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Must have population, territory, government, sovereignty, recognition from other states. TPGRS, US, China
a group of people (NOT A COUNTRY), with a common culture, and a want to be a state. example - japanese germans, the kurds, catalan, americans
a country that has 90% the same ethnicity in them (not diverse). example - japan (99% japanese), iceland (94% icelandic), republic of ireland, france, portugal, south korea.
multi-ethnic state
states with more than one ethnic group in them. melting pot. example - US.
multinational state
a state that contains more than one nation inside its borders. example - canada (75% english, 25% french)
stateless nation
a nations of people that do not have a state but are seeking to become a state. example - palestinians, basque, kurds, hmong.
multi-state nation
a nation living across multiple states. example - kurds dont have land so they spread out, north and south koreans (both koreans).
autonomous region
an area that has a high degree of self government and freedom from its parent state. example - greenland (part of denmark), catalonia (spain).
semi-autonomous region
an area which can govern itself in certain areas, but does not have complete power. example - the nunvat (canada), US native american reservations.
nations or groups of people wanting to become a state and govern themselves.
attempting to acquire territories in neighboring states inhabited by people of the same nation (argued self determination). example - putin used irredentism to invade ukraine to "bring the russians back together in russia". he used it as a justification to take their land
a form of government that is part democracy and part autocracy/ dictatorship.
not being able to chose the leader. limitations of leaders are basically non existent. people have no voice, dictator, monarchy, ect.
balance of power
where different countries and/or alliances have roughly equal military and economic strength so that not one country is more dominant than the other.
signal where one political entity begins and another ends
city state
a sovereign city that governs the surrounding area and is the center of political, economic, and cultural life. singapore, monaco.
a particular type of imperialism in which people move into and settle on the land of another country, imposing their beliefs and views
a country or area under the full or partial political control of another country. united staes when it was in colonies owned by the united kingdom
compact state
states that have joined together to legally permit their nurses to obtain multistate licenses called a compact license.
the heart of the government is people. the people are able to choose their leader, and are able to vote. US.
elongated state
a state that is long and narrow stretching far in one direction. chile and norway
federal state
each small section can pass laws for their own section that dont apply throughout the whole country. the federal government has less of an effect and takes longer to push out federal laws. power is SHARED
a zone of territory where no state has complete governing authority. nepal with india and china.
drawing political districts boundaries in favor of the party in power
weakening political groups by splitting them apart
combining like minded voters into one district to prevent them from affecting othe districts.
landlocked state
a country that is surrounded by land, and does not have access to an ocean
micro state
a very small state. vatican city
perforated state
a country that completely surrounds another country known as an enclave. italy fully surrounds vatican city and san marino
prorupted state
a country with a central land mass and a long extension from one side. thailand.
self determination
the right to choose your own sovereign government without external influence
the power of a political unit, or government, to rule over its own affairs
organized violence aimed at government and civil action targets to create fear for the advancements of political goals
unitary state
the overall state has the most power, even over the smaller parts of it like the provinces. efficiency is great because all the laws roll out smoothly
weapons of mass destruction (WMD)
a weapon that can kill or injure many people. nuclear, destructive devices, chemicals, ect.
a broader concept that includes a variety of ways of influencing another country or group by conquest or control
the process in which one or more regions are given increased autonomy by the central political unit because of reasons like wanting greater independence, nationalism, economic disagreements, ect.
indirectly influencing countries, by transnational corporations. it is when a MDC exploits a LDC. an example would be how Africa is still being exploited even after the decolonization
federal state
each small part of the country like provinces are able to pass laws for their own section. the overall country is able pass laws but it takes longer to push out as each smaller part of the state has its own government. power is shared among the smaller sections. the US is a good example of a federal state
shatterbelt region
when countries get caught in the middle of two fighting countries. it causes instability like economic, military, government issues. eastern europe got caught in the middle of WWII.
states, territories, or parts of a state that are completely surrounded by the territory of another state. vatican city, san marino
territories that are part of a state yet geographically separated from the main state by one or more countries. alaska is separated from the us by canada
supernationalism/ supernationalism organizations
an alliance of 3 or more countries that come together and center on a goal that will hopefully benefit all 3 countries. they are brought together for economic purposes, military partnerships, environmental partnerships.
what is britains exit?
britains exit was when britain broke away from the EU
choke points
narrow points that cause congestion like canals. ships go through choke points in order to take a shortcut to get where they need to go quicker. they are made to save time and money. suez canal, strait of hormuz.
a willingness by a person or group of people to defend space they claim.
relic boundary
a historic boundary that was once used but no longer. great wall of china, berlin wall.
superimposed boundary
when another state creates borders for another country. berlin conference.
subsequent boundary
boundaries that were created to divide by culture. northern ireland was split from the republic of ireland because of religion.
antecedent boundary
created before people settle. creating a boundary blind. the 49th parallel border between canada and the us
geometric boundary
straight lines that most often follow latitude and longitude. border between us and canada
consequent boundary
drawn to accommodate a cultural, ethnic, or social characteristic. (after people have settle)
defined boundary
established through a legal document such as a treaty or property line
delimited boundary
boundaries drawn on a map. lines around utah
identified by physical objects placed on the landscape like a fence, ect.
a border area where military activity is prohibited. (DMZ) the dmz between north and south korea
berlin conference
countries like europe and germany held a conference. they divided up africa into countries and split them amongst the countries.
land boundary
a line that separates one piece of land from another. like the line around your house showing where your property ends and where your neighbors starts. a fence.
maritime boundary
a line that divides earths surface water, like the zones made by UNCLOS.
a treaty that made rules for who can do what to each section of the ocean. territorial waters.
territorial waters
0-12 nautical miles from shore. most control of all zones, and can restrict who can pass through.
contiguous zone
12-24 nautical miles from shore. can still tax those who pass through and other laws.
exclusive economic zone (EEZ)
all of the resources still belong to the country 24-200 miles from shore. if not 200 miles from another country, use the median line principal.
international waters
no state control here
voting district
the section votes are collected from
based on the number of representatives they divide the state into districts
ethnic separatism
when an ethnic group desires to separate from the larger group
ethnic cleansing
one ethnic or religious group using terror or violent acts to move another group from certain areas. hitler did this to jews, europeans to native americans
the transition from autocratic government to more representative forms of politics
economies of scale
a cost advantage that occurs when a company increases its production output
trade agreements
a treaty between two or more countries that outlines terms for trading with each other
military alliances
a formal agreement between countries that outlines mutual obligations for national security. NATO
united nations
largest supranational organization (193 countries). deigned to avoid war in order to maintain peace
north atlantic treaty organization (NATO)
political/military alliance designed to fight war in order to defend peace
european union
political/ economic alliance designed to integrate member states politically and economically
association of southeast nations (ASEAN)
economic alliance. to advance economic growth, peace, social progress, and economic development in the region.
arctic council
8 members to discuss issues in the arctic. canada, russia, us, countries of norther europe. to foster coordination and interaction among the arctic states with participation of arctic indigenous communities
unites states-mexico-canada agreement (USMCA)
trade/economic alliance
organization of petroleum exporting countries (OPEC)
formed in 1960, 13 members - economic alliance.
formed in 1991 (south american economic alliance)
african union (AU)
all african countries. peace, security, stability through greater cooperation, economic development and global integration.
failed state
a country where there is no functioning government
ethnic nationalism movement
ethnic groups that want sovereignty or the right to self determination
support for the political interests of a particular ethnic group within a state, especially its national independence or self determination
infrastructure development
the process of improving the systems and services that support a country or company
cultural cohesion
a sense of belonging and shared values that unite people in a community