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These two sisters were the only white southerners to become abolitionist leaders.
Sarah Grimke and Angelina Grimke Weld
What is the name that God wants America to move west?
Manifest Destiny
What coordinates were a campaign slogan regarding the boundary of Oregon?
The latitude line of 54 degrees, 40 minutes. "Fifty-four forty or fight" was the popular slogan.
Who was considered a "dark horse" candidate in the 1844 election?
President James K. Polk
Who was president when Texas was annexed?
President James K. Polk
What was the final dividing line of Oregon?
49th parallel
What main issue arose quickly between Texans and the Mexican government?
Texan immigrants (from the US) were slaveholding protestants which clashed with the Mexican government's slavery ban and required switch to catholicism.
What three things did the Missouri Compromise do?
Admitted Maine as a free state, Missouri as a slave state, and made all western territories north of Missouri's southern border free soil
This was a plan for federal support of internal improvements, a strong tariff and a national bank?
Henry Clay's American System
He wrote The Liberator, and was the first major abolitionist.
William Lloyd Garrison
What war took place from 1846 to 1848?
The Mexican-American War
Who was the American Captain that moved for California's independence?
Captain John C. Fremont
What did the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo do?
Ended the war between the United States and Mexico
What four states became part of the US because of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
New Mexico, California, Nevada, and Arizona
When was gold discovered in CA?
January 24, 1848
What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
Law passed as part of the Compromise of 1850 that required slaves be returned to their masters even if they're in free states
What was the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Repealed the Missouri Compromise, created two new territories, and allowed for popular sovereignty; led to "Bleeding Kansas"
The Republican Party was formed in response to what?
Kansas-Nebraska Act
What was the Ostend Manifesto?
A document that stated that America wanted to purchase Cuba from Spain
What was the Dred Scott decision?
Supreme Court upheld slavery in United States territories, denied the legality of black citizenship in America, and declared the Missouri Compromise to be unconstitutional
What was the Gadsden Purchase?
Purchase of south Arizona and New Mexico by the United States for $10m
What was the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty?
Agreement that stated that both the US and the UK were not to colonize nor control any Central American republic
What did Commodore Perry do?
Naval officer who commanded the USS Mississippi during the Mexican American war, capturing multiple cities in the process (Frontera, Tampico, Tuxpan, San Juan Bautista, etc). Also participated in gunboat diplomacy with Japan to force open their ports for trade.
What was Lincoln intending to do when he sent ships to Fort Sumter
to replenish supplies
What year did South Carolina secede
What year did the Civil War begin
Why did the South have such a financial hardship during the war
The Confederate economy was mainly agricultural, and wasn't fit to finance a war which relied on technology.
What was the Trent Affair
International Incident where a US warship stopped a British ship (the Trent) north of Cuba and captured 2 confederate generals, and the British were angry as they were supposed to be neutral. Significance: confirmed the British were willing to maintain their neutrality.
Why didn't any foreign country recognize the Confederacy
The Confederacy didn't have many victories to help prove the success of their hope of becoming an independent nation. In addition, slavery was linked to the Confederacy, which at the time was abolished in many foreign places.
Which side had more resources for the war
Who won the first battle of the Civil War
Who was the commanding general for the South
Robert E. Lee
What was the name of Lincoln's plan to strangle the South economically
Anaconda Plan
Who was the Vice President of the Confederacy
Alexander H. Stephens
Who was the winning general at the battle of Antietam
George B. Mclellan
Who was the Union Admiral that steamed into New Orleans in April 1862
David G. Farragut
What did the 2nd Confiscation Act do
Gave freedom to slaves of confederate officials and civilians IF the area was occupied by union forces
Who was the Secretary of State during Lincoln's administration
William Henry Seward
What did the Preliminary Emancipation Proclamation warn
If the Confederacy does not stop fighting and rejoin the Union by Jan. 1 1863, all slaves in those states will be freed
What year did slavery come to an end in the entire Western Hemisphere
Who was freed by the Emancipation Proclamation
The only people freed from the Emancipation Proclamation were those not under control of the Union. Those who were living under the Confederacy were freed. (approx. 4 million slaves freed)
The Supreme Court in the case Ex Parte Milligan declared what
Declared civilians couldn't be tried in military courts when civilian ones are still operating and suspension of habeas corpus was not constitutional.
How many acres of land did the Homestead Act offer for free to settlers in the West
What act helped the states in establishing "agricultural and mechanic colleges?"
Morrill Land Grant College Act
Who was the president of the Confederate States of America
Jefferson Davis
What was the importance of Gettysburg
Gettysburg, look place in southern Pennsylvania. As the largest battle in the civil war from July 1 to July 3rd 1863, this battle was a victory for the Union. As the largest battle, it became a turning point in history where it had the highest cost of lives lost and a place for which President Abraham Lincoln would create his Gettysburg Address.
What was the importance of Vicksburg
Was a strategic battle for the Union, who won this battle taking control of the Mississippi River. In addition, this battle cut the Confederacy into two
What is scorched earth policy
Damage infrastructure and everything an enemy can use to fight a war, used by Sherman on his march to the sea
What did Republicans label those northerners who were opposed to the war
What was the largest battle ever fought in the North American continent
Battle of Gettysburg
Who was the Democratic candidate for President in 1864
George Mclellan
When did Congress approve the Thirteenth Amendment
January 31, 1865
Where did Lee surrender
Appomattox Courthouse
What was the significance of the Monitor vs. Merrimack battle
First battle between two ironclads
Who were three Generals that Lincoln went through before settling on Grant
Winfield Scott, George McClellan and Henry Halleck
How did Lincoln expand executive power
Lincoln had helped to change the role of the President during the United States as a commander in chief and chief executive to hold full power over Congress and the other branches of government
What is habeas corpus
Can't detain citizens without a lawful cause
What was the Massachusetts 54th Regiment
First Black regiment to be raised and fight in the Civil War
Why did Lincoln come to Gettysburg
Memorialize the Union dead and dedicate a national military cemetery to the Union soldiers
Where was President Lincoln mortally wounded at
Ford's Theatre
Who shot President Lincoln
John Wilkes Booth
What day did President Lincoln die
April 15, 1865
What were the two ships involved in an 1862 sea battle
USS Monitor and CSS Virginia/Merrimack
What year was the Battle of Antietam
What year was the Emancipation Proclamation issued
What city had draft riots in 1863
New York City
What general marched to the sea in 1864
General William Tecumseh Sherman
What amendment ended slavery
13th amendment
What major issue came with acquiring these new states from the Mexican War?
Deciding whether they would be slave or free states
What was the proposal to solve the slavery question with America's newly gained territory?
Wilmot Proviso
What is the idea that people in a territory should decide if it is free or slave?
Popular sovereignty
What was the most controversial part of the Compromise of 1850?
Fugitive Slave Act
Who came up with the Kansas-Nebraska Act?
Stephen Douglass
What political party collapsed after 1854?
The Whigs
What were greenbacks?
Name given to paper money issued by the government during the Civil WAr
What is nativism?
Belief that native-born Americans are superior to foreigners; movement based on hostility to immigrants, especially Irish & Catholic ones
What was the main platform of the Know-Nothing party?
Keep native-born White Anglo-Saxon Protestants in power instead of the incoming Irish/German catholic immigrants. (nativism)
Which religion did the Know Nothings particularly hate?
Catholicism (one of the reasons why they didn't like the Irish)
The Republican Party was a coalition of what 4 groups?
Free Soil, Know Nothing, Antislavery Democrats, Northern Whigs
What happened between Preston Brooks and Charles Sumner?
Sumner advocated for abolitionism in Congress, and Preston Brooks beat and injured him with a cane.
Who was the Chief Justice in the Dred Scott decision?
Chief Justice Roger Taney
What did the Dred Scott decision declare about the Missouri Compromise?
It is unconstitutional
What is the name of the pro-slavery constitution of Kansas?
Lecompton Constitution
What abolitionist raided the weapons arsenal at Harpers Ferry in 1859?
John Brown
Why did the raid at Harpers Ferry fail?
Not enough slaves took up arms, a key part of Brown's original plan.
What was the significance of Uncle Tom's Cabin?
It exposed Northerners to the horrors of slavery and motivated the anti-slavery movement.
What was the Crittenden Compromise?
Unsuccessful attempt to enshrine slavery in the Constitution