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portuguese exploration of the african coast
portugal explored the west african coast
portuguese forts in africa
set along the west african coast
portuguese trade and treaties with african leaders
portuguese brought luxury goods to trade for slaves (luxury goods)
made treaties with african leaders to exchange slaves and iron in exchange for artillery (muskets and such)
some african leaders put a limit to the amount of slaves they’d sell to them
portuguese wars in africa
helped the ethiopian christian empire to defeat the ottomans in yemen(?)
tried to colonize this one kingdom under the guise of helping them defeat local rebels
portuguese allied with this one group that helped them raid the kingdom of kongo(?) and capture a bunch of slaves
all from the book
american plantation slavery
chattel slavery
slaves are property
based on the “color line”
based on skin color
numbers/population grew because families were formed
atlantic mercantilism
there’s a finite amount of resources (gold and such) and the more you have the more powerful you are
sell more to others than they sell to you
depended on slavery and the colonies in order to get supplies
subsidies were given to businesses and tariffs were placed
statistics about africans brought to the americas
about 12.5 million africans sent out
1 million never lived to make it
45.5% of slaves came from west central africa
about 48.5% of slaves went to brazil
only 4-5% went to the american colonies
mercantilism and american slavery
mother countries depended on slave labor to get the resources they needed to trade
characteristics of modern slavery
chattel slavery
exploited the slaves
idk what else
type of slavery where they were treated as property and had no rights
color line
what american slavery was later based on
division because of skin color
looking at the past with the bias of the present
characteristics of slavery in the caribbean
no slave families
easily replaced b/c they kept dying
low population
heavy mortality
concentrated on sugar
high ratio of slaves to whites
white owners left some person/people to watch over the plantation for them
the sugar empire: brazil
about 48.5% of slaves were sent here
portuguese planted sugar here
also found gold so there was a short gold rush
both were labor intensive
idk what else
slavery in british north america (usa)
basis of south’s economy
racial caste system
6% of slaves sent here
population grew b/c of families
shut down (importation) in 1808
characteristics of society on barbados
tobacco and sugar grown
labor intensive
cultural hearth
same as caribbean characteristics
community as a whole was poor
white owners were really rich though
exploited the community
absenteeism present
barbados as a cultural hearth
spread to south carolina, jamaica, georgia
a certain culture grew here
creole i think
more like africa here
origins of south carolina
old barbados plantation owners moved here
brought their slaves
brought rice and grew it here
only british NA colony that ever had a high black:white ratio (1720)
creole language
mixed old english and a bunch of african languages
spoken, not written
(forcibly) happened b/c lots of different types of africans wanted to communicate with each other
dismissed as “slave talk”
became a form of resistance
evidence african culture didn’t die on the middle passage
stono rebellion
slave rebellion
blacks and whites killed
largest slave revolt in colonial america
slavery in the usa compared to slavery in latin america, south america, and the caribbean
crops grown
less labor intensive
different crops
less slave revolts
got more food and care
balance between the sexes
family structure (monogamy)
“marriage” encouraged b/c it’s advantageous to slave owners
more slaves produced
more satisfaction so less slave revolts
less breastfeeding time?? idk
leads to more pregnancies??
fewer absentee land lords
white majority
higher % of whites w/o slaves
race united whites
slave revolts in the americas compared to the caribbean
not as often
african diaspora
triangular trade
trade between africa, the colonies, and it’s mother country
ex: colonies produced sugar, mother country made rum with the sugar, mother country trades rum for slaves, in the colonies the slaves get exchanged for sugar