AP World 4.1

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why are the silk road and indian ocean trade routes not considered "global" trade routes? what event led to the first truly global trade routes?
since the indian ocean trade route had long brought silk, spices, and tea to the mediterranean by the way of red sea and the islamic traders had long known of land routes from china to the cities of baghadad and constantinople and from there to rome. the event that led to the first global trade route was the omani-european rivalry.
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what led to the establishment of maritime empires?
the voyages of colombus connected people across the atlantic ocean.
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what regions were linked by the trans-atlantic trade route system?
afro-eurasia and the americas
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what caused europe to begin exploring? include demographic pressures, primogeniture laws, and religious conflict in europe.
- demographic pressures pushed europe to explore; since population grew and not all workers in europe could find job or food.
- primogeniture laws; not all sons of the wealthy could own land bc this law gave all of each estate to the eldest son.
- in the 17th century, religious minorities searched for a place to settle where people were tolerant of their dissent.
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in what ways was europe connected to asia and africa prior to european exploration?
- indian ocean trade routes brought silk, spices, and tea to the mediterranean by the way of the red sear.
- the islamic traders had long known trade routes from china to the cities of baghdad and constantinople and from there to rome.
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why did europeans increasingly participate in the indian ocean trade system in the 16th century?
- in hopes of finding wealth and new converts
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what was the omani-european rivalry? how did it lead to europeans exploring westward?
when the portuguese set up forts in oman but were repeatedly challenged by attempts to remove them. it lead to europeans exploring westward as it was one of the reasons for christopher columbus's search for new route to india.
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what are the european maritime empires?
spain, portugal, great britain, france, and holland.
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how did europe advance its naval technology and knowledge?
western european countries such as portugal, spain, and england combined their knowledge of traditions of sailing in classical greek with new ideas developed by islamic and asian sailors and scholars. the new ideas which they learned about was because of cross-cultural interactions resulting from trade network.
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who was prince henry the navigator? what are his contributions o european exploration?
he was a portuguese ruler that became a leading european figure in this development. he financed the expeditions along africa's atlantic coast and around cape of good hope. with his backing, portugual explored african communities and kingdoms before european powers.
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how did the following advancements increased naval safety: knowledge of gravity astronomical chart, astrolabe, compass, lateen sail, and new ship designs such as the caravel.
knowledge of gravity: increased their knowledge of tides, sailors could predict when the depth of water near the shore would decrease which exposed dangerous rocks.
astronomical chart: is any map of the stars and galaxies. mariners relied on these maps to guide ship's direction, especially before the introduction of compass, using the skies to help them determine their location.
astrolabe: allowed sailors to determine how far north or south they are from the equator.
compass: is a primary direction-finding device used in navigation. the magnetic compass allowed sailors to steer a ship in the right direction.
lateen sail: used by arab traders and in the indian ocean, it was able to catch wind from either side of the ship allowing it to travel in both directions.
new ship designs: by adjusting the ratio of length to the width of a ship, adding or reducing number of masts, and use different types of sails.
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what are the long-term results of increasing naval technology by the late 1400's?
the rapid expansion of exploration and global trade.