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Range-of-motion (ROM)
the full range of movement of a muscle or joint
tightening or shortening of a muscle
transfer (gait) belt
band of fabric or leather that is placed around a patient’s waist
artificial supports to assist patients in walking
assistive device providing balance and support while walking
a four-legged device that aids in walking
use of cold applications for treatment
moist cold
an application that provides cold temperature and is wet against the skin
a folded wet or dry cloth applied firmly to a body part
dry cold
application that provides cold temperature but is dry against the skin
ice bags/collars
special containers filled with ice to provide cold applicationhyp
hypothermia blankets (thermal blankets)
special blanket containing coils filled with a cool fluid
use of heat applications for treatment
moist heat
an application that provides warm temperature and is wet against the skin
sitz baths
special baths given to apply warm moist heat to the perineal and rectal area
hydrocollator packs
gel-filled packs that are warmed in a water bath to provide a moist heat application
paraffin wax treatments
heated moisture of paraffin and mineral oil
dry heat
application that provides warm temperature but is dry against the skin
warm-water bags
rubber or plastic devices designed to hold warm water for dry-heat application
thermal blankets
special blankets which contain coils that can be filled with air or fluid to warm or cool a patient’s body
aquathermia pads
temperature-controlled units that circulates warm liquid through a pad to provide dry heat
dilation (increase in diameter) of the blood vessels
constriction (decrease in diameter) of the blood vessels