo Contendere
A plea where the defendant neither admits nor denies guilt.
Order of Events (CJ system)
Steps in the criminal justice process from investigation to sentencing.
Order of Events (pre-trial/trial)
Steps like arraignment, discovery, pretrial motions, and trial.
Conditional release of a prisoner before their sentence ends.
Part 1 Crimes
Serious crimes like murder and robbery categorized by the FBI.
Police Patrol Purposes
Prevent crime, enforce laws, and provide visible community presence.
Plea Bargaining
Defendant agrees to plead guilty for a lesser charge.
Police Roles
Enforcing laws, preventing crime, and investigating criminal activity.
The phase before trial including hearings and evidence preparation.
Prisons (early American experiences/models)
Focused on punishment and deterrence with harsh conditions.
Prisons (general)
Facilities for individuals convicted of serious crimes.
Probable Cause
Reasonable belief that a crime has been committed justifying searches.
Court-ordered supervision instead of prison time.
Professional Era
Police reform focusing on efficiency and specialization.
Progressive Era
Reform period in law enforcement to reduce corruption.
Attorneys representing the government in criminal cases.
Reasonable Suspicion
Belief that a person may be involved in criminal activity.
Evidence presented to counter another party's case and a response to it.
Records Management Systems
Systems for organizing and managing law enforcement data.
Programs to help individuals transition back to society after prison.
Rules enforced by governmental agencies.
Taking property through force or threat.
Routine Activities Theory
Theory that crime occurs when a motivated offender and suitable target converge.
Search and Seizure
Law enforcement's process of examining for evidence, regulated by the Fourth Amendment.
Judicial determination of punishment for a convicted defendant.
Seventh Amendment
Guarantees the right to a jury trial in certain civil cases.
Elected officials managing law enforcement at the county level.
Sixth Amendment
Guarantees a defendant's rights to a fair and speedy trial.
Sources of Law
Origins of legal authority such as constitutions and statutes.
State Police
Law enforcement agencies responsible for state-level law enforcement.
Stop and Frisk
Police practice of detaining individuals based on reasonable suspicion.
Supreme Court
The highest court with authority to interpret laws.
Terry v. Ohio
A case establishing the police's right to stop and frisk based on suspicion.
Trial Steps and Process
Sequence of events in a trial including jury selection and verdict.
Uniform Crime Report
Annual FBI report summarizing crime data reported by law enforcement.
Group of potential jurors summoned for jury selection.
Voir Dire
The jury selection process assessing jurors' biases.
Warrantless Searches
Searches conducted without a warrant under specific circumstances.
Writ of Certiorari
Order by a higher court to review a lower court's decision.