Ancient/Classical: Time period date
2000 BC/BCE to 500 AD/CE
Ancient/Classical: Important literature
Iliad, Odyssey, Aesop’s fables, and the Torah/bible
Ancient/Classical: Important authors
Homer and Aesop
Ancient/Classical: Characterization
Characterized by epic poetry, mythology, and religious texts that were passed down orally and were often centered on royalty. The adoption of the hero’s journey began here.
Medieval: Time period date
Approximately 500 to 1500 CE/AD
Medieval: Important literature
Divine Comedy, Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, and Le Morte D’Arthur
Medieval: Important authors
Dante Alighieri, Geoffrey Chaucer, and Thomas Malory
Medieval: Characterization
Characterized by feudalism, chivalry code, and religious themes, reflecting the social and cultural values of the time and was primarily in Latin.
Renaissance: Time period date
Renaissance: Important literature
Shakespeare’s plays (R+J, Hamlet, and Julius Caesar), Don Quixote, and the implementation of metaphysical (the study of reality and existence) poetry
Renaissance: Important authors
Shakespeare, Miguel de Cervantes
Renaissance: Characterization
Classical period reborn, printing press, accessability to books, humanism, exploration of individualism, and a focus on art and science
Neo-classicism: Time period date
Neo-classicism: Important literature
Gulliver’s Travels
Neo-classicism: Important authors
Jonathan Swift
Neo-classicism: Characterization
Science helps understand nature, religious solace, restoration in England, “I think therefore I am”, age of enlightenment, order, accuracy, and structure
Romanticism: Time period date
Romanticism: Important literature
Pride and Prejudice, Keat’s poems, “the world is too much with us”, Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights, Dracula, and Civil Disobedience
Romanticism: Important authors
Jane Austen, John Keats, William Wordsworth, Emily Brontë, Charlotte Brontë, Edgar Allen Poe, and David Thoreau
Romanticism: Characterization
imagination, mutability, imagination, beauty, personal experience, lyrical ballad, nature mysteries, search for the sublime, and developed into the gothic period
Victorian: Time period date
Victorian: Important literature
Oliver Twist, A Tale of Two Cities, A Christmas Carol, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, and The Importance of Being Earnest
Victorian: Important authors
Charles Dickens and Oscar Wilde
Victorian: Characterization
Realism, here and now, respectability, industrialization, poor working class, facades, and the “story of a young, poor British boy”
Modernism: Time period date
Modernism: Important literature
The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber and Of Mice and Men
Modernism: Important authors
Hemingway, Fitzgerald, Steinback, and Franz Kafka
Modernism: Characterization
practical experimentation, empowering humans, bombing of Japan, introspection, finding new ways to examine the world, Includes portions of both world wars, rejection of past, and nihilism (belief that life has no meaning or purpose)
Post-modernism: Time period date
Post-modernism: Important literature
the lion the witch and the wardrobe, catcher in the rye, slaughterhouse five, the crucible, the death of a salesman
Post-modernism: Important authors
C.S. lewis, J.D. Salinger, Kurt Vonnegut, and Arther Miller
Post-modernism: Characterization
Disillusionment with meta-narrative, parody, post WWII, less examination of the world, the world does not offer answers, boundaries are crossed, making fun of things in the past, and no single truth
Post-post-Modernism: Time period date
Post-post-modernism: Important literature
Post-post-modernism: Important authors
August Wilson…..
Post-post-modernism: Characterization
increased nationalism, “where are we going next?”, increased pride and pushback, increased tension in politics, and increased fear and confusion after 9/11