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American Psychological
Association professional organization representing psychologists in the United States
focus on observing and controlling behavior biopsychology study of how biology influences behavior
biopsychosocial model
perspective that asserts that biology, psychology, and social factors interact to determine an individual's health
clinical psychology
area of psychology that focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and other problematic patterns of behavior
cognitive psychology
study of cognitions, or thoughts, and their relationship to experiences and actions
counseling psychology
area of psychology that focuses on improving emotional, social, vocational, and other aspects of the lives of psychologically healthy individuals
developmental psychology
scientific study of development across a lifespan
long research paper about research that was conducted as a part of the candidate's doctoral training
empirical method
method for acquiring knowledge based on observation, including experimentation, rather than a method based only on forms of logical argument or previous authorities
forensic psychology
area of psychology that applies the science and practice of psychology to issues within and related to the justice system
focused on how mental activities helped an organism adapt to its environment
perspective within psychology that emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans
process by which someone examines their own conscious experience in an attempt to break it into its component parts
suffix that denotes "scientific study of"
personality psychology
study of patterns of thoughts and behaviors that make each individual unique
personality trait
consistent pattern of thought and behavior
PhD (doctor of philosophy)
doctoral degree conferred in many disciplinary perspectives housed in a traditional college of liberal arts and sciences
postdoctoral training program
allows young scientists to further develop their research programs and broaden their research skills under the supervision of other professionals in the field
Greek word for soul
psychoanalytic theory
focus on the role of the unconscious in affecting conscious behavior
scientific study of the mind and behavior
PsyD (doctor of psychology)
doctoral degree that places less emphasis on research-oriented skills and focuses more on application of psychological principles in the clinical context
sport and exercise psychology
area of psychology that focuses on the interactions between mental and emotional factors and physical performance in sports, exercise, and other activities
understanding the conscious experience through introspection
psyche means ____
what method does psychology use
emperical method
william wundt
the father of psychology, German, used introspection, and structuralism, establishes his first lab at Leipzig in 1879.
william james
american psychologist, founder of functionalism; studied how humans use perception to function in our environment.
A school of psychology that focused on how our mental and behavioral processes function - how they enable us to adapt, survive, and flourish.
stream of consciousness
a style of writing that portrays the inner (often chaotic) workings of a character's mind.
Sigmund Freud
Austrian physician whose work focused on the unconscious causes of behavior and personality formation; founded psychoanalysis.
A system of psychological theory and therapy which aims to treat mental disorders by investigating the interaction of conscious and unconscious elements in the mind and bringing repressed fears and conflicts into the conscious mind by techniques such as dream interpretation and free association.
Gestalt Psychology
a psychological approach that emphasizes that we often perceive the whole rather than the sum of the parts
an organized whole
What was Gestalt Psychology a revolt against?
william wundt and germany
Ivan Pavlov
discovered classical conditioning; trained dogs to salivate at the ringing of a bell
John Watson
behaviorism; emphasis on external behaviors of people and their reactions on a given situation; famous for Little Albert study in which baby was taught to fear a white rat
B.F. Skinner
Behaviorist that developed the theory of operant conditioning by training pigeons and rats "slinner box"
the view that psychology (1) should be an objective science that (2) studies behavior without reference to mental processes. Most research psychologists today agree with (1) but not with (2).
ABC of behavior
Antecedent, Behavior, Consequence
An intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
Humanist psychologist who developed a pyramid representing heirarchy of human needs.
Carl Rogers
1902-1987; Field: humanistic; Contributions: founded person-centered therapy, theory that emphasizes the unique quality of humans especially their freedom and potential for personal growth, unconditional positive regard, fully functioning person
Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
physiological, safety, love/belonging, esteem, self-actualization
Cognitive Revolution
The shift away from strict behaviorism, begun in the 1950s, characterized by renewed interest in fundamental problems of consciousness and internal mental processes.
Interdisciplinary Approach
An approach to a subject that uses the viewpoints of many different kinds of scholars about the same topic. For instance, Big History relies on information from cosmologists, astrophysicists, geologists, chemists, paleontologists, biologists, anthropologists, and historians, as well as experts in other disciplines, to learn about the past.
Ulric Neisser
published cognitive revolution; private mental processing can be studied scientifically
Noam Chomsky
language development; disagreed with Skinner about language acquisition, stated there is an infinite # of sentences in a language, humans have an inborn native ability to develop language
multicultural psychology
the field that examines the impact of culture, race, ethnicity, and gender on behaviors and thoughts and focuses on how such factors may influence the origin, nature, and treatment of abnormal behavior
Francis Cecil Sumner
First African American to receive a Ph.D in psychology
Contemporary Psychology
the scientific study of behavior and mental processes
Association for Psychological Science, founded in 1988 due to disagreements between experimental and clinical.
American Psychology Association, largest organization of physchologist in the world.
The specialty in psychology that studies the interaction of biology, behavior, and mental processes.
evolutionary psychology
the study of the evolution of behavior and the mind, using principles of natural selection
evolutionary psychology criticism
traits evolved under very different circumstances
Sensation and Perception
the study of how the senses collect energy from the environment and then process this sensory information
Cognitive Theory
A theory of human development that focuses on changes in how people think over time. According to this theory, our thoughts shape our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors.
developmental psychology
a branch of psychology that studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout the life span
Jean Piaget
Known for his theory of cognitive development in children vs adults
object permanence
the awareness that things continue to exist even when not perceived
personality psychology
the study of an individual's characteristic pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting
Quantitative Approach
identify personality traits, measure them, determine how they interact.
Five Factor Model
openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, neuroticism
social psychology
the scientific study of how we think about, influence, and relate to one another
Stanley Milgram
obedience to authority; had participants administer what they believed were dangerous electrical shocks to other participants; wanted to see if Germans were an aberration or if all people were capable of committing evil actions
I/O Psychology
the application of psychological concepts and methods to optimizing human behavior in workplaces
I/O Psychologists
study the relationship between people and their working environments
health psychology
a subfield of psychology that provides psychology's contribution to behavioral medicine
Sport Psychology
applies psychology's principles to improving sport performance and enjoying sport participation
clinical psychology
a branch of psychology that studies, assesses, and treats people with psychological disorders
counseling psychology
a branch of psychology that assists people with problems in living (often related to school, work, or marriage) and in achieving greater well-being
Forensic Psychology
area of psychology that applies the science and practice of psychology to issues within and related to the justice system
Psychologist vs. Psychiatrist
psychologist: PsyD or PhD. cannot write prescriptions. usually conducts research or teaches
psychiatrist: MD. can write prescriptions. treats and studies mental health issues from a medical standpoint
Edmund wants to identify relatively consistent patterns of thought and behavior, measure these traits, and determine how these traits interact in a particular context to determine how a person will behave in any given situation. Edmund wants to conduct research in the area of __________
In a study of mate preference differences between men and women that spanned 37 cultures, Buss (1989) found that men value youthful appearance more than women. Why?
youthful look provides fertility clues
order of scientific method
Principles -> theories -> hypothesis -> study (descriptive, correlational, experimental)
what is a criticism of feminist psychology?
male bias exists in science
What is critical thinking?
applying a set of skills to understand and evaluate information
what is a reason gestalt pyschology did not become more popular in the U.S.?
the rise of behaviorism overshadowed gestalt psychology
Behaviourist focus all on _________
physiological responses that result in action
what therapist had most influence on shaping how clinicians interact with people seeking psychotherapy
carl rogers
when studying personality traits, someone who is hardworking, dependable, and organized will score high on the ________ trait.
For a scientific theory to be valid, it must also be
perceivable and measurable